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Phrases & word combinations to the text


1. the main one was that of 'braking' the released neutrons efficiently – основная проблема состояла в том, чтобы по-настоящему “обуздать” освобожденные нейтроны

2. to 'cooking' stable elements – до “изготовления” устойчивых элементов

3. but consumption has been increasing in leaps and bounds – но потребление стремительно растет

4. before long – очень скоро

5. In Russia such a kind of nuclear power station was build in 1954.

6. vessel – котел реактора

7. the 'core' – активная зона

8. to the heat exchangers - теплообменники

9. into the national grid – в национальную энергетическую систему

10.  it was only later that it dawned on the physicists – и лишь позже физики поняли

11.  but no decisive 'break-through' has been achieved – но решающий момент еще не наступил

12.  'thermionic converter – термоионный преобразователь

13.  the gas-blast system – система, основанная на взрыве газа

14.  getting rid of it – освободиться от них

15.  the Geiger counter – счетчик Гейгера, является одним из основных приборов в ядерной физике


TASK 1. Answer the questions:

1. What is happened in 1942? ___________________________________________


2. Have the scientists and technicians developed many different types of reactors?


3. How was the energy produced after 1980? ______________________________


4. How is atomic energy produced? _____________________________________


5. What have you known about first two nuclear stations in Britain? ____________


6. When the theory of nuclear fusion was discovered? _______________________


7. What is the theory of nuclear fusion? ___________________________________


8. What is a vital tool in our nuclear age? _________________________________


9. What does the Geiger counter consist of? _______________________________


10. What sphere are Geiger counters being made and adapted? ________________


TASK 2. Translate the passage from “ The theory of nuclear fusion …”to“…produce their tremendous energy. ” in the written form.


TASK 3. Match the equevalents:

Nuclear fusion, turbines, nuclear reaction, combustion, increasing, atomic research, atomic 'pile', problems, fissioned nucleus, unimaginable horror.


разделенное ядро

ядерная реакция

синтез атома



увеличение, усиление

ядерный реактор

невообразимый страх


исследование атома

TASK 4. Fill in the blanks with words and word combinations from the text:

Atomic _________ is produced in a __________ way. It is not generated by the _________ of combustion. It is released when nuclei undergo ________, and although here, too, matter is used up, the amounts are _________ compared with the energy produced. A __________ of uranium 235 can be made to supply a _________ town with all the _________ it needs during a _________ year.

TASK 5. Translate into English:

    Но ученые имеют дело со многими другими типами реакторов - некоторые уже практически используются в течение долгого времени, другие экспериментально на атомных научно-исследовательских станциях или смонтированны для специальных рабочих мест и служат решению различных целей: производства взрывоопасных веществ, использования в лекарствах.


TASK 6. What is shown on Figure 4? How does it work? Was it a useful invention of that time?


TASK 7. Give your own opinion.


TASK 8. Give a short summary of the text.




The most primitive device for catching and trapping the heat of the sun is the gardener's greenhouse. Its mod­ern off-spring is  the solar water-heater, usually a coil of pipes  placed in a shallow box on the roof of a house, embedded in black concrete and covered with a glass pane. The water circulating in the pipes is heated by the sun and then pumped into a hot-water tank from which the household takes its supply.

India has a very limited supply of fuel — its main source for the home is dried cow dung, which of course would be much better employed in fertilizing the soil. As early as the 1880's, an Englishman working in India suggested the introduction of a cheap solar cooker, but until fairly re­cently no really efficient device suitable for mass produc­tion had been invented. The Indian National Physical Laboratory and one of the United Nations agencies eventu­ally developed solar cookers, which are being used increasingly in Indian homes. One type uses a reflecting mirror and a pressure cooker, another has four flat mir­rors and an insulated heat-collecting box filled with Glauber's salt crystals, which continue to release heat when the sun has already set.

Another very important device is the solar 'still' for the distillation of fresh water from salt water, usually working on the principle of a salt-water container covered by a sloping glass roof; as the heat of the sun evaporates the water, the vapour condenses in droplets on the glass roof from where they trickle down into a fresh-water col­lector. French scientists are operating them in their research station in the Pyrenees; they are very large — one has a flat reflecting mirror made up of 516 panes and covering an area of 43 feet square and a 31-foot by 33-foot parabolic mirror at a distance of 80 feet. The Russians have built an enormous 'helio-boiler', consisting of an 80-foot tower surrounded by twenty-three concentric railway tracks; bogeys move around on these tracks con­centrate the sun's rays on to a boiler in the tower. It is claimed that this machine produces a 1, 000 kW output.


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