Дополнительные вопросы и задания для обсуждения
Дополнительные вопросы и задания для обсуждения 1 Что понимается под культурологической семантикой указателей, объявлений? 2 Каковы способы воздействия и как они реализуются? Чем они отличаются в разных лингвокультурах? Приведите примеры.
3 Определите вид следующих указателей, объявлений.
1) Pull the handle to open the door in case of emergency only. 2) It is illegal to smoke anywhere in this station. 2) Entrance. 3) Keep out. 4)Trespassing will be prosecuted. 5) Obstructing the door can be dangerous. 6) No parking. 7) Operator will open the door. 8) Anyone interfering with the driver of this bus will be prosecuted. 9) По газонам не ходить. 10) Купание запрещено. 11) Не прислоняться. 12) Запасный выход. 13) Осторожно – окрашено. 14) Своевременно оплачивайте проезд.
4 Определите, какие способы воздействия использованы в следующих указателях и объявлениях.
1) Obstructing the door causes delay and can be dangerous. 2) Hop IN. Hop OUT. 3) Please, take all your litter away with you. 4) Don’t forget: thieves are not on holidays this Christmas. 5) Please, offer this seat to an elderly or disabled passenger. 6) Break the drive, stay alive. 7) WARNING! Do not eat fruit in this area. Herbicide applied. 8) Drive with care, give us a brake.
5 Какие языковые приемы использованы в следующих рекламах? (игра слов, рифма, ошибки, контаминации и проч. ) Здоровый кот без лишних хлопот (реклама еды для кошек). Чисто идеально, и цена реальна (реклама стирального порошка). Back on the rack – в американских магазинах, где продают одежду, бывшую в употреблении. DRINKA PINTA MILKA DAY. Coffeйка – название сети кафе в Москве. Парфюмчик – сеть парфюмерных магазинов.
6 Что понимается под политкорретностью и «позитивным мышлением»? Как проявляется «позитивное мышление» в языке? Приведите примеры (например, товары, которые едва удается продать за полцены, называют не «неликвидами», а «не самым оптимальным ассортиментом» – minor flaws / imperfections / defects).
Практические задания
1 Translate the following advertisements, notices, appeals and posters; explain how they influence the people’s behaviour. Tell in what situations they could be used.
a) Please maintain silence and refrain from taking photographs when the game is in progress. b) Obstructing the door causes delay and can be dangerous. c) Please, give up this seat if an elderly or handicapped person needs it. d) Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience while we carry out a major refurbishment of the escalator. e) For the best Chinese food in London WOK THIS WAY! f) Anyone interfering with the driver of this bus will be prosecuted.
2 Make a similar list of notices and appeals which you can see in your city, country, in Great Britain, the USA.
3 Explain the notices below. Where might you see each of these notices (рисунок 3. 2)?
Рисунок 3. 2
4 Match each of the words on the left with their more everyday translations from the list on the right.
a) to prosecute a young person under the age of 18;
b) a penalty to get off a bicycle or a horse; c) a purchase to bring a legal case against; d) a trespasser not to do something; e) to refrain to forbid something; f) to alight from a means of transport; g) to prohibit a punishment; h) an auditorium something which has been or is to be brought; i) to dismount to get off a means of public transport; j) a minor large place where an audience sits; k) a vehicle someone who goes on private land without permission.
5 What notices would a café -owner put up if they wanted to
a) indicate that their café was now open for coffee? b) let people know that the café staff can speak Spanish? c) stop people from smoking in their cafe? d) let people know that they can buy free-range eggs there too? e) ask people not to fix notices onto their walls? f) tell people that they could rent rooms there overnight?
6 Here are some more notices. Give the explanation of their meaning and say where you might see them. Make up situations using these notices.
Check the oil and water. Road up. Checkout time is 12 noon. Situations vacant. Cart rental end. Line starts here. BYOB (Bring your own bottle). Staff only. Withdrawals. Smokers are asked to occupy rear seats. Patrons must wear proper attire. Trunk calls. Ticketed passengers only beyond this point.
7 Answer the following questions: a) What is “the power of positive thinking”? b) How does the character of the novel “Gone with the Wind” engage in positive thinking? Who is the author of this novel? c) How do Russian / Belarussian and English-speaking attitudes towards “positive thinking” differ? What is the attitude of your friends? Of your parents? d) What does “politically correct” mean? e) How should a Russian refer to his country when speaking to an American? f) How does an American refer to his country in English? g) In what context do Americans use the word “homeland”? h) What kinds of polite questions can you ask someone in English to find out what is his «национальность»? Make up three short dialogues on this subject, having two people use at least three different questions to find out where the interlocutor and his family are from.
8 Match each of the politically incorrect terms in the left column with the politically correct terms in the right column. a) mentally retarded person 1) disabled b) Negro 2) sex worker c) invalid 3) substance abuser d) old people 4) Madam Chairperson e) anti-abortion 5) birthmother f) natives 6) mentally challenged individual g) fag 7) pro-choice h) stewardess 8) seniors i) prostitute 9) indigenous people j) drug addict 10) pro-life k) real mother 11) African-American l) Madam Chairman 12) gay
m) pro-abortion 13) flight attendant
9 Change politically incorrect terms into correct ones.
chairman (председатель) > … spokesman (делегат, оратор) > … foreman (начальник) > … fireman (пожарник) > … postman (почтальон) > … stewardess (стюардесса) > … headmistress (директриса) > … foreign languages (иностранные языки) > … poor> disadvantaged (бедные> лишенные возможностей) > … bin man (человек, роющийся на помойках) > … short people (люди низкого роста) > … fat people (полные люди) > … third world countries (страны третьего мира) > … natives (местное население) > …
10 Read the fairy tale “Cinderella” in which politically correct terms are used. Translate it and complete it.
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