Calcium. Phosphorus. Function. VITAMINS. Water soluble vitamin's. Ascorbic acid (vit C). Chemical characteristics: *••• •' ' л
Calcium Sources: milk, milk products, eggs, fish and rice Functions: • for the development of bones • for coagulation of blood • for muscle and nerve irritability. daily intake: Adults 800 mg; Children 1000-1900 mg Deficiency: Rickets, osteoporosis Phosphorus Sources: cheese, liver, milk, potatoes and spinach. Function . • Growth of the body and multiplication of cells Daily intake: Adults - 1200 mg, children - 1500-2000m Lake of phosphorus leads to: Rickets, teeth caries, and poor bone formation. Daily regime (energy) P 2P D S II. 4 times 20% 10% -'40% 30% Exercise 1 Write your recommendation, jfcout balanced daily diet, for schoolboy 14 years age daily nutrition. Calorie - 3020 Proteins - 70g Animal protein - 30g Fats - 50g Carbohydrate - 520g calcium - 480 mg Phosphorus - 1860 mg Vitamin A - 0, 9 mg Vitamin E - 35 mg To correct the daily diet you have to use the table of physiological standard of nutrition for children (table 5, 8) 2 Write your recommendation about balanced daily diet for worker in the factory, age 30 years daily nutrition Energy - 3200 calorie Protein - 90g Animal protein - 30g Fats - 80g Vegetables fats - 20g Carbohydrate - 600 g Calcium - 500 mg Phosphorus - 1800 mg Vitamin 1, 5 mg Vitamin С 70 mg
To correct the daily diet you have to use the table of physiological standards of nutrition for adults (table 5, 6, 7) VITAMINS Vitamins are organic food substances which probably act as catalysts Vitamins having a vital role in the function of the body Presence of small quantities is necessary for correct growth and health. Most of them cannot be manufactured in the body The main functions of vitamins: • most of them are integral part of coenzymes • they get part in biochemical reactions at tissue level (tissue oxidation) • they are involved in metabolic reactions • they preserve hormones from destruction • they take part m formation of Enzymes
Classification: 1) Water soluble vitamin's - В complex, and С 2) Fat soluble vitamin's - A, D, E and К 3) Pro vitamins - bis, and U Functional classification: • Stimulation of body resistance bi and С • antihemorhogic B6, С and К
ь.., '-" аса'- • yi'**li , ft • antianemic Bi2, 82, and С Hi. iCJt П • anti infectious С • essential for vision A, C and 82 Clinical feature: " s- l)Hypervitaminosisandtoxicity l! J 2) Hypovitaminosis '" ' 3) Avitaminosis: Physiological and clinical state resulting from a deficiency of vitamins (e. g Beri-Beri due to a deficiency of vitamin bi. Scurvy caused by a deficiency of vitamin C). Etiology: i --. •< •••> ' ' w Externals factors ... . t • i • food problems (storage, cooking, concentratioa)^^,. ^! / • season (spring and autumn): a varfj • • lack of knowledge of the value of foods ^, Internal factors: •• • v-wH e Problem with absorption and intercurrent infection (protozoa) Jln«i10 31S .. •• r. ^„ri enimcHV. rav1 Water soluble vitamin's. Ascorbic acid (vit C) It is colourless with tendency to become yellow in humid atmosphere, very soluble in water (30 gm in 100 ml), its thermostable in acid medium, very sensitive to oxygen. Sources' in citrus, fruits, raw leafy vegetables, tomatoes, apple, peach and nuts. Table 9. Vitamin С content of foods (mg in 100 g of products)
Chemical characteristics: *••• •' ' л • easily destroyed by heat (cooking) ••" • i •'. " . / • air causes loss of the value of vit. С.. . • it is not stored in the body so it must supplied daily. 'L Functions: • for the production of the collagen of the fibrous tissue • for metabolism of the amino acids • it takes part in biological oxidation •' • it takes part in the formation of hemoglobin ''
Daily requirements children Adults up to 75 mg up to 108 rag Symptoms of hypovitamin • weakness, loss of weight, Petechia • swelling of gums, bleeding, gingivitis • > •- • failure of fractures and flesh wounds to heal 1 • deficiency of vitamin С causes scurvy (arthritis, asiisamyelitis, hemorrhage, weakness) ' ' а „^ Vitamin toxicity (sideeffects) , ^, ~ • hypoglycemia - _ '' - msi, • oxalate stone formation in the urinary tract because of prolonged overdose - ''•---Exercise Write your conclusion and recommendation about daily requirements of vitamin С for man, age of 30 years daily foods apple - lOOg, rice - 200g, meat - 300g, tomatoes - lOOg, bread - 300 g, milk - 500 ml and vegetables - 200g Fat - soluble vitamins ! •- Vitamin A (Retmol) It is an alcohol and fat-soluble External factors: , • Low pH and light reduce its activity Vitamin A is stable if the temperature is below 100°. Low temperature tends to preserve h. Prolonged heating in contact with air slowly destroys it, , Sources: •, 0/ Animal-animal fat, milk, liver, egg and fish Vegetables (p-carotene) in dark green vegetable as spinach and yellow vegetables as pumpkin, mango and carrot In the body carotene is converted in to vitamin A Six parts of carotene are equivalent to one part of vitamin A
p-carotene and other carotenoid pigments produce vitamin A during their absorption in the intestine Table JO Vitamin A content of foods (mg in lOOg of products)
Daily requirement children - 1500 i u (about 400 microgram) adults - up to 8000 i u (750 microgram) Function of vitamin A: • it is essential for night vision (formation of rhodopsm of the retina) • Required for growth • synthesis of glycoprotein
• anti infectious • it is essential for epithelial cells • anti xerophthalmic ' ъ-. ьлб Deficiency: leads to J. - та> '' xl • U. 1 Ышо*-1-" i iA our • night blindness •'< < л'Ч< я< it* ^IdfiJwV • xerophthalmia (drying and thicfceniliglQf «he oomea 134 з • • hyperkeratosis of the skin q ' 4 ••! • r, i, 1л • delaying of growth •' < iint u Hypervitaminos: ' - ' Acute toxicity. drowsiness, headache, imtability Chtonie toxic-fty. alopecia, dry skin, eracked lips, headache, weakness Vitamin D This thermostable fat soluble vitamin resistant to heat, oxygen, oxidizing agents and alkaline medium Damage by light UV-rays and acids, occurs mainly in two forms ———— -• -—————. • Г> 2 (Ergocalciferol) in yeast • D3 (Cholecalciferol) Prepared in human skin by irradiation with UV rays medium waves from 7-dehydrocholestrol Sources: butter, eggs, liver, milk The best sources are fish liver oils Functions: < г> Я • • prevent and to cure nckets (calcium metabolism) • prevent osteomalacia (absorbtion of calcium and phbipnt> rus in the gut, directly concerned with calcification of bone) " • -' Symptoms: '«'' • rickets in children s> s*i • osteomalacia in adults '" ' -» i Daily dosage Children - 400 in, - Adults - 100 nu, '-Pregnant • 500 iu " -'' '' Toxidty of vitamin D: < " '" -•! ' N Hypervitammosis causes pathological changes- in^he 4> 6dy (hy- percalcemia) ' ' ' '' '• элп*"? • headache - < lbl-' WO'i. KI Ki't-'ШЧ " " i /''li ''tbJIo! v - i- * i и n M" " iif, •' ra »''. hi, j '„-i. irti- i '! „'ьэ > • tai •'i, p 1< *ГЛ ^. jt • nausea • diarrhea • drowsiness % i iratn/ -j»i, ч i, i, -11 •., , ' V j • -, f
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