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  CONVERSATION. Read the dialogue and say why Tina didn’t phone her friend?. I. Act out the dialogue using substitutional words.


Read the dialogue and say why Tina didn’t phone her friend?

– Hello, Tina. Are you fine today?

– I’m afraid, I’m not. I was so tired last night! I had such a busy day!

– What did you do?

– I woke up at 6 and went to the station to meet my mother-in-law (1).

– Why didn’t your husband do that?

– He went to Paris on business (2).

– I see.

– Then we had breakfast (3). I left her at home and went to my office. I was15 minutes late because I was in a hurry and a policeman stopped me. So it took me an hour to get to my work.

– I hope you didn’t have much work at the office.

– I did! We had a long meeting in the morning, then I had a lot of visitors,

and at the end of the working day I wrote some business letters(4).

– Did your daughter cook dinner for you?

– No, she didn’t. She was busy at the University (5) and came home very late.

– Poor thing! Now I see why you didn’t phone me yesterday. I hope you are not so busy tomorrow.


I. Act out the dialogue using substitutional words.


1. to meet my husband’s niece, to meet my sister-in-law, to meet cousin

2. spends his holidays at the seaside, met his foreign partners at the airport, slept till lunch time

3. had a talk, cooked breakfast, unwrapped the presents she had brought

4. met with the head of the company, made some telephone calls, sent e-mail to our partners

5. met with her friends, went to the library, went to the cinema with her boy-friend


II. Make up your own dialogue according to the following situation:

Your cousin has come from another town. You had to meet her at the airport but you were so busy that were half an hour late. Imagine you are discussing the reason of your being late.


Text II        

        A Sad Song

Jane fell in love with a young man. He doesn’t know about it. She has written a song to express her feeling. Read the text of the song and say if the girl knows much about Mr. Brown.


I sit in the park after work every day.

And every day at five

A strange young man comes by my way

But he never raises his eyes.

People tell me he’s Mr. Brown

Who lives not far away,

He goes to work at an office in town

At least that’s what they say.

He gets up early, has tea and toast,

He always makes his bed

He takes the train and reads «The Post»

But he never raises his head.

I like his face, this Mr. Brown

His eyes are kind and wise

But why, oh why when he walks home

Does he always walk, does he always walk alone?

And do you know a Mr. Brown?

Does he often pass your place?

Do you wonder why he often frowns

And wears that sad smile on his face?

I don’t know why I like his face

His eyes are kind and wise

But he never, never looks my way

And he doesn’t know I want to say «Hello».

And I want to say, I want to say «Hello».


not far away – недалеко

at least – по крайней мере

they say – говорят (безличное предложение)

to take the train – ездить на поезде

wise eyes – умные глаза

to frown – хмуриться


I. Study the notes after the text, read and translate the sentences they are used in.

II. Try to explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations: to come by one’s way, he reads «The Post», to walk alone, to wear a sad smile on the face, to look somebody’s way.


III. Answer the following questions:

1. Where does the girl meet a strange young man?

2. At what time does the man come by her way?

3. What is his name?

4. Does Mr. Brown live far from the park?

5. Where does he go every day?

6. What does Mr. Brown do in the morning?

7. What newspaper does he usually read?

8. What does the girl like in Mr. Brown?

9. Why does she want to say «Hello» to Mr. Brown?

10. Do you know such a man?


IV. Imagine you are a detective. You were asked to get some information about the man living not far from your office. Say how he spends the week days.


V. Try to comment the meaning of the following proverbs:

1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

2. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Let’s talk about your working day

1. When do you usually wake up on week-days?

2. What do you do when you get up?

3. Who makes breakfast for you?

4. What do you usually have for breakfast?

5. What do you do after breakfast?

6. Do you live far from your college? How do you get to college?

7. How much does it take you to get there?

8. When does your college begin?

9. How many lessons do you have every day?

10. How long does your college last? When do you get home?

11. Do you always have dinner at home?

12. When do you prepare your homework?

13. What do you usually do in the evenings?

14. When do you go to bed?

15. Do you like to read in bed?


Grammar exercises

I. Fill in the gaps using the prepositions on, at, from…till, in, after, past, to, by.

1. I start work … 8 o’clock.

2. I like getting up early … the morning.

3. What do you usually do … the weekend?

4. Lena puts the coat on and … 5 minutes she is ready to live for college.

5. Let’s meet …half … four.

6. Tom can come … Sunday.

7. My sister prepares for exams … morning …late at night.

8. The students go to computer class … lessons.

9. Nick wants to finish the home work …5 o’clock.

10. The second lesson begins at a quarter …nine.


II. Open the brackets using Present Simple or Past Simple.

1. They (not to help) their mother about the house.

2. Lena (to get) home by bus yesterday.

3. My sister (to clean) our house every week.

4. Tom (to do) his home-work yesterday late at night.

5. She usually (to go) to bed at 11 or 12 o’clock.

6. I (to have) shower before breakfast.

7. Mrs. Jones (to try) to keep the house on order.

8. She (to meet) her friends at the party last month.

9. Nick never (to do) morning exercises.

10.  Mrs. Parker (to go) to the bakery every day.



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