Principles of meat processing
ПРЕДТЕКСТОВЫЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ А) Произнесите вслед за преподавателем слова, обращая внимание на произношение указанных звуков. [ə:] purpose, refer, further, merchandise, commercial, serve, ferment [G] sausage, refrigeration, fridge, imagination, procedure, subject [e] fresh, step, specialty, spread, blend, several, process [ai] grind, item, variety, final, define, widely, finely, subdivide, dry, type, device, either, slice, prior [i:] procedure, seasoning, beef, meat, degree, reach, piece, heat, each, treatment, completely [ou] undergo, smoke, most, although, mold, bone, whole, loaves, component, process
Б) Прочитайте следующие слова с помощью транскрипции. Procedure [prə'si:dZə], seasoning ['si:zniN], grinding ['graindiN], intact ['intəkt], alteration [O:ltə'reiS(ə)n], combination [kəmbi'neiS(ə)n], final ['fain(ə)l], processing [prou'sesiN], specific [spi'sifik], comminute ['kOminju:t], distinguish [dis'tiNgwiS], subdivide ['sAbdi’vaid], degree [di'gri:], coarse ['kO:s], emulsion [i'mAlS(ə)n], merchandising ['mə:tS(ə)ndaiziN], prior ['praiə], viscous ['viskəs], chopping ['COpiN] natural ['nxtSr(ə)l], manufacture ['mxnju'fxktSə].
Прочитайте следующие слова, расположенные в алфавитном порядке, и найдите в тексте А предложения с данными словами. Постарайтесь запомнить новые для вас слова. alteration – 1) изменение, переделка; 2) деформация casing – оболочка для колбасных изделий coarse – 1) сырой, необработанный; 2) крупнозернистый; 3) жесткий (о мясе) сhip – тонкий кусочек, ломтик сhopping – измельчение, рубка сhunk – 1) большой кусок; 2) короткий колбасный батон сomminuted meat products – продукты из мясного фарша сorned beef – говяжья солонина cured ham – соленый окорок; копченый окорок to distinguish – различать, характеризовать emulsified sausages – колбаса эмульсионного типа (из куттерованного фарша с добавлением белков и белковых препаратов) grinding – измельчение, дробление intact – неповрежденный, целый molded products – формовые продукты pasteurize – пастеризовать patty (pl. patties) – котлета preparation – 1) подготовка, предварительная обработка; 2) приготовление
prior – 1) прежний, предшествующий; 2) более важный processed meat products – мясные продукты, подвергшиеся технологической обработке sausage – 1) колбаса; 2) сосиска, сарделька; 3) колбасный фарш seasoning – приправа, заправка пряностями smoked meats – копченые мясные продукты stuffing – шприцевание, фарширование to subdivide – подразделять Определите, какой частью речи являются слова, образованные с помощью различных суффиксов, и переведите их. add – addition – additive – additional; alter – alteration – alterative – alterable; end – endless – ending; comminute – comminuting – comminutor; cut – cutter – cutting; vary – variation – variety – variable – variability; specialize – special – specialty; produce – producer – producible; product – productive – production – productivity. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их на русский язык. alteration of color, endless variety, distinguishing characteristic, noncomminuted products, corned beef, intact cuts of meat, the degree of comminution, coarsely comminuted sausages, loaf type items, steps in common, may be classed as, can be classified into. 5. Переведите сочетания слов на русский язык, обращая внимание на значения выделенных жирным шрифтом слов. Дополнительную информацию о словах, отмеченных звездочкой (*), читайте в приложении. a) processed meat products, several basic processing steps, methods of preparation, raw meat materials, a viscous mass, sandwich spreads, hamburger and ground beef, type of forming device, metal molds. б) addition of seasonings *; final form *; smoked * meats; a uniform * shape, heat treatment *.
ГРАММАТИКА Инфинитивные обороты Объектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Оbject) Объектный инфинитивный оборот (сложное дополнение) состоит из следующих компонентов: существительное (в общем падеже) инфинитив или местоимение (в объектном падеже + смыслового me, him, her, us, you, them) глагола Объектный инфинитивный оборот переводится на русский язык придаточным дополнительным предложением, вводимым союзами что, чтобы. Например: We consider the results to be satisfactory. Мы считаем, что результаты удовлетворительны. He wants me to help him. Он хочет, чтобы я помог ему.
Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод объектного инфинитивного оборота.
1. We expect this meat product to be popular. 2. Experiments have shown canned meats to be as wholesome as any form of preserved food. 3. Ancient people knew meat to possess high nutritive value. 4. The butchers expected the prices for meat to rise by the end of the year. 5. We know typical noncomminuted products to include hams of all types, bacons, and corned beef. 6. We expected these techniques to be applied for incorporating the curing mixture into meat products. 7. Louis Pasteur found high temperatures to destroy microorganisms.
Прочитайте текст А. Скажите, как классифицируются мясные продукты после технологической обработки. Отчего зависит классификация колбас на категории? Text A Processed Meat Products Processed meat products are defined as those in which the properties of fresh meat have been modified by the use of one or more procedures, such as grinding or chopping, addition of seasonings, alteration of color, or heat treatment. Typical processed meat products include items such as cured ham, bacon, corned beef, and an almost endless variety of sausages. Most of these products are subjected to a combination of several basic processing steps before reaching their final form. Most products undergo certain basic processing steps in common. Although each processed product has its own specific characteristics and methods of preparation, they all can be classified as either comminuted or noncomminuted products. Typical noncomminuted products include hams of all types, bacons, and corned beef. In the meat industry, many of these products are commonly referred to as smoked meats. Their distinguishing characteristic is that they are prepared from whole, intact cuts of meat (with the bone removed in some cases). These products usually are cured, seasoned, heat processed, and smoked, and often they are molded or formed. Comminution involves subdividing the raw meat materials, so that the product consists of small meat pieces, chunks, chips, or slices. Most comminuted products may be classed as sausages. Sausages are comminuted, seasoned meat products that may also be cured, smoked, molded, and heat processed. The degree of comminution varies widely. Some sausages are very coarsely comminuted; examples are salami, pork sausage, and summer sausage. In other sausages, the meat can be so finely subdivided that the sausage mix is a viscous mass with many characteristics of an emulsion. These are referred to as emulsified sausages; examples are frankfurters and bologna. All sausages can be classified into one of six categories, depending upon the processing methods that are used in their manufacture. The six classes, and examples of each, are: (I) fresh — fresh pork sausage; (2) uncooked, smoked — smoked pork sausage, mettwurst, Italian pork sausage; (3) cooked, smoked— frankfurter, bologna, knackwurst, mortadella, berliner; (4) cooked— liver sausage, braunschweiger, beer salami, cooked salami; (5) dry or fermented— summer sausage, cervelat, dry salamis, cappicola, pepperoni; and (6) cooked meat specialties — luncheon meats and loaves, sandwich spreads, jellied products. There are also many comminuted products that are not classed as sausages. Hamburger and ground beef are probably the most common. Most processed meat products are formed at some point in processing, in order to give each product a uniform or characteristic shape. Since sausages are comminuted products, they must be placed in some type of forming device or covering to give them shape, to hold them together during further processing, and for protection. Many noncomminuted smoked meat products are also formed during processing. In general, these meat products are formed in either molds or casings. Metal molds are often used for loaf type items that are sliced prior to merchandising. Casings are more widely used as forms and containers for sausages. The process of placing meat products, either comminuted or noncomminuted, into casings is referred to as stuffing. Two types of casings are in general use: (1) natural, and (2) manufactured.
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