Б). Подберите к словам в левой колонке слова с противоположным значением из правой колонки.
13. Подберите к следующим терминам их определения:
14. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста А. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста. 1. The content of protein in meat products is constant. 2. Large amount of protein can be stored in the body. 3. Meat products supply a major portion of recommended dietary allowance of protein. 4. The lipid content of meat is the most variable component. 5. Saturated fatty acids are susceptible to oxidation. 6. Oxidation of saturated fatty acids promotes rancidity in meat. 7. Meat is a good source of carbohydrates. 8. Meat contains all minerals except for calcium. 9. Large amount of B complex vitamins are present in meat.
15. Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста А. Возможны два верных варианта. 1. The content of protein in meat products varies … a) with the amount of fat present. b) with the amount of carbohydrates present. c) with the amount of water present. 2. The lipid content of meat is … a) the most stable component b) the most variable component. c) the most unstable component. 3. Most of the carbohydrate is present … a) in the brain. b) in the heart. c) in the liver. 4. Meat is a good source of … a) calcium. b) all minerals except for calcium. c) iron. 5. Meat is an excellent source of … a) water soluble vitamin C. b) water soluble B complex vitamins. c) fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K.
16. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту А. 1. What nutrients attribute to nutritive value of meat? 2. Why it is essential to consume protein every day? 3. What is the most variable component of meat? 4. What kinds of fatty acids are present in meat? 5. What is a beneficial characteristic of suturated fatty acids? 6. What factor promotes rancidity in meat? 7. Is meat a poor or a good source of carbohydrate? 8. What minerals does meat contain? 9. Meat is an excellent source of B complex vitamins, isn’t it? 10. What vitamins are present in small quantities? Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык заголовок текста В. Просмотрите слова к тексту В и скажите, о каких факторах, влияющих на получение удовольствия от потребления мяса, пойдет речь в тексте В. Прочитайте текст В и выполните задания после текста. Слова к тексту В: palatability – вкусовые качества, вкус palatable – вкусный delectable – восхитительный appearance – внешний вид tenderness – нежность, мягкость juiciness – сочность flavor – 1. вкус; привкус 2. запах, аромат aroma – 1. аромат, запах 2. привкус Text B Palatability of Meat Meat is a delectable food that has become the central item of most meals in many countries. The extent of satisfaction from meat consumption depends on such factors as appearance, aroma during cooking, tenderness, juiciness, flavor, nutritive value, etc. However, the experience of eating meat does not consist of separate impressions of the individual palatability factors. Rather, the consumer gets an overall impression of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Appearance. Consumers expect raw meat to have an attractive color. A dark color is often associated by the consumer with a lack of freshness though it usually indicates an old animal. With respect to fat, the most desired color is a creamy white. Yellow fat is less appealing to most consumers, although it does not affect the palatability of the cooked product. The color of the cooked product has impact on the meat consumer’s enjoyment. The brown surfaces of meat cooked with dry heat are associated with crispness and unique flavor. Golden brown pork roasts, or thick juicy steaks are usually considered as being good even before they are tasted. The interior color of many cuts also influences palatability reactions of consumer. Tenderness. The major components of meat that contribute to tenderness, or the lack of it, can be conveniently divided into three groups. These are the connective tissues, the muscle fibers, and the lipids associated with muscle tissue. However, meat lipids are of only minor importance in this respect. A low connective tissue content is associated with tenderness. The traditional methods for overcoming connective tissue toughness are the use of weak acids (vinegar or lemon juice), the use of enzyme tenderizers of plant origin, mechanical treatments such as chopping, grinding or cubing. The factor that determines the degree of tenderness of a muscle is its postrigor contraction state.
Juiciness. The meat juices play an important role in conveying the overall impression of palatability to the consumer. They contain many of the important flavor components. The absence of juiciness severely limits meat acceptability, and destroys its unique palatability characteristics. The principal sources of juiciness in meat are the intramuscular lipids and water content. In combination with water, the melted lipid constitutes a broth that, when retained in the meat, is released upon chewing. The major contributor to the sensation of juiciness is the water remaining in the cooked product. Flavor and Aroma. The components of meat that are responsible for flavour and aroma have not been completely identified. Many constituents of the tissue are likely to become flavour compounds upon being heated. Some materials in the fat also become volatilized upon heating. Changes in flavor and aroma may take place in meat as a result of several factors. Flavor changes occur after extended periods of storage. Some flavor changes that occur during storage are considered desirable and others are undesirable. Undesirable flavors can develop during storage, due to oxidative changes in the fat. Rancidity of fat will occur when the fatty acid chains are broken by the chemical addition of oxygen. The end products of microbial growth can produce undesirable flavor. Other types of undesirable flavor are the flavors produced by consumption of certain weeds by the animal prior to slaughter, the strong mutton flavor of old sheep, and the absorbed flavors of meat products that have been stored with other volatile materials. However flavors objectionable to one consumer might be enjoyed by another. The variation in the individual preferences of meat consumers precludes the formulation of universal flavor standards for meat.
Notes: with respect to – что касается, в отношении (чего-либо) in this respect – в этом отношении
УПРАЖНЕНИЯ 18. Найдите в тексте B ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. Meat is considered to be a delectable food, isn’t it? 2. What factors influence the extent of satisfaction from meat consumption? 3. What color of meat is often associated with its freshness? 4. Does color of fat affect the palatability of the cooked product? 5. What are the components of meat that contribute to its tenderness? 6. Are there any methods for overcoming connective tissue toughness? 7. What are the principal sources of juiciness in meat? 8. What is the role of meat juices? 9. Do you know the components of meat that are responsible for flavour and aroma? What are they? 10.What factors can cause changes in meat flavor and aroma?
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