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Прочитайте текст А и назовите основные показатели для определения сортности мяса.

Text A.

Types of Grades

1. Meat grading and standardization is a procedure by which carcasses, meat, or meat products are segregated on the basis of their expected palatability or yield attributes, or other economically important traits. Grading serves to segregate products into standardized groups with common characteristics, such as appearance, physical properties, or edible portion. For example, carcass grading serves to divide carcasses of a species into groups, each of which have unique characteristics that will determine its processing, and the form of the finished meat product.

2. Each grade has a specified minimum level for the traits that are used in grading. Each grade also allows a degree of variability above these minimum requirements. The purposes of grading are to facilitate marketing and merchandising through the standardization of products, and by identifying those characteristics of products that are of value to the consumer.

3. The official standards for beef, pork, lamb and mutton, and poultry grades have been amended periodically, both in order to improve the grading system and to accomplish their intended purposes more efficiently. Products or carcasses that are graded must be prepared under the supervision of either federal meat inspection or a state inspection that is its equivalent in standards. Federal grading is a completely voluntary service that is available, upon request, to any company, plant, or individual with a financial interest in the product.

4. There are two general types of federal grades for meat. Grades for quality are intended to categorize meat on the basis of its acceptability for consumer cuts. The variables used in assigning quality grades include factors that are related to palatability and the acceptability of meat products to consumers. Grades for quantity (yield grades) are designed to categorize carcasses on the basis of an expected yield of trimmed retail cuts, and are established primarily for beef, pork, and lamb carcasses.

5. The quality grades for the various species are intended to classify meat on the basis of palatability traits. In grading meat, each species is referred to as a kind. Each kind of meat is divided into classes that are quite similar in physical characteristics.


Notes: upon request – по заявке

take into consideration – принять во внимание



13. Найдите в тексте фрагменты предложений, которые переводятся как:

предполагаемые вкусовые качества; экономически важные особенности; определение сортности мяса; разделение продуктов по стандартным группам; физические свойства; особые свойства, которые определят обработку; сортирование по качеству; вкусовые качества и пригодность мясных продуктов; сортирование по массе; одинаковые по физическим свойствам.


14. а) Найдите среди слов в правой колонке синонимы к словам в левой колонке:

1) finished a) final b) original c) produced

2) purpose a) action b) plan c) dream

3) common a) usual b) official c) complete

4) to divide a) to allow b) to grade c) to separate

5) to yield a) to choose b) to use c) to produce

6) to consume a) to use b) to accept c) to value

7) to increase a) to grow b) to inspect c) to improve

8) to segregate a) to relate b) to isolate c) to divide

9) to allow a) to request b) to desire c) to let

б) Подберите к словам в левой колонке слова с противоположным значением из правой колонки:

1) to divide a) to unite b) to grow c) to separate

2) minimum a) quantity b) quality c) maximum

3) common a) usual b) specific c) complete

4) above a) upon b) below c) into

5) official a) specific b) federal c) familiar

6) to finish a) to stop b) to amend c) to continue

7) more a) less b) little c) many

8) available a) general b) desirable c) inavailable


15. Подберите к следующим техническим терминам их определения:

1) to standardize 1. The actual amount of a pure substance obtained during a preparation or manufacturing process.
2) a standard 2. A quantity which can change in magnitude because of a change in related quantity.
3) variable (n) 3. To measure a specific quantity against a standard.
4) quality 4. An object or a substance chosen to provide the unit of measurement for a physical quantity
5) yield 5. One of the ways in which an object, a substance, a material can be recognized, by appearance or behaviour.
6) to classify 6. To use materials or energy so that they no longer exist in their original form.
7) characteristics 7. An item chosen from a list of characteristics of an organism for a particular study.
8) property 8. To put members into their categories according to their nature, structure or properties.
9) trait 9. A quality, property or other feature that distinguishes an individual from the other members of its group.
10) to consume 10. One of the properties by which an object or a substance can be recognized and described according to its appearance or behaviour.

16. Прочитайте 3-ий абзац текста А и найдите в нем слова, которые переводятся как:

стандарты, исправлять, улучшать, цели, надзор, добровольный, доступный, требование, сортность, завершить.


17. Укажите предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста А. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста, используя уже известные вам разговорные формулы.

1. Carcass grading is connected with unique characteristics and the form of the finished product.

1. To facilitate marketing and merchandising of meat product one must identify the value of products for consumers.

3. It is not necessary to amend the official standards for meat grades.

4. Factors related to palatability of meat products assign grades for quantity.

5. There are three general types of federal grades for meat.


18. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту А:

1. What is the name of the procedure of carcasses, meat and meat products segregation?

2.What common characteristics are considered when products are segregated into standardized groups?

3. What is the purpose of carcass grading?

4. What are the requirements for the traits used in grading?

5. What are the purposes of grading?

6. Why are the official standards for meat grades periodically


7. Is the procedure of federal grading a voluntary service?

8. How many types of federal grades for meat are mentioned in the text?

9. What are grades for quality intended for?

10. What are grades for quantity designed for?

19. Составьте план пересказа текста А. Выпишите ключевые слова к каждому пункту плана. Перескажите текст, пользуясь планом и ключевыми словами.

Просмотрите текст В и назовите факторы, которые включены во все стандарты определения качества мяса.

Прочитайте текст более внимательно и скажите: а) что такое степень зрелости тканей животных и почему зрелость мяса считается одним из наиболее важных показателей вкусовых качеств?; б) что такое мраморность мяса и на какие вкусовые качества мяса она влияет?


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