Veterinary medicine in the United States
Veterinary medicine in the United States Veterinary medicine in the United States is the performance of veterinary service by the licensed professionals, normally termed veterinarians or vets. Veterinarians are often assisted by paraveterinary workers including veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants, and in some cases, these para-professionals may perform work on their own. In order to practice, veterinarians must obtain a degree in veterinary medicine, followed by gaining a license to practice. Previously, veterinary degrees were available as a bachelor's degree, but now all courses result in the award of a doctorate and are therefore awarded a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) if the degree is awarded in English, or a Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris (" Doctor of Veterinary Medicine" ) (VMD) if the degree is awarded in Latin. Following qualification from the doctoral degree, the prospective veterinarian must receive a passing grade on the North America Veterinary Licensing Exam. This exam is completed over the course of eight hours, and consists of 360 multiple-choice questions. This exam covers all aspects of veterinary medicine, as well as visual material designed to test diagnostic skills. There is a high level of competition for admission to veterinary schools; there are currently only twenty eight veterinary schools in the United States which meet the accreditation standards set by the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), and five in Canada. Entrance requirements vary among veterinary schools, and various pre-professional degree programs have been developed to assist undergraduates in meeting these requirements.
3. Continue the sentences: 1) Veterinarians are often assisted …. 2) Veterinarians must obtain …. 3) Veterinary degrees were available as …. 4) The prospective veterinarian must …. 5) This exam covers all aspects of …. 6) Entrance requirements vary ….
4. Say whether the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements: 1) Veterinary medicine in the United States is the performance of veterinary service by the licensed professionals, normally termed veterinarians or vets. 2) Veterinarians are often assisted by paraveterinary workers including veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants, and in some cases, these para-professionals may perform work on their own. 3) In order to practice, veterinarians must obtain a degree in medicine, followed by gaining a license to practice. 4) Following qualification from the doctoral degree, the prospective veterinarian must receive a passing grade on the North America Veterinary Licensing Exam. 5) This exam is completed over the course of ten hours, and consists of 260 multiple-choice questions. 6) Entrance requirements vary among veterinary schools, and various pre-professional degree programs have been developed to assist undergraduates in meeting these requirements.
5. Read the text and compare veterinary medical school in the United Kingdom and in our country. Veterinary medicine in the United Kingdom Veterinary medicine in the United Kingdom is the performance of veterinary service by licensed professionals, termed 'veterinary surgeons', normally referred to as 'vets', and strictly regulated by statute law, notably the Veterinary Surgeons Act of 1966. Vets are often assisted by registered veterinary nurses, who are able to both assist the vet and to autonomously practice a range of skills of their own, including minor surgery under direction from a responsible vet. The practice of veterinary medicine in the United Kingdom is regulated by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). It gives a license to both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses. Veterinary surgeons require both a degree in veterinary science or veterinary medicine, and must hold a current registration with the RCVS in order to practice. Veterinary medicine degree courses are usually five years in length, although Cambridge University's degree takes six, and in some cases, a four year accelerated course is available. Only eight British Universities offer the degree (Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Nottingham, London, Surrey). Continuing professional development (CPD) is a mandatory and key part of career development. The RCVS recommends a minimum of 105 hours CPD over a three-year period. Vets may choose to specialize in any of a number of areas of veterinary medicine, through certificate qualifications, modular certificates or diplomas, with each specialty taking around two years to complete. Certificates cover a wide range of areas, including small animal medicine, small animal surgery, large animal medicine, welfare ethics and law, public health, cardiology and orthopedics. A certificate is also available in advanced veterinary practice (Cert AVP). Some vets also undertake the training to become Official Veterinarians (OVs), which authorizes them to carry out tasks on behalf of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, such as testing cattle for tuberculosis or issuing of documentation for the export of animals and animal products. 6. Put the sentences into the right order: 1)Vets are often assisted by registered veterinary nurses, who are able to both assist the vet and to autonomously practice a range of skills of their own, including minor surgery under direction from a responsible vet. 2) The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) gives a license to both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses. 3) Some vets also undertake the training to become Official Veterinarians (OVs), which authorizes them to carry out tasks on behalf of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, such as testing cattle for tuberculosis or issuing of documentation for the export of animals and animal products. 4) Vets may choose to specialize in any of a number of areas of veterinary medicine, through certificate qualifications, modular certificates or diplomas, with each specialty taking around two years to complete. 5)Certificates cover a wide range of areas, including small animal medicine, small animal surgery, large animal medicine, welfare ethics and law, public health, cardiology and orthopedics.
7. Make up questions and answer them: 1)Veterinary medicine in the United Kingdom is the performance of veterinary service by licensed professionals, termed 'veterinary surgeons'. (How) 2) The practice of veterinary medicine in the United Kingdom is regulated by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). (Whom) 3) Veterinary surgeons require both a degree in veterinary science or veterinary medicine, and must hold a current registration with the RCVS in order to practice. (What) 4) Veterinary medicine degree courses are usually five years in length, although Cambridge University's degree takes six, and in some cases, a four year accelerated course is available. (How many) 5) The RCVS recommends a minimum of 105 hours CPD over a three-year period. (How many) 6) A certificate is also available in advanced veterinary practice (Cert AVP). (What)
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