Table 6 physiologycal daily requarment for adult s(russia)
RUSSIAN STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Department of hygiene and ecology Pivovarov. Y. P Phd, MD Al-Sabounchi. А. А Dph, Phd Short textbook of Hygiene and ecology For foreign students, 1999 Content 1. Introduction 2. Drinking water 3. Local, water in rural area 4. Purification of water 5. Lighting 6. Microclimate 7. Ultraviolet radiation 8. Nutrition 9. Vitamins 10. Milk and diary products 11. Sanitary inspection of foods 12. Food poisoning 13. Food premises 14. Hospital planning, . 15. Growth and Development of children's 16. School health services and school furniture 1 7. Planing of schools and kinder-gardens 18. Pre-school age 19. Hardening and tempering 20. Child's hospital 21. Medicine of catastrophe 22. Occupational hygiene a) Dust b) Vibration. c) Noise d) Toxicology e) Ionizing radiation f) Computer and health 23. Multiple choice questions 24. Examination questions 25. Examination exercises 26. Essay
INTRODUCTION TO HYGIENE AND ECOLOGY The Hygiene and Ecology is the important subject in medical university. Its especial listed branch of medicine wants to study the preventive aspect of medicine, Greek physicians Hygiene means good health by the cleanliness of the body and surrounding. Hygiene responds the needs of the individual from birth to death, which includes promotion and protection of the health of the community. The scope of Preventive medicine covers the promotion of health through higher standard of living viz. Nutrition, housing, working conditions, healthy growth and Development. Environment is the reservoir for the agents of diseases, so healthy environment is a common need of all people, and there must be adjustment between the man and environment, the aim of hygiene is to minimize the health problem. According to the WHO 1948 (Health is a state of complete physical, mental social well being and merely the absence of disease or infirmity). Aim of teaching Hygiene and Ecology: The students should understand the methods and principles of hygiene and ecology, the relation between man and his environment. The environmental factors: physical (e. g. temperature, moisture, and pollution), biological (e. g. bacteria and virus), chemical and social factors( e. g. economy), the impact of housing, water supply, foods, lightning, soil on health and diseases.
DRINKING WATER Water is essential for life, and major component of the environment, humans can survive only a few days with out water. Each community needs a safe and adequate supply of water, the amount of water depends upon habits, life standards season and climate. Contaminated water is unsafe and harmful for man, as a source of water borne diseases. Table 1. Safety drinking water supply in developing countries (% of population) - WHO 1981, UNPF 1990
Uses of water : a) Domestic - drinking and cooking; b) Personal hygiene, c) Environmental sanitation; d) Industrial and agricultural. Classification of water {quality): a) Safe water (free from contamination), b) Polluted water, c) Contaminated water (chemical and bacteriological) Sources of water: a) Rainwater b) Surface water - streams, rivers, pond, lakes and sea. [ c) Underground water - wells (there are three layers-ground or subsoil water, inter stratum, artesian. The artesian water is free from pathogenic organisms, usually requires no disinfection). Diseases associated with water: a) Cholera, typhoid and dysentery; b) Skin infection, trachoma; c) Schistosomiasis and worms; d) Virus (poliomyelitis, infective hepatitis); e) Chemical constituents either excess or shortage of fluoride, iodineand excess of nitrates. Quality of water. The quality if water is assessed by: 1. Bacteriological examination 2. Chemical examination 3. Physical examination Table 2. Sanitary standards recomendation (state standards 1996)
Table 3. International sanitary standard of drinking water recommendation by WHO 1984
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