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Learner’s name______________________________________________. Assessment criteria. Level of learning achievements. Reading

Learner’s name______________________________________________

Assessment criteria

Level of learning achievements

Low Middle High
Figure out the content of a conversation with some support in extended talk.     Experiences difficulties in figuring out the content of the dialogue.   Experiences some difficulties in figuring out the content of the dialogue. Makes mistakes in answers: 1. chooses True; 2. chooses False; 3. chooses False; 4. chooses False; 5. chooses True; 6. chooses True; 7. chooses True; 8. chooses True.    Correctly figures out the content of the dialogue. Answers most of the questions correctly.  
Make up sentences giving personal information and information about others.   Make up simple interrogative sentences to get information about the topic. Experiences difficulties in interaction, expressing basic personal information and in asking and answering the questions.   Experiences some difficulties in interaction / expressing basic personal information/ asking questions/ answering the questions/ using proper topical vocabulary in his or her speech/ pronouncing words and phrases clearly.   Answers most of the questions appropriately. Confidently communicates with a partner, clearly expresses basic personal information with almost no pronunciation errors, correctly asks and answers the questions.  


Summative assessment for the unit “Helping and heroes”


Learning objective 6. 4. 9. 1 Recognise the difference between fact and opinion in short, simple texts on a wide range of general and curricular topics 6. 5. 8. 1 Spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics
Assessment criteria · Identify the difference between fact and opinion in short texts · Write high-frequency topic related words accurately  
Level of thinking skills   Knowledge and comprehension Application Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes


Task 1. Read the text and write Fact or Opinion according to the text.  

My choice of hero isn’t very original, I’m afraid, but he’s the person I would most like to have met: John Lennon. He died a long time before I was born, and his most famous songs were written long before that, but when I listen to his music I really feel as if he’s speaking to me personally. I love the whole range of the Beatles’ music, from the early pop songs to the very experimental music at the end of their time as a group. John Lennon was the most innovative writer in the Beatles and he continued to create exciting music when he left and went solo. It’s amazing that the song Imagine, written in 1971, is still incredibly popular after all this time. It’s about a world where everyone can be equal, a world with no wars, no divisions between countries, no greed, no hunger, no material possessions... It was awful that he was killed in 1980 when he was only 40. I wonder what he would be doing if he was alive now.


1. John Lennon is the person people would most like to meet. _____________

2. John Lennon’s songs are famous.                                       ______________

3. While singing John Lennon looks like speaking with you. ______________

4. Beatles’ music is very popular.                                           ______________

5. Song Imagine was written in 1971.                                     ______________

6. John Lennon was killed when he was only 40.                   ______________


http: //learnenglishteens. britishcouncil. org


Task 2. Write sentences about the family of Johnson.




Mrs. Jones _______________

Mr. Jones ________________

Mary ___________________





Assessment criteria




A learner

Identify the difference between fact and opinion in short texts

1. writes ‘Opinion’;
2. writes ‘Opinion’;
3. writes ‘Opinion’;
4. writes ‘Fact’;
5. writes ‘Fact’;  
6. writes ‘Fact’;  

Write high-frequency topic related words accurately

writes ‘Mrs. Jones washes the clothes’;
writes ‘Mrs. Jones cleans the windows’;
 writes ‘Mr. Jones hoovers /vacuums the carpets’;
writes ‘Mr. Johnson washes the car’;
writes ‘Mary dusts the furniture’;  
writes ‘Mary mops the floor’.  

Total marks



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