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Дополнительные вопросы и задания для обсуждения

Дополнительные вопросы и задания для обсуждения


1 Какие последствия могут иметь расхождения в цветовом символизме при межкультурном общении?


2 Проведите лингвистический эксперимент – опрос ваших друзей, знакомых, иностранных студентов – представителей других культур (минимум 10 человек), чтобы узнать у них, что означают для них такие цвета, как красный, зеленый, голубой, желтый, серый (запишите данные вашего исследования и дайте сравнительный анализ).


3 Какое символическое значение имеет черный / красный / зеленый / голубой / желтый цвет врусской /белорусской, британской, американской, китайской, японской культурах?


4 Проанализируйте символику таких цветов, как бирюзовый, алый, бордовый, фиолетовый, индиго в русскоязычной и англоязычной культурах; переведите слова, обозначающие эти цвета на английский язык.

Практические задания

1 Study the information about cultural symbolism. Is it similar in different cultures? If it isn’t, explain why.


Pre-reading Activity. Think about your own cultural traditions before filling in the table below with the help of another student or students from your own cultural group. Use a dictionary if you want to.


2 Complete the sentences given in the grid.

In British & US culture red represents...

British & American people associate embarrassment with the colour...


        Colour                 Concept
In my culture red represents: In my culture green represents: In my culture black represents: In my culture white represents: In my culture blue represents: In my culture yellow represents: In my culture brown represents: I associate danger with the colour: I associate nature with the colour: I associate death with the colour: I associate innocence with the colour: I associate cold & calmness with the colour: I associate sun & autumn leaves with the colour: I associate soil & dirt & mud with the colour:

Do the colours have some, all or none of the same associations in your culture? How do your cultural concepts of colour differ from those in British and US culture?

3 Reading activities. Find idioms with “colour” words in the text. Translate them word for word into your own language. Is there an idiom in your language that has the same meaning?

The Colours Around Us


Red warns of danger. The expression red alert is used to warn of a sudden and very dangerous situation. People imagine that the Devil is red. Red heartshapes and red roses are used to represent romantic love. Red clothes, lips and fingernails that are painted red are often associated with sexual desire. Red is thought to be an exciting colour. In politics, red is used to represent communism and socialism. In the UK the Labour Party is represented by a red rose. If someone is red in the face they are very embarrassed. Red is also associated with anger. A person may see red (= lose his temper). An action likely to make smb angry is a red rag to a bull.


British and American people think of green as the colour that represents nature. If you describe a place as green, you mean it is covered with grass or trees, green fields. Green is the national colour of Ireland, also known as the Emerald Isle because of its many green fields. Green also means " connected with the environment". Products that are described as green are thought to cause less harm to the environment than other products. Green is used to describe someone who is young and lacks experience in a job. Green represents jealousy. If you're green with envy, you're jealous of somebody who has something that you want. The expression green-eyed monster is used to mean sexual jealousy. If smb's face is green, they look pale and unhealthy, esp. because they are about to vomit. Green is also unlucky, so some people avoid having green at weddings.


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