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CONVERSATION. Read the conversation and say what students must do to overcome difficulties of education. I. Act out the dialogue using substitutional words.


Read the conversation and say what students must do to overcome difficulties of education.

– Where do you study?

– I’m a first-year (1) student of the Technological University (2).

– You want to become a technician (3), don’t you?

– I do, I like machines, machine tools and instruments (4).

– What does the curriculum of your University consist of?

– It consists of the subjects the students specialize in, social subjects, and physical training.

– What social subjects do you study?

– There are several of them, for example history.

– What about special subjects?

– This year we study different aspects of Physics (5).

– Is it difficult to study at the University?

– Rather difficult! But I work hard.


I. Act out the dialogue using substitutional words.

SW 1. second-year, third year, fourth-year.

  2. Medical University, Institute of Timber Resources, Law Department.

  3. medical man, forest guard, lawyer.

  4. to help sick people, nature and wildlife, to solve problems existing in the society.

   5. Medicine, Geography and Biology, Law.


  II. Make up your own dialogue according to the following situation:

You want to enter the University where one of your friends studies. Discuss with him (her) the academic process at the University.


Text II                

A Letter from England

Read the letter and say if Jane likes her work. Explain your opinion.


Dear Ann,

I was very glad to hear from you. Thank you ever so much for your letter and the book, you’ve sent. I can use it with my pupils quite soon.

We are all back to work now. This year I take the classes in Russian at college. The college is organized on a system like in Oxford and Cambridge. All students and staff live in, which means there is a very close link between those taught and those teaching.

My students are 16 or 17 years of age. They are very interested in Russian and make a good progress. They find the Grammar not too difficult, but of course to acquire a vocabulary is a long-term matter. This is their greatest difficulty.

All the students are very different. Some of them are quite brilliant and have a good command of Russian. They are good at all the aspects of the language. They attend all lectures and seminars and never miss classes.

It’s a pity to say, but there are two students in the group who worked by fits and starts and fell behind the group in Grammar. I try to help them to catch up with the group. Kate, the monitor of the group, also promises to help the students to revise for an examination. So I hope they will not fail the exam in Russian.

There is a Russian – speaking club at the college. The studies at the club give a deeper knowledge of the subject and develop communication skills.

I hope you also get on well with your work. I expect to hear from you soon.

Thanks again for your letter and the book.

All good wishes,



those taught and those teaching – те, кто учит и те, кого учат

to be interested in – интересоваться чем-то

to have a good command of …– хорошо разбираться в …

to work by fits and starts – работать урывками, не систематически

to fall behind the group – отставать от группы

to catch up with the group – догнать группу


I. Study the notes after the text, read and translate the sentences they are used in.

II. Try to explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations: to be back to work, to make a good progress, a brilliant student, to revise for an examination, to fail an exam, to develop communication skills.


III. Answer the following questions:

1. What subject does Jane teach?

2. Where do all the students and the staff of the college live?

3. How old are Jane’s students?

4. What aspect of Russian language is the most difficult for the students?

5. Why does Jane call some students brilliant?

6. Why did some students fall behind the group?

7. Who helps the students to catch up with the group?

8. How do the studies at the Russian – speaking club help the students acquire the language?

IV. Say how the students of your group study.


V. Try to comment the meaning of the following proverbs:

1. Live and learn.

2. It is never too late to learn

3. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

Let’s talk about your University

1. Where do you study?

2. When can the school graduates enter your University?

3. Do the applicants pass entrance examinations?

4. Who is the rector of your University?

6. When does the academic year at the University start?

7. What departments are there at your University?

8. At what department do you study?

9. When do the students have session time?

10. What does the curriculum of your department include?

11. What special subjects do you study?

12. What kinds of lessons according to the time-table do you have?

13. What laboratories are there at your University?

14. Is your University provided with all necessary equipment?

15. Are there any societies and clubs at the University?

16. Is there a good library?

17. What is your favorite subject?

18. Are you good at it?

19. Do you work hard to have a good command of special subjects?

20. Do you know much about your future profession?



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