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English plus. (ben wetz, diana pye). Oxford press. Summative Assessment for unit. (methodological recommendations). Summative Assessment for the unit «our Class»




Summative Assessment for Unit


Grade 6

(Methodological Recommendations)




Summative Assessment Tasks for unit/cross curricular unit will allow teachers to determine the level of the learning objectives achievement planned for the term. Methodological recommendations comprise tasks, assessment criteria with descriptors and marks for conducting Summative Assessment across the unit/cross curricular unit. Also this document includes possible levels of the learners’ academic achievement (rubrics). Tasks with descriptors and marks can be considered as recommendations.

Methodological recommendations are designed for secondary school teachers, school administrations, educational departments’ seniors, regional and school coordinators in criteria-based assessment and others.     

Free access to the Internet resources such as pictures, cartoons, photos, texts, video and audio materials, etc. have been used in designing these Methodological recommendations.




TERM 1. 4

Summative assessment for the unit «Our Class». 4

Summative assessment for the unit “Helping and Heroes”. 8

TERM 2. 11

Summative Assessment for the unit “Our Countryside”. 11

Summative Assessment for the unit “Drama and Comedy”. 15

TERM 3. 18

Summative Assessment for the unit “Our Health”. 18

Summative Assessment for the unit “Holidays and Travel”. 21

TERM 4. 24

Summative Assessment for the unit “Our Neighbourhood”. 24

Summative Assessment for the unit “Transport”. 27



Summative assessment for the unit «Our Class»

Learning objective 6. 2. 6. 1 Deduce meaning from context in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics 6. 3. 3. 1 Give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 6. 3. 2. 1 Ask simple questions to get information about a growing range of general topics  
Assessment criteria · Figure out the content of a conversation with some support in extended talk · Make up sentences giving personal information and information about others · Make up simple interrogative sentences to get information about the topic
Level of thinking skills   Knowledge and comprehension Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes


Task 1. Listen to the dialogue between Mom and her son and mark sentences True or False.

1. Tom doesn't know how to start studying.                           True False

2. Tom's mum thinks that music helps people study.             True False

3. Tom puts the dog outside.                                                   True False

4. Tom's mum recommends having a sandwich on the desk. True False

5. Tom doesn't want to turn off his phone at first.              True False

6. Tom needs the internet to study.                                         True False

7. Tom's going to turn off his messages.                                 True False

8. Tom thinks his mum has helped him.                                 True False



Task 2. Ask 3 questions to your partner. Listen to him and then swap the roles.

Learners work in pairs. Firstly, one learner answers the questions the second learner assesses him /her against the criteria. Then they swap the roles. Teacher decides and includes in the Assessment sheet what vocabulary will be checked in this speaking task.

Student 1

1. What subjects do you like most?

2. Are there any subjects that you do not like? Why you do not like them?

3. What subjects do you think are the most useful in life?

4. Your own question

5. Your own question

Student 2

1. What do you like doing in your free time?

2. How much time do you have every week?

3. Is there any hobby or sport you would like to try?

4. Your own question

5. Your own question

Link for listening:

http: //learnenglishteens. britishcouncil. org/skills/listening/elementary-a2-listening/taking-notes

Transcript for listening task:

Tom: I don't know what to do. I start off studying but I always end up doing something else.

Mum: I’ll help you but please listen to me.

Tom: Of course! Go on!

Mum: Now first, you need to take away all of the things that stop you working.

Tom: What do you mean?

Mum: First, turn off your music. Music doesn’t help you study.

Tom: OK. No music.

Mum: And put the dog outside!

Tom: What?

Mum: Well, every time the dog goes into your room, you stop studying to pat it. Spot stops you


Tom: OK. Bye, Spot!

Mum: Have an apple and a glass of water on your desk before you start. Here you are.

Tom: Why?

Mum: Because then you don’t need to go to the kitchen for something to eat or drink.

Tom: OK.

Mum: Turn off your phone.

Tom: No way!

Mum: Yes. It stops you working. If you turn it off, it’s easier to concentrate. You can read your

messages later.

Tom: OK, but I can’t turn off the internet on my computer. I need it to look up information.

Mum: OK, but you can turn off your instant messages.

Tom: I know! Mum?

Mum: Yes?

Tom: Thanks.



Assessment criteria




A learner

Figure out the content of a conversation with some support in extended talk

                                                    Figure out the content of a conversation with some support in extended tal      Figure out the content of a conversation with some support in extended talk


1. chooses True;
2. chooses False;
3. chooses False;
4. chooses False;
5. chooses True;
6. chooses True;
7. chooses True;
8. chooses True.

Make up sentences giving personal information and information about others

Make up simple interrogative sentences to get information about the topic

uses at least 5 words on the topic “Our class”;
speaks with no long pauses;
asks 3 grammatically correct questions;
answers 3 questions accurately.

Total marks

Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Our Class”


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