Home or House?. Read the text and say if you prefer home or house?. I. Read the sentences and say if the statements are right or wrong.
Home or House? Read the text and say if you prefer home or house?
A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time. Depending on personality, how people see themselves and how they allow others to see them most have in mind an «ideal home». But in general, and especially for the students or new wage earners, there are practical limitations of cash and location on the way of achieving that idea. Cash shortage, in fact, often means that the only way of getting along when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things improve financially. There are obvious advantages to living at home: personal laundry is usually done along with the family wash, meals are provided and you pay a minimum rent for it if any at all. On the other hand, much depends on how a family gets on. Do your parents like your friends? Are you prepared to be tolerant when your parents ask where you are going in the evening and what time you expect to be back? If you don’t like the idea of living with the family the possibilities are well-known to you already. You can find a good landlady and rent a room till you make enough money to buy a flat or a house of your own. Most families in Britain live in their own houses, rather than in flats or apartments. The houses are not very big, and they are often built very close together. You may want to live in a detached house (the house of your own) or in a semidetached house (two houses under one roof). Many people live in the so-called «terraced houses», usually two-storied houses that are in a long line, connected to each other. Each entry here belongs to one owner and is considered to be a house.
I. Read the sentences and say if the statements are right or wrong. 1. A person’s home is not a reflection of his personality. 2. Most people have in mind an «ideal home». 3. There are no limitations of cash and location on the way of achieving the idea of ideal home. 4. There are no advantages to living at home. 5. Usually young people are ready to explain their parents where they are going in the evening and what time they expect to be back. 6. If you don’t like the idea of living with the family you can find a good landlady and rent a room. 7. Most families in Britain live in than in flats or apartments. 8. Two houses under one roof are called a semidetached house. 9. Two-storied houses that are in a long line, connected to each other are called «terraced houses».
In your Culture 1. Do the people in Russia prefer to live in private houses or in flats? 2. Are the flats in Russia large? What rooms do they usually have? 3. Is it difficult to rent a place to live in Russia? 4. Is it important for people in Russia to have their own flat or a private house?
WORKING DAY Words and phrases for the topic: to wake up – просыпаться to take a shower (bath) – принимать душ (ванну) to wash (oneself) – умываться to get up – вставать to do morning exercises – делать утреннюю зарядку to have a rest – отдыхать to dress – одеваться to clean teeth – чистить зубы to brush one's hair – причесывать волосы to take a bus (tram, trolleybus) – ехать автобусом (трамваем, троллейбусом) to leave for work – уходить на работу to have dinner at the canteen – обедать в буфете to have free time – иметь свободное время to do the homework – делать домашнее задание to be in a hurry - торопиться to go to bed - ложиться спать to air the room - проветривать комнату
Text I My working day Read the text and say if Olga is a busy girl.
On working day Olga gets up early. At seven o'clock an alarm-clock wakes her up. She gets up, makes her bed, opens the window and does her morning exercises. Then she goes to the bathroom where she cleans her teeth and washes herself. After it she goes back to her room where she dresses and brushes her hair. At seven thirty she has a cup of tea or a glass of juice, bread, butter, cheese and sometimes eggs. After breakfast she puts on her coat, takes the bag and goes to the University. Olga’s University is not far from her house. It takes her ten minutes to get there. The lessons begin at half past eight in the morning and they are over at twenty minutes past one in the afternoon. Olga usually has three or four lessons a day. She is always in time for classes. After classes she goes home and has dinner there. Sometimes when she has to stay at the University after classes Olga goes to the cafeteria and has dinner there. Then she goes to the reading room or to a laboratory to do a laboratory work. Sometimes the girl has to go to the library to write a report or to take new books. Olga comes home at 3 o'clock. She has a short rest, reads newspapers, makes some telephone calls, goes to the bakery. Then she does her homework. It takes her three or even more hours to do the homework. She practically has no free time on her week-days. Eight o'clock is supper time in Olga’s family. They all get together in the kitchen, then go to the sitting - room and watch TV, read books or just have a talk. Twice a week Olga goes to the University in the evening to play volleyball. At about eleven at night she goes to bed. I. Give Russian equivalents of the following: 1. to make the bed 2. to take somebody ten minutes to get there 3. the lessons are over at 12. 20. 4. to be in time for lessons 5. to make a telephone call 6. it takes her 3 hours to do the home-work 7. supper time
II. What’s the English for: 1. недалеко от … 2. когда ей приходится остаться в колледже 3. готовить доклад 4. немного отдохнуть
5. сходить в булочную 6. будни 7. поговорить
III. Match two parts of the sentences in 2 columns: 1. On working day a) to get to the University 2. She goes to the bathroom b) to write a report. 3. It takes me ten minutes c) she gets up early 4. When I have to stay at University d) to do the homework 5. The girl has to go to the library e) she goes to bed 6. It takes me three hours f) I have dinner at the cafeteria after classes 7. At about eleven at night g) where she cleans her teeth
IV. Finish the following sentences using appropriate words and word combinations: 1. My working day begins at 7 o’clock when my … rings. 2. For breakfast I usually have tea or coffee and …. 3. He lives home at 7 o’clock as he lives rather … 4. Usually I have dinner at …. 5. She comes home and has …. 6. Nick practically has no free time on …. 7. In the evening all the members of the family get together in … to … 8. I get to the University by …
V. Answer the following questions: 1. When does Olga get up? 2. What does the girl do in the morning? 3. What does she have for breakfast? 4. How much does it take her to get to the University? 5. When do the lessons begin? 6. How many lessons does Olga have every day? 7. Does she have dinner at home? 8. What for does the girl go to the laboratory or to the library? 9. How does Olga have a rest? 10. When does she go to bed?
VI. Look through the second and the third passages again and prove that Olga’s day is busy. Don’t forget to use the following words and phrases: to get up early, to have six lessons a day, to go to the reading room, to go to the laboratory, to go to the library, to do the homework, to play volleyball. VII. Look through the first passage and say if you do the same in the morning: to get up, to make the bed, to do morning exercises, to clean teeth, to wash, to dress, to brush hair, to have breakfast, to go to the University, to take some time to get to the college.
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