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Pivovarov.Y.P Phd, MD. Al-Sabounchi. А.А Dph, Phd. Short textbook of Hygiene and ecology. For foreign students. Content  pages


Department of hygiene and ecology


Pivovarov. Y. P Phd, MD

Al-Sabounchi. А. А Dph, Phd

Short textbook of Hygiene and ecology

For foreign students




Content                                                               pages

1. Introduction                                                   3

2. Drinking water                                               3

3. Local, water in rural area                              6

4. Purification of water                                     7

5. Lighting                                                         9                    

6. Microclimate                                                      11

7. Ultraviolet radiation                                          12

8. Nutrition                                                         14

9. Vitamins                                                         22

10. Milk and diary products                                 26

11. Sanitary inspection of foods                             27

12. Food poisoning                                              29

13. Food premises                                               31

14. Hospital planning                                           32

15. Growth and Development of children's          34

16. School health services and school furniture       36

1 7. Planing of schools and kinder-gardens         41

18. Pre-school age                                               42

19. Hardening and tempering                              43

20. Child's hospital                                               45

21. Medicine of catastrophe                                 46

22. Occupational hygiene                                     47

a) Dust                                                                  48

b) Vibration                                                                49

c) Noise                                                                49

d) Toxicology                                                              50

e) Ionizing radiation                                                    53

23. Examination questions                                   56

25. Examination exercises                                   60

26. Essay                                                                 





The Hygiene and Ecology is the important subject in medical uni-versity. Its especial listed branch of medicine wants to study the preven-tive aspect of medicine, Greek physicians Hygiene means good health by the cleanliness of the body and surrounding. Hygiene responds the needs of the individual from birth to death, which includes promotion and pro-tection of the health of the community.

The scope of Preventive medicine covers the promotion of health through higher standard of living viz. Nutrition, housing, working condi-tions, healthy growth and Development. Environment is the reservoir for the agents of diseases, so healthy environment is a common need of all people, and there must be adjustment between the man and environment, the aim of hygiene is to minimize the health problem.

According to the WHO 1948 (Health is a state of complete physi-cal, mental social well being and merely the absence of disease or infir-mity).


Aim of teaching Hygiene and Ecology:

The students should understand the methods and principles of hy-giene and ecology, the relation between man and his environment. The environmental factors: physical (e. g. temperature, moisture, and pollu-tion), biological (e. g. bacteria and virus), chemical and social factors( e. g. economy), the impact of housing, water supply, foods, lightning, soil on health and diseases.



Water is essential for life, and major component of the environ-ment, humans can survive only a few days with out water. Each commu-nity needs a safe and adequate supply of water, the amount of water de-pends upon habits, life standards season and climate. Contaminated water is unsafe and harmful for man, as a source of water borne diseases.


Table 1. Safety drinking water supply in developing countries (% of population) - WHO 1981, UNPF 1990


                    1970         1975          1980         1985-87



cites                     67               77               75              80


rural area         4               22                29              40


general            29            38                 43               78




Uses of water: a) Domestic - drinking and cooking; b) Personal hygiene, c) Environmental sanitation; d) Industrial and agricultural.


Classification of water {quality):

a) Safe water (free from contamination),

b) Polluted water,

 c) Contaminated water (chemical and bacteriological)      

Sources of water:    

a) Rainwater

b) Surface water - streams, rivers, pond, lakes and sea. [

c) Underground water - wells (there are three layers-ground or subsoil water, inter stratum, artesian. The artesian water is free from pathogenic organisms, usually requires no disinfection).

Diseases associated with water:

a) Cholera, typhoid and dysentery;

b) Skin infection, trachoma;

c) Schistosomiasis and worms;

d) Virus (poliomyelitis, infective hepatitis);

e) Chemical constituents either excess or shortage of fluoride, io-dine and excess of nitrates.

Quality of water.

The quality if water is assessed by:

1. Bacteriological examination

2. Chemical examination   

3. Physical examination


  Table 2. Sanitary standards recomendation (state standards 1996)


Elements                                                  Concentration


Number of bacteria                             not more than 100 / ml

Coli-indix                                                  not more than 3 / 1

Coli-titer                                                    not less than 300 ml

Nitrate                                                       not more than 10 mg / 1

Nitrite                                                        not more than 0, 002 mg/1

Amonia                                                     not more than 0, 1 mg / 1

Flouride                                                     not more than 1, 5 mg / 1

                                                             and less than      0, 7 mg / 1

Chlorid                                                  350 mg /1

Sulphate                                                500 - -

Iron                                                       0, 3 mg / 1

Lead                                                     0, lmg/l

Hardness                                              7, 5 mg. eq, / 1

Transparency                                       not less than 30cm

PH                                                        6, 5-8, 5



Table 3 . International sanitary standard of drinking water recommendation by WHO 1984

element                                                             Concentration


NB( coli- index) for pipeline water          a) fecal bacteria - 0,

                                                          b) Intistinal bacteria - not more than 1



for local area                                   a) fecal bacteria - 0,

                                                         b) Intistinal bacteria - less  than 1



Nitrate                                             not more than 10 mg /l



1) bacteriological examination

a) Coli-index: The number of non pathogenic intestinal bacteria in one liter of water, e. g. centralized water not more than 3, local water not more than 10.

b) Coli-titer: the minimum quantity of water in which there is one intestinal bacteria. In rural area not less than 100 ml. In centralized water not less than 300 ml.

c) Total count of bacteria in I ml (e. g. centralized water not more than 100, local water 300-400).


2) chemical examination:

There should not a high level of chemical constituent in quantities which cause a health hazard (sanitary standard of safety limits of the ele-ments).

a) fluoride: Trace element which is involved in the process of os-sification a high level (normal 0, 7 - 1, 5 mg/liter) predisposes to dental and skeletal fluorosis, (Fluorosis, Disease resulting from the excessive intake of fluoride causing hypercalcification accompanied by various bone disorders and paralysis), a low content is associated with dental caries.

b) Methemaeglobinemia: is caused by high concentration of NO3 (nitrates) in water when consumed by infants under six months of age those who are on artificial feeding (this reaction does not occur in older children or adults).

c) The absence of dissolved iodides in water is usually accompa-nied by relatively high endemic index of goiter in the locality


3) physical:

Transparency. (Ground waters are normally clear due to the filtering action of the soil it passes through). b) Colour - Colour is Caused by foreign material in solution or colloidal state.

c) Temperature (water having a temperature between 10°C and 15°C is most palatable).

d) High concentration of calcium and magnesium carbonate and bicarbonate cause hardness.

d) Test and odour - they can be caused by foreign mittens as or-ganic compound, inorganic salts or dissolved gasses.


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