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Types of ventilation. Symptoms. Exercises. Effect of UV Rays. miners hardening  0,5 0,5 1  1,5  2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5. healthy hardening

Types of ventilation

A - Natural ventilation. В - Artificial ventilation (mechanical).

Relative humidity: the relation between the (absolute) humidity and the humidity of the rooms at the time of analysis.

The instrument: Psychrometer Assmana end Avgusta   


             a. h x 100

 R. h =       ________

                 S. p        


R. h - Relative humidity, a. h - Absolute humid-ity S. p - Saturation point      


     Relative humidity: Percentage of wa-ter vapour in the atmosphere relative to that present when the air is satu-rated at the same temperature.

The movement of the air in the rooms measuring by katathermometer (it is a large bulb spirit graduated thermometer).

Atmospheric pressure causes:

Mountain sickness: because of lower atmospheric pressure and low % of oxygen tension, at 4000-6000 m above from the sea level.


o hyperventilation

o increased heart rate

o palpation and headache

o epystaxis

o cerebral edema       

Caisson disease:

The disorder occurs in divers who have been brought to the sur-face rapidly and because of nitrogen babbles in blood vessels.


o neurological symptoms

o cautions lesions      

ojoint pain 


o nystagmus      

o nausea


Write your conclusion and recommendation about the microclimate in workshop where:


1. The air velocity is 0, 8 m/sec.

2. Psychrometer Assmana shows high temperature 20°C ( room temperature ), low temperature 14°.    




Sun light rays:

1. Infrared  2000 - 760 nm

2. Visible light 760-400 nm

3. UV-rays400 - 200 nm

ultraviolet rays effect the skin and eyes. Effects on the skin:

1) Erythema, darkening (sun tan);

2) Rodent ulcer - melanoma.

UV- Rays penetrate the skin a few millimeters.

UV deficiency (lack of sunlight):

Symptoms: 1) Rickets, 2) Anemia, 3) Osteomalacia:

Softening of the bone due to a lak of exposure to UV-rays and decrease in the calcum content of the bone tissue matrix.

Effect of UV Rays

a) Long waves 400-320 nm: sentence of melange

generation of the tissue.

 b) Medium waves 320-280 nm: sentence of vitamin Dз by influence on 7-dihydrocholistrol, which accurse in the skin.     

Prophylactic biodosage: the minimal dosage of UV-rays which cause irritation or redness of the skin after 6-10 hours, it depends upon: age, sex and physiological situation of the body.

Instrument: biodosimeter Gorbachova-Danfelda

c) short waves 280-200nm for disinfection and sterilisation (bac-tericidal).

Side effect of short waves: Photophtalmic syndrome. (Symptoms; tears of eyes, photodynia, and photophobia. ) and skin melanoma.

Artificial source of UV- waves:

Erythentic lamp (EUF) it produces 45% of long waves, 35% of medium waves. It can be used in the schools specially in northern area for prophylactic purposes (time: 4-8-hours).


Find out the numbers of (EUF 15) lamps in the class which are used as prophylactic lamps for schoolboys in northern area, daily dosage 1/8 biodose, area of the classroom 40 m2, time 4 h (240 min).

formula: F =(5, 4xSxH ) / Т      n= F/Fi

F = UV-rays flow

S = Area of the room

H = Biodose (1 biodose = 5000 MER)

t - The time of exposuring (in minutes)

n = Number of lamps

Fi = The flow of one lamp (EUF 15-340 MER)


PRK mercury quartz lamp. They Produce 19% long waves, 25% medium waves, 15% short waves (used for prophylactic purposes).

Direction to use:        

o use black eyes glasses,

o the lamp must be in the center of the hall,

o distance from the lamp (1-3 meters),                

o distance between patients    (I meter),        

o distance between patients and the walls (I meter) (because of reflection).




For prophylactical purposes you have to use PRK-2 for 40 healthy school chil-dren, the area of the hall is 120m2, select the distance from the lamp, select the distance between children, time of radiation. Use spe-

cial tables. To receive one biodose, the distance from the lamp my be:

3m - time of exposuring 3, 7 min

2m -  time of exposuring 1, 8 min   

1m  -     time of exposuring 0, 5 min

The distance between children = 0, 8-1m       

Table 4. UV - rays prophylactic lamps (sanitary recommendation)



     of exposure          scadual of expossuring in days ( blodose )


                            1   2  3  4  5  6   7    8         9     


miners hardening     0, 5 0, 5 1  1, 5  2 2, 5   3   3, 5      4 4, 5

healthy hardening

child                             0, 5 0, 5 0, 5 0, 75 1  2     2, 75    3, 5   3, 5 3, 5

weak      prophylactic of  

child   Uv-shortage 0, 5 0, 5 0, 5 0, 75 0, 75 1, 25 1, 25  2     2  2


To find out the number of children exposuring at one time, use the formula 2nR

Use special table to writ the scadual of exposuring for 10 days.

Bactericidal lamp (BVF) They produce only short waves.

- two types of lamps BUF - 15 wt, BUF -30wt, use for disinfection of the water and the air in rooms

- I wt is enough for disinfecting I m3 of air,     

 - time of disinfecting should not be more than 2 hours afler that you must ventilate the room.         

- at the time of disinfecting you have to avoid the worker's from the room. If any one is present in the room, we must need a metallic screens on the lamp




For disinfecting of hall you have to use BOT-1S. The area of the hall 50 m2. The height of the ceiling 3m. How many lamps you must use? The time of disinfection?



Nutrition is a science of feeding the body to ensure its optimal development and maintenance and proper operation of its physiologycal function. Food is the external factor for development and growth of the body (body building and energy producing) Its material either agricultural origin or manufactured, used in the raw state or more often after consid-erable processing to provide the nutritional needs of man.


Uses of food:

- as a body builder for growth     

- rotection from diseases

- For physical and mental energy, and various body functions.

Metabolism; Oxidation of the food to obtain energy and build material.

Basal metabolism: The energy requirements for maintenance and conduct of those cellular and tissue processes of the organism.

BM: 40% of total energy expenditure I unit/per I kg body weight/per I hour. 10% of energy for food ingestion. unit = large calorie (KKL).

Factors effecting energy requirements:    

1. Age:

a) Children up to 17 years 11 groups

b) Adults up to 59 years 5 groups

c) After 60 years 4 groups (2 groups men's, and 2 groups women's)

2. Profession (activity)  5 group

3. Sex: BM of women in 15% less then men -

4. Social aspect: social behavior and tradition

5. Environmental factors

6. Body weight

7. Physiological condition

8. Economical status

Food contents of seven main components - carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber

To calculate the daily requirement of the foot you have to know:

1. The quantity of food (energy) in calories

2. The quality of food (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins)

3. The daily regime (3 or 4 times)

4. The method of cooking    

The quantity of food



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