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Mastering  phraseology. Exercise 13. Match the expressions in a with their definitions in B. Упражнение16. Translate the following headlines containing phraseological units. Can the major point of the articles be inferred from their headlines?


Exercise 13. Match the expressions in A with their definitions in B

               A       B
1. a bridge too far a. put aside for the time being
2. in the driver’s seat b. interpreting events, things, facts as one would like them to be
3. put paid to c. increase what is at stake
4. put (throw)a spanner in the works d. an act or plan whose ambition overreaches its capability
5. up ( raise )the ante on e. spoil or prevent the success or smb’s plan
6. wishful thinking f. to consider something closed or completed
7. put smth on the back burner g. in control or in a dominant position


Exercise 14 Translate into Russian:

  1. Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s assertiveness put a spanner in the works of the EU’s “Eastern Partnership”.
  2. Policymakers engage in a great deal of wishful thinking because they are trying to get something done
  3. There are definite signs that the North Korean issue has been put on the back burner in Washington since the Hanoi summit ended without a deal.
  4. Then, in talks last month with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Kim upped the ante by also calling for an end to the international sanctions against his regime.
  5. The West, with the Americans in the driver’s seat, continued to push a policy that called for peeling Ukraine away from Russia’s orbit and making it part of the West.
  6. Trump faces formidable obstacles - many of his own creation. President has been planning to run on strong economy but COVID 19 put paid to it.
  7. Apparently the reports of Trump trying to blackmail Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a phone call into investigating his top political opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, was finally a bridge too far, even for moderate Democrats.

Exercise 15. Translate the following idiomatic expressions associated with colors:

black sheep, blue blood, blue pencil, brown study, grey area, grey matter. grey eminence, golden handshake, golden opportunity, pink slip, red tape, red herring red notice, white elephant, white lie

Упражнение16. Translate the following headlines containing phraseological units. Can the major point of the articles be inferred from their headlines?




Exercise 17. Translate the following sayings:

Let bygones be bygones

Every dark cloud has a silver lining

Curses (like chickens) come home to roost


I. Для публицистического стиля, как и в целом для английского языка, характерна полисемия, или многозначность слов, в связи с чем особую роль приобретает контекст, поскольку конкретное значение того или иного многозначного слова выявляется лишь в контексте.



· Nothing can arrest the current technological progress.  

Глагол arrest, являясь многозначным глаголом, наряду со значением арестовать имеет и значение останавливать, в котором оно использовано в данном предложении.

· Congressional GOP Will Own Unchecked Corruption.

В данном предложении страдательное причастие unchecked образовано от глагола check со значением сдерживать, обуздывать

· On May 2, 1998, the journalist Thomas L. Friedman published a column in the New York Times based on an interview with the dean of American students of Russia, George Kennan.


В этом предложении слова dean и students хорошо знакомы студентам, но очевидно, что перевод этих слов в данном контексте в этих значениях делает фразу бессмысленной. Следовательно, в контексте этого предложения эти слова использованы в иных значениях. Оба этих слова являются многозначными, у слова dean  есть значение дуайен, старейшина; а у слова student есть значение исследователь, именно они и реализуются в данном контексте.

Exercise 18. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the contextual meaning of the italicized words:

  1. 1. This stonewalling suggests that Kim has read Trump well.
  2. There is no serious commitment to translate the will into action .
  3. 3 Americans celebrate freedom of religion and religious pluralism as their core values.
  4. 4. We called up a veteran of US foreign policy, Zbigniew Brzezinski to get his take.
  5. Washington no longer appears to be as wedded to the two-state paradigm as it used to be.
  6. These are just a sample of the benefits that multilateral institutions deliver for modern societies.
  7. 7. In addition, a new technology bank specifically tailored for least developed countries is scheduled to go into operation in 2017
  8. Moscow’s engagement with the West on issues such as Ukraine, Syria, or Iranian and North Korean nuclear matters is gearedto these priorities


  1. ASEAN’s policy of engaging Myanmar attracted criticism from the West, but it helped lay the groundwork for a peaceful transition from military rule.
  2. A packed passenger bus negotiating a downhill curve plunged off a Philippine mountain highway into a 30-metre ravine Wednesday, killing 41 people.
  3. In the face of this momentou s drop in popularity, Macron is struggling to regain traction and has threatened a cabinet shake-up if his ministers don’t deliver.
  4. 12. Russian foreign policy since the breakdown in relations with the West in 2014 suggests that Moscow is prepared to withstand and counter economic pressure and international political isolation in pursuit of its foreign policy objectives.

13. 13. And lest we forget, a major part of the campaign to sell the invasion to the American public involved the fear of terrorism, the specter of dictators giving weapons of mass destruction to terrorists, and the idea that if we don’t fight the bad guys over there they will attack us at home.

  1. 14. In Afghanistan, the Trump administration has notionally embraced the modest aims of its predecessor: the elimination of transnational jihadist threats and weakening of the Taliban enough that it feels compelled to come to the negotiation table.
  2. While various theories may lead to more or less c ompelling conclusions about international relations, none is definitively ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Rather, each possesses some tools that canbe of use to students of international politics in e xamining and analyzing rich, multi-causal phenomena.

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