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Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative

Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative

Assessment for the unit “Our countryside”

Learner’s  name _______________________________

Assessment Criteria

Level of learning achievements

Low Middle High
Identify facts and details in extended talks with little support     Experiences difficulties in identifying facts and details that lead to misunderstanding of the content.     Experiences some difficulties in identifying facts and details, that lead to some misunderstanding of the content. Makes mistakes in answers: 1. doing; 2. roses; 3. usually; 4. will; 5. threw; 6. garden; 7. them; 8. mom; 9. bike; 10. next. Properly identifies facts and details of the talk while listening. Clearly understands the content of the listening passage. Most of the answers are correct.  
Make up simple interrogative sentences to get information about the topic Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions Experiences difficulties in providing a point of view and in asking and answering a variety of questions. No any attempts to tell episodes on topic. Experiences some difficulties in providing a point of view/ in asking questions on topic/ in answering a variety of questions. There are some inaccuracies in episodes on topic.   Accurately provides a point of view and answers a variety of questions. There is a good attempt to tell episodes on topic.

Summative Assessment for the unit “Drama and Comedy”


Learning objective 6. 4. 3. 1 Understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts 6. 5. 5. 1 Develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a limited range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics 6. 6. 15. 1 Use common verbs followed by infinitive verb / verb + ing patterns; use infinitive of purpose on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria · Recognise details in a given argument relating to the topic · Evolve arguments, reasons, and evidence for a limited range of written genres · Differentiate between the usage of infinitive and gerund forms after a limited variety of verbs, adjectives and prepositions
Level of thinking skills   Knowledge and comprehension Application Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes


Task 1. Read about a famous writer, the author of The hobbit and The Lord of the rings. Then do the task below.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a famous British writer. He is best known for his fantasy books The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

Tolkien was born on 3rd January 1892, in South Africa. When he was four years old, the family moved to England. In 1900. . He was very good at languages. He studied not only Latin and Greek, but also Gothic and Finnish.

After the war, Tolkien taught English language and literature at the University of Leeds. Later he became a professor at Oxford University. There he started a writing group called The Inklings. One of the members of this group was C. S. Lewis (‘The Chronicles of Narnia’), who became one of Tolkien’s closest friends. They shared great enthusiasm for the myths, sagas, and languages of northern Europe.

In 1937, Professor Tolkien published The Hobbit, with his own drawings. He wrote it as bedtime stories for his own children. The book became immediately successful and the publisher asked Tolkien if he had more material. It took him seventeen years to publish The Lord of the Rings, in 1954. The Lord of the Rings was written for older children, the same audience who had grown up since The Hobbit was published. As it was quite a big story it had to be published in three parts. It became a global bestseller at once.

Answer the following questions.

1. Where was J. R. R. Tolkien born? _________________________________________________________________

2.  What did Tolkien study at Oxford? _________________________________________________________________

3.  Where did Tolkien become a professor and started teaching? _________________________________________________________________

4. What was the name of the writing group that Tolkien started?


5. Why did he start to write a story about a hobbit? _________________________________________________________________

6. What time did it take for Tolkien to publish The Lord of the Rings? _________________________________________________________________


Task 2. Answer the questions in written form. Use structures as I like … /I would like/ I wish… in answers about the movie Avatar. Give full answers expressing your personal opinion and reasons.


1. Write about the genre of Avatar movie. What do you think about this genre?


2. Write about the film producer James Cameron. What is his world of fantasy? (3Dtechnology/fantasy)


3. What is your advice about watching this film to your friends?


4. This movie collected many Oscars and other cinema awards. Explain why?





Assessment criteria




A learner

Recognise details in a given argument relating to the topic                               Recognise details in a given argument relating to the topic                               Recognise details in a given argument relating to the topic                               Recognise details in a given argument relating to the topic                                  Identify the meaning and details of the reading texts;

1. chooses ‘Bloemfontein, South Africa’;
2. chooses ‘Anglo-Saxon, Germanic languages and classic literature’;
3. chooses ‘at Oxford’;
4. chooses ‘The Inklings’;
5. chooses ‘as bedtime story for his children’;
6. chooses ‘It took him seventeen years’.

Write sentences about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences with little support

Evolve arguments, reasons, and evidence for a limited range of written genres

Differentiate between usage of infinitive and gerund forms after a limited variety of verbs, adjectives and prepositions

answers all the questions;
writes about personal experience with evidence and reasons;
writes grammatically correct sentences.

Total marks



Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Drama and comedy”


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