WHEN the two men had gone she looked through the photographs again
WHEN the two men had gone she looked through the photographs again before putting them back. " Not bad for a woman of forty-six, " she smiled. " They are like me, there's no denying that. " She looked round the room for a mirror, but there wasn't one. " These damned decorators. Poor Michael, no wonder he never uses this room. Of course I never have photographed well. " She had an impulse to look at some of her old photographs. Michael was a tidy, business-like man, and her photographs were kept in large cardboard cases, dated and chronologically arranged. His were in other cardboard cases in the same cupboard.
" When someone comes along (когда появится: «придет» некто) and wants to write the story of our careers (и захочет написать историю нашей карьеры) he'll find all the material ready to his hand (он обнаружит: «найдет», /что/ все
материалы готовы /и/ у него под рукой), " he said (сказал он). With the same laudable object (по той же самой похвальной причине: «намерению») he had had all their press cuttings (он хранил: «имел» все вырезки из газет о них) from the very beginning (с самого начала) pasted in a series of large books (вклеенными в ряд: «серию» больших альбомов: «книг»). There were photographs of Julia (там были фотографии Джулии) when she was a child (в детстве = когда она была ребенком), and photographs of her as a young girl (фотографии ее как молодой девушки), photographs of her in her first parts (ее фотографии в ее первых ролях), photographs of her as a young married woman (ее фотографии как молодой замужней женщины), with Michael (с Майклом), and then with Roger, her son, as a baby (и затем с Роджером, ее сыном, /когда он был/ ребенком). There was one photograph of the three of them (была и одна фотография их троих, /на ней/), Michael very manly and incredibly handsome (Майкл очень мужественный и невероятно красивый; handsome — красивый /о мужчинах/, статный), herself all tenderness looking down at Roger (она сама, сама нежность, смотрящая /вниз/ на Роджера; tender — нежный, мягкий, ласковый, любящий) with maternal feeling (с материнским
чувством; to feel — трогать, чувствовать, ощущать), and Roger a little boy with a curly head (и Роджер, маленький мальчик с кудрявой головкой), which had been an enormous success (которая имела огромный успех).
career [kq'rIq] laudable ['lO: dqb(q)l] paste [peIst] incredibly [In'kredqblI]
" When someone comes along and wants to write the story of our careers he'll find all the material ready to his hand, " he said. With the same laudable object he had had all their press cuttings from the very beginning pasted in a series of large books. There were photographs of Julia when she was a child, and photographs of her as a young girl, photographs of her in her first parts, photographs of her as a young married woman, with Michael, and then with Roger, her son, as a
baby. There was one photograph of the three of them, Michael very manly and incredibly handsome, herself all tenderness looking down at Roger with maternal feeling, and Roger a little boy with a curly head, which had been an enormous success.
All the illustrated papers (все иллюстрированные издания; paper — бумага, газета, журнал) had given it a full page (разместили ее: «дали ей» на целой странице) and they had used it on the programmes (и они /сами/ разместили ее: «использовали ее» на программках). Reduced to picture-postcard size (уменьшенная до размеров почтовой открытки; to reduce — снижать, сбавлять, уменьшать, сокращать) it had sold in the provinces for years (она годами продавалась в провинции; to sell (sold) — продавать, торговать). It was such a bore (так было обидно: «скучно»; bore — тоска, скука, зануда) that Roger when he got to Eton (что Роджер, когда он поступил в Итон) refused to be photographed with her any more (отказался фотографироваться с ней /больше/; to refuse — отказывать, отвергать). It seemed so funny of him (казалось смешным/странным, что он) not to want to be in the papers (не хочет появляться в прессе: «быть в газетах»).
illustrated ['IlqstreItId] reduced [rI'dju: st] province ['prOvIns]
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