Grammar exercises. Universities in Great Britain. Read the text and the say what the difference between universities in Russia and in Great Britain is?
Grammar exercises I. Fill in the gaps using article: 1. …September is … first month of the academic year. 2. There is … sport ground in front of … our University. 3. I study … Physics as … special subject. 4. Tom wants to be … lawyer. 5. We usually do our home task in … evening. 6. The college is situated in … Pushkin street. 7. Mr. Thompson is …teacher of technology. 8. There is … library on …second floor. … library is very large. 9. Lucy is … best student in our group. 10. He has no … pen to write with.
II. Translate into English: 1. Он работал не систематически и провалил экзамен. 2. В расписании английский язык стоит третьим уроком. 3. После окончания колледжа я могу поступить в университет. 4. Вечерами Лена готовится к экзаменам. 5. Моя подруга учится в университете заочно. 6. Староста группы собрала наши зачетные книжки. 7. Он болел и отстал от группы по специальным предметам. 8. Я всегда посещаю лекции и никогда не пропускаю практические занятия. 9. Она учится на втором курсе медицинского факультета. 10. Какую оценку ты получила за последний тест?
Text III. Universities in Great Britain Read the text and the say what the difference between universities in Russia and in Great Britain is? There are more than forty degree-giving universities in Britain. The oldest of them are Oxford and Cambridge. Their history goes back to the 12th-13th centuries. Most universities consist of a number of separate colleges. Each college has its own Head (who is called President, Master, Principal). The Government gives no direct financial aid to universities and colleges. The students do not go to educational institutions free of charge. Everyone must pay a tuition fee. And though each college offers a number of scholarships many of the students have to work to pay their expenses. The candidates seeking admission into one of the colleges have to pass an entrance examination. After that the freshman can matriculate, i. e. become a member of the college. Most undergraduates are «commoners» (at Oxford) or «pensioners» (at Cambridge), which means paying boarders. The undergraduates are under the control of their College Dean and Tutors; the latter advise (or instruct) the students and maintain discipline. The academic year has three terms; it starts in October, each term lasting eight weeks at Oxford and Cambridge, or ten weeks at other universities.
Students have vacations at Christmas, at Easter and the so-called «Long Vac» in summer. At the end of three years’ study the undergraduates take their first degree – Bachelor of Arts (B. A. ). In addition to university colleges there are a great many technical colleges dispersed over the country. They provide advanced specialist training for technicians and professional people. Teachers in the primary and secondary schools in England may get their professional training at the university which provides a one-year course for students who have spent the previous three years in obtaining a university degree or in the training colleges which provide a two-or three-year course for students of 18 years and over – who have usually got a secondary school education and have passed an appropriate qualifying examination. The training college course covers both academic and professional subjects, including practice in teaching.
I. Read the sentences and say if the statements are right or wrong. 1. Most colleges in Great Britain consist of a number of separate universities. 2. The students go to educational institution free of charge. 3. The candidates seeking admission can be admitted to colleges without entrance examinations. 4. The undergraduates take their first degree – Bachelor of Arts (B. A. ) – at the end of four years’ study. 5. In addition to university colleges in Great Britain there are a great many technical colleges. 6. Technical colleges provide advanced specialist training for technicians and professional people. 7. Teachers in the primary and secondary schools in England may get their professional training in the training colleges which provide a two-or three-year course for students of 18 years and over. 8. The training college course covers only academic, and doesn’t include practice in teaching. In your Culture 1. Do the students get any degrees after graduating from institutions of higher education? 2. In what way does the academic process at the college differ from that one at the university? UNIT V NATIVE PLACE Words and phrases for the topic: an area – площадь population – население borderline – граница to surround - окружать to entangle - запутаться a rivulet - речушка drought - засуха impenetrable - непроницаемый to abound – изобиловать a nut – орех a berry – ягода a mushroom – гриб mink – норка boundless - безграничный tributary - приток to frees (froze, frozen) – замерзать slope - откос, склон deposit - вклад, запас tungsten - вольфрам a truck - грузовик a crane - подъемный кран precision - точность
Text I
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