Тема 3.5 Культурологическая семантика указателей, объявлений и призывов. Понятие «политкорректность»
GLOSSARY BLACK as black as ink / pitch / the ace of spades exp. very dark, completely black; black and blue exp. having the skin darkly discoloured as the result of being hit; black as coal exp. extremely dark or evil, black as the night exp. extremely dark; black mark exp. a sign of disapproval or discredit placed against a person's name, often usedfiguratively; black sheep exp. someone who is thought by other members of their group to be a failure or to have brought shame on the group; black out (to) exp. to faint; black out n. an interruption in electronic power causing the lights to go out; blackball someone (to) exp. to prevent someone from being hired or accepted to a specific group; Synonym: see – blacklist someone (to), exp. to prevent someone from being hired or accepted to a specific group; Note: This expression comes from the McCarthy period when those who were thought to be communists or communist sympathizers were put on a " blacklist" and targeted for discrimination; blackguard n. a man who is not honourable, a scoundrel; give someone a black eye (to) exp. to hit someone in the eye causing the surrounding area to become bruised; in the black exp. financially sound (said of a business); little black book exp. a " secret" little book containing names and phone numbers of important individuals usually for dating. BLUE blue adj. depressed; blue rinse exp. a slight blue colouring of the hair, thought typical of old conservative ladies; blue-eyed boy exp. (informal) someone's favourite (male) person, darling pet; bluegrass n. a type of country music based on the song anddances of the Southern Appalachians. It is usually played at a fast energetic tempo; blues (the) n. pl. a) melancholy songs; b)depression; blue-stocking exp. a woman having, or pretending to have literary tastes and learning; bolt from the blue exp. something unexpected and unpleasant; out of the blue exp. without warning, unexpectedly, out of nowhere; Variation: out of the clear blue; swear up a blue streak (to) exp. to swear excessively; talk a blue streak exp. to talk much and rapidly; talk till one is blue in the face (to) exp. to talk while beingignored.
BROWN brownout n. acut in power to some but not all electric lights in an area brownie n. a)afriendly little fairy, asmall elf-like creature, said to perform household chores, while people are asleep; b)(AmE) achocolate cookie or cake, usually with nutsin it.
GREY grey area exp. unclear and uncertain issue; grey matter exp. intelligence, " brains".
GREEN give somebody / get the green light exp. (informal) give somebody / get permission to do something; green adj. novice; green around the gills (to look) exp. to look sick; Note: Originally, this expression applied only to fish which, if green around the gills, were considered inedible because of sickness;
green thumb ( to have a green thumb ) exp. to have a talent for gardening and making plants grow; greenbacks п. pl. money; Note: This term is outdated yet occasionally heard in old films; greenroom n. a room behind the stage (backstage) in a theatre or television studio where performers may relax; the grass is always greener on the other side exp. situations always seem better other than where one is; Note: This expression is also commonly contracted to " the grass is always greener"; the rub of the green exp. a piece of bad luck that has to be accepted.
PINK in the pink exp. be healthy; Note: This expression conjures up an image of someone whose cheeks are rosy and healthy looking from the sun; pink slip exp. termination notice from a job; pinky n. one's little finger; tickled pink exp. thrilled.
PURPLE purple heart exp. purple ribbon with a medal given for someone who sustains an injury while in combat; purple passion exp. an intense passion.
RED be like a red rag ( BrE ) / a red flag ( AmE ) to a bull exp. to be likely to cause uncontrollable anger; beet red exp. very red (like a beet); catch someone red-handed (to) exp. to discover someone in the process of committing a dishonest act; in the red exp. in financial trouble (said of a business); Note: Ledger sheets show positive numbers in black ink and negative numbers in red; See: in the black; paint the town red (to) exp. to go partying; Red n. (derogatory) a communist; Note: This slang term was used in an American movie title in the mid-1980's called " Reds" which dealt with communism; red cent (not to have a red cent) exp. not to have a single coin, to be broke; Note: It would not be correct to use this expression in a positive sense: to have a red cent; red hot exp. exceptional; red tape exp. excessive and seemingly unnecessary procedures; red herring exp. a fact, an argument, an event, that leads people's attention away from the main thing; red-letter day exp. an important occasion; redneck n. (derogatory) bigot, prejudiced; Note: This expression pertains to the rural working class who are said to be intolerant of any race other than white. The term originated because rural people are associated with sunburned necks; roll out the red carpet for someone (to) exp. to give someone first-class treatment; Origin: When celebrities arrive to an event, it is common to roll out an actual red carpet for them to walk on so as to not dirty their shoes on the ground. Variation: to give someone the red-carpet treatment exp. to give someone first-class treatment.
WHITE bleed somebody white exp. take away all somebody's money; show the white feather exp. act in a cowardly way; show fear; white as a ghost exp. extremely pale, usually due to fear; white as a sheet exp. extremely pale, usually due to fear; white-bread (to be) adj. to be very traditional, ordinary, and unadventurous in one'stastes orvalues; Note: This adjective suggests someone who is very traditional and unadventurous since white bread was considered the typical bread in the homes of most Americans. Within the past twenty years, bread recipes have become more and more daring using innovate ingredients other than traditional flour and water;
white elephant exp. a small object of little value that just collects dust in one's home; white elephant sale exp. a sale of articles as a way of collecting money for a good purpose, e. g. to help a hospital or a school; white hope exp. the person who is expected to bring great success; white horse exp. a wave of sea with a white top; white sale exp. a sale of towels, sheets, etc.; white-knuckle exp. denotes tension, suspense, fear; white lie exp. a trivial lie which is used to get someone out of a difficult situation or to spare one's feelings; whites of their eyes (to see the whites of their eyes ) exp. to see someone at close range.
YELLOW yellow adj. cowardly; the yellow press exp. (informal) newspapers that deliberately include sensational news items, especially to attract readers; yellow-dog contract ( AmE ) exp. an employer-employee contract, now illegal, by which an applicant for a job agrees not to be a labour-union member while employed.
Рекомендуемая литература
1 Тер-Минасова, С. Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация: учебное пособие / С. Г. Тер-Минасова. – М.: Слово / Slovo, 2000. – C. 75-79. 2 Андреева, Т. Н. Методические рекомендации по культурологическому аспекту английского языка / Т. Н. Андреева, О. И. Ковалева, Е. В. Рубанова, Н. М. Савченко, Е. Г. Тесленко. – Могилев, 2002. – 32 c. 3 Маслова, В. А. Лингвокультурология / В. А. Маслова. – М., 2001. – С. 105-107. 4 Тер-Минасова, С. Г. Война и мир языков и культур: учебное пособие / С. Г. Тер-Минасова. – М.: Слово / Slovo, 2008. – C. 155-157. Тема 3. 5 Культурологическая семантика указателей, объявлений и призывов. Понятие «политкорректность» Культурологическая семантика информативнорегулирующих указателей, объявлений и призывов. Способы реализации функции воздействия в сфере информативнорегуляторской лексики. Национально-культурная специфика рекламы в АЯ и РЯ. Понятие «политкорректность» (языковой такт) как культурно-поведенческая и языковая тенденция общения на современном этапе. Ключевые термины: позитивное мышление, политкорректность, реклама, национально-культурная специфика, функция воздействия, вербальное выражение, культурно-поведенческая тенденция общения, языковая тенденция общения.
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