Укажите предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста B.
1. Meat has become the central item of most meals in many countries. 2. The experience of eating meat consists of separate impressions of appearance, aroma, tenderness, juiciness, flavor, nutritive value, etc. 3. Flavors objectionable to one consumer might be enjoyed by another. 4. Meat is a good source of all minerals except for calcium. 5. Some flavor changes that occur during storage of meat are considered desirable and others are undesirable. 6. The color of the cooked meat product has no impact on the consumer’s enjoyment. 7.A low connective tissue content is associated with meat tenderness. 8. It is the water remaining in the cooked meat product that contributes to the sensation of juiciness. Прочитайте три отрывка. Озаглавьте каждый отрывок и скажите, какие из них дополняют информацию текстов А и В. 1. Skeletal meat provides a high quality protein with a high biological value. A high quality protein is one that contains all of the essential amino acids, in amounts that are equivalent to the requirements of the human body, is highly digestible, and is easily absorbable. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of which all proteins are composed, and the essential amino acids are those that cannot be synthesized by the body in amounts surfficient to meat its requirements. Adult human needs eight essential amino acids. These are phenylalanine, valine, tryptophan, thronine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, and lysine. Most animal products such as meat, milk, and vegetable proteins and the connective tissues of animals are somewhat low in biological value. The high amounts of the nonessential amino acids glycine, praline, and hydroxyproline in collagen are responsible for the lower biological value of some processed meats that contain connective tissue as the primary source of protein. In addition to proteins, meat also contains some nonprotein nitrogenous compounds, such as the free amino acids, simple pepties, amines, amides, and creatine. Although these compounds do not contribute significantly to nutritive value, they are a potential source of nitrogen that can be used for amino acid and protein synthesis. 2. The American Medical Association and American Heart Association have linked a high rate of saturated fat and cholesterol consumption as contributing factors in cardiovascular diseases. The processors of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (such as margarines and cooking oils) have prompted these allegations, and the sale volume of vegetable fats has increased at the expense of that of animal fats. The publicity has adversely affected the consumption of animal products, especially those that are considered to be high in saturated fats. Among the products so affected is pork, which almost always is removed from the diet by physicians when a patient demonstrates symptoms that will eventually lead to cardiovascular disease. Recent nutrition studies have shown that, except for bacon, cooked pork has no more calories derived from fat per serving than do corresponding cuts of beef or lamb.
The results of several research studies have also indicated that, in general, diet per se is not related directly to the incidence of cardiovascular disease. However, it does follow logically that high caloric intake is related to obesity. In turn, obesity, stress, and relative inactivity are factors which have been shown to be directly related to the occurrence of cardiovascular. 3. The meat packing and processing industry has done a good job of converting tissues that are not used for food into useful by-products. Economics pressure has forced by-products to be utilized with great efficiency. However, ecological concern and the ever growing need for food protein demand even grater efficiency in the future. The potential exists for converting some of the animal tissues that now find their way into inedible by-products into high protein food products for human consumption. For example, blood is a source of nutritious food protein$ but, because of general prejudice among Americans, little of it is used for human food in the United States. However, in other parts of the world, as well as among many etnic groups in the United States, meat products composed of blood are often considered delicacies, and certain African tribes utilize blood taken from their cattle as their main source of protein. Furthermore, the concept of “no waste” will likely be adopted for the future, and economically profitable uses will be found the small amounts of waste now generated by packing and processing plants. 24. Обсудите информацию отрывка 1 в парной беседе. Для этого составьте 5-6 вопросов к отрывку и задайте их своему товарищу. Ответьте на его вопросы. 25. Ответьте на вопросы к отрывку 2. 1. High rates of saturated fat and cholesterol consumption are contributing factors in cardiovascular diseases, aren’t they? 2. What are the factors directly related to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases? 3. Are these factors linked with the consumption of animal products? 4. What kind of meat is usually removed from the diet of a patient who demonstrates symptoms that will lead to cardiovascular disease? 5. What have the results of several research studies indicated? Переведите отрывок 3 письменно с помощью словаря. Прочитайте текст С и скажите: а) что является показателем высокой калорийности мяса? б) почему диетологи рекомендуют включать печень в рацион питания человека? в) почему мясо, подвергшееся технологической обработке, менее полезно чем сырое? Слова для понимания текста С: diet – пищевой рацион caloric value – калорийность allowance – норма serving – порция nutritious – питательный nutritionist – специалист по питанию Text C
Meat in the Diet Meat is very nutritious food and supplies much or all of the daily human needs for many nutrients. The caloric value of meat depends upon the amount of fat in and on meat cuts that is actually eaten. The amount of visible fat that is present in meat as marbling is an excellent indication of its caloric value. Beef, fish, lamb, pork, poultry, and veal differ in the relative proportions of each of the nutrients, a 100 gram serving of cooked meat from these species will, on the average, supply approximately the following nutrients for an adult male: 10 percent of the recommended daily allowance of calories; 50 percent of the protein recommendation; 35 percent of the iron recommendation (100 percent if the serv- ing is liver); 25-60 percent of the B complex vitamins (higher, if the serving is pork or liver). Several of the variety meats have slightly less protein and fat than skeletal meats. Yet these variety items are often more economical sources of protein and vitamins than the conventional retail cuts of meat. Liver provides the richest source of iron, vitamin A, niacin, and riboflavin of any ordinary food. Nutritionists recommend that liver be included in the diet on a regular basis. Processed meat contains less protein and water and more fat and minerals than the consumed portions of fresh meat. Processed meat also contains more calories than fresh meat, because of the added cereals, flours, or skimmed milk and it also frequently has a higher fat content. Meat fats contain ample quantities of the fatty acids that are essential in the diet of humans. Since the daily need of these essential fatty acids is relatively small, the RDA is easily met from intramuscular fat, even when most of the external fat is cut away. The fatty acids that are known to be essential are linoleic and arachidonic.
28. Кратко изложите содержание текста С, используя фразы – клише, которые вы найдёте в приложении. UNIT IV
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