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Learner’s name______________________________________________. Assessment criteria. Level of learning achievements. Listening

Learner’s name______________________________________________

Assessment criteria

Level of learning achievements

Low Middle High
Find particular facts and parts in short simple texts.                          Identify the meaning and details of the reading texts; Experiences difficulties in identifying facts and parts while reading. Chooses inappropriate True and False answers. Experiences some difficulties in identifying facts while reading. Makes some mistakes in True and False answers.   Confidently identifies facts and parts while reading. Chooses appropriate True and False answers with minor mistakes.  
Write sentences about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences with little support. Evolve arguments, reasons, and evidence for a limited range of written genres. Differentiate between usage of infinitive and gerund forms after a limited variety of verbs, adjectives and prepositions. Experiences difficulties in writing sentences with arguments, reasons and evidence and producing grammatically correct sentences with gerunds and infinitives.   Experiences some difficulties in writing sentences with arguments, reasons and evidence and producing grammatically correct sentences with gerunds and infinitives. Makes mistakes in providing general facts about cartoon/ in explaining ideas about actors, music and place/expressing opinion about the film. Writes in writing sentences with arguments, reasons and evidence and producing grammatically correct sentences with gerunds and infinitives.  




Summative Assessment for the unit “Our Health”

Learning objective 6. 2. 8. 1 Understand supported narratives including some extended talk, on a range of general and curricular topics 6. 3. 3. 1 Give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria
  • Recognise the meaning of a story with some support Identify the position of speakers in an extended talk with some support
  • Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions
Level of thinking skills Application Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes


Task 1. Listen to the tape and circle the right answer A, B or C. You will listen twice.

Go to this link to listen: http: //www. eslyes. com/easyread/es/easy049. htm

1. Magazines do not have photos ______________.

A) shops

B) food

C) of people

2. The photo of the hamburger makes her ___________.

A) happy

B) hungry

C) tasty

  1. The hamburger is at __________.

A) McDonald's


C) Chicken Fry

4. Her mom was ____________.

A) at the shop

B) at home

C) at work

5. She licked ___________.

A) her lips

B) her fingers

C) her mouth


Task 2. The learners work in pairs.

It is a two-way conversation. You have 1 minute to prepare and 2 minutes to talk on the topic.

You should express your own opinion on the situation of the picture. You can use some opinion words in your speech.

ü It seems to me that …

ü In my opinion, …

ü My personal view is that …

ü As far as I understand / can see, …

ü As I see it, … / From my point of view …

ü As far as I know … / From what I know …

ü If I am not mistaken …


Transcript for listening task.

She likes magazines. She likes to look at the pretty photos. Magazines have photos of people. They have photos of animals. They have photos of clothes. They have photos of food. She sees a photo of a hamburger. It looks so delicious. The photo of the hamburger makes her hungry. She goes to the refrigerator. She opens it. She wants a hamburger. But there is no hamburger in the refrigerator. The hamburger is at McDonald's. But she is a little kid. She can't drive to McDonald's. She can't call McDonald's, because they don't deliver. A hamburger place is not like a pizza parlor. A pizza parlor delivers. Her mom was at work. She would have to wait until mom came home. Mom would drive her to McDonald's. She sat down again. She turned the page. There was a photo of chocolate ice cream. The ice cream was in a cone. Oh, what a beautiful photo. She licked her lips. It looked so delicious. Mom, please come home soon, she thought.

Assessment criteria




A learner

Recognise the meaning of a story with some support Identify the position of speakers in an extended talk with some support

1. writes A;
2. writes B;
3. writes C;
4. writes C;
5. writes A.

Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions

participates equally in a conversation;
expresses own point of view;
expresses own opinion;
gives full answers to the questions;
uses topic related words.
Total marks    

Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Our Health”


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