Phrases & word combinations to the text
PHRASES & WORD COMBINATIONS TO THE TEXT 1. were giving vent to their heavenly anger – давали выход своему божественному гневу 2. if we had an organ for electricity – если бы мы обладали органом, способным распознавать электричество 3. did know something – действительно что-то знал 4. It was Dr. William Gilbert… physician-in-ordinary, who set the ball rolling. – И вот доктор Джильберт…врач-ординатор, начал новую страницу. 5. although some sources credit him with the invention – хотя в некоторых источниках его называют изобретателем… 6. it dawned on him – его осенило 7. his famous kite-and-key experiment –свой знаменитый опыт с воздушным змеем и ключом 8. Franklin had won the day. – Франклин одержал победу. 9. on the spur of the moment – экспромтом 10. these experiments became all the rage – эти опыты стали очень модными 11. the 'Voltaic pile' – гальваническая батарея EXERCISES TASK 1. Answer the questions: 1. Does the electricity play an important role in our life? _____________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Did people know anything about electricity? ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. How did the electric theory develop? ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Who set the ball rolling? ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. What did he find during his electric research? ___________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. What was Aloisio Galvani’s experiment? _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 7. Did Galvani prove anything at all? ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 8. Did the professor know what to look for except his 'animal electricity'? _______ __________________________________________________________________ 9. Who was Alessandro Voita of Pavia? __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10. What is “Voltaic pile”? ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ TASK 2. Match the equivalents: Electricity, electro-magnetic, phenomenon, thunderstorm, magnetic, discharging spark, magnetic force, unsystematic experiments, 'galvanic electricity', and ‘Voltaic pile'.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ гальваническая батарея электро-магнитный феномен магнитный электричество магнитная сила гроза разряженная вспышка гальваническое электричество несистематичные эксперименты TASK 3. Fill in the blanks with words and word combinations from the text: To ______________ and _____________ alike, however, this _________________ of 'action at a distance' caused by electric and ________________ was still rather mysterious. What was it really? In 1780, one of the ______________ of all times seemed to provide the answer. Aloisio Galvani, professor ___________ at Bologna, was lecturing to his students at his home while his wife was skinning frogs, the _______________, for dinner with his scalpel in the adjoining kitchen. As she listened to the _______________ the scalpel fell from her hand on to the frog's thigh, touching the _____________ at the same time. The dead frog jerked _________as though trying to jump off the plate. TASK 4. Continue the sentenses according to the text: 1. There is electricity everywhere_______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Thunderstorms frightened our________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. More than two thousand years passed__________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Here was at last a plausible theory____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. To scientists and laymen alike________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. Aloisio Galvani, professor of medicine at Bologna_______________________ __________________________________________________________________ 7. Galvani made numerous and unsystematic experiments____________________ __________________________________________________________________ 8. A greater scientist than he, Alessandro Volta of Pavia_____________________ __________________________________________________________________ 9. Volta showed that an electric current__________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10. A 'pile' of these elements produced____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ TASK 5. Translate into English: Более великий ученый, чем он, открывший тайну и обнаруживший правильное объяснение дергающихся лягушек. До того, как стать 'первоисточником жизни', они сыграли самую скромную роль в проводимости электричества, тогда как сталь скальпеля и цинк пластины были, фактически, важными вещами.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TASK 6. What phenomenon does the text tell about? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TASK 7. Give annotation of the text. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TASK 8. Give a short summary of the text. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TASK 9. Give your own opinion on the text. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEXT 4 THE DISCOVERY OF ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION One day in 1819 a Danish physicist, Hans Christian Oersted, was lecturing at the University of Kiev, which was then a Danish town. Demonstrating a galvanic battery, he held up a wire leading from it when it suddenly slipped out of his hand and fell on the table across a marine's compass that happened to be there. As he picked up the wire again he noticed to his astonishment that the needle of the compass no longer pointed north, but had swung completely out of position. He switched the current off, and the needle pointed north again. For a few months he thought over this incident, and eventually wrote a short report on it. No one could have been more surprised than Oersted at the extraordinary impact which his discovery made on physicists all over Europe and America. At last the longsought connection between electricity and magnetism had been found! Yet neither Oersted nor his colleagues could forsee the importance of this phenomenon, for it is the connection between electricity and magnetism on which the entire practical use of electricity in our time is founded. Prompted by the research work of Andre-Marie Ampere, the great French physicist whose name has become a household word as the unit of the electric current, the Englishman Sturgeon experimented with ordinary, non-magnetized iron. He found that any piece of soft iron could be turned into a temporary magnet by putting it in the centre of a coil of insulated wire and making an electric current flow through the coil. As soon and as long as the current was turned on the iron was magnetic, but it ceased to be a magnet when there was no more current. Sturgeon built the first large electro-magnet, and with this achievement there began the development of the electrical telegraph and later the telephone. Every time he went for a walk in one of London's parks he carried a little coil and a piece of iron in his pocket, taking them out now and then to look at them. It was on such a walk that he found the solution. Suddenly, one day in 1830, in the midst of Green Park (so the story goes), he knew it: the way to produce electricity by magnetism was — by motion. He hurried to his laboratory and put his theory to the test.
A stationary magnet does not produce electricity. But when a magnet is pushed into a wire coil current begins to flow in the coil; when the magnet is pulled out again, the current flows in the opposite direction. This phenomenon, confirms the basic fact that the electric current cannot be produced out of nothing — some work must be done to produce it. Electricity is only a form of energy; it is not a 'prime mover' in itself. What Faraday had discovered was the technique of electro-magnetic induction, on which the whole edifice of electrical engineering rests.
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