11. Compare the methods of administration, dosage rates, and time of withdrawal of several drugs for animals.
11. Compare the methods of administration, dosage rates, and time of withdrawal of several drugs for animals.
Infusion Infusion is another method of getting drugs to the site of the infection. It is used most often to treat dairy animals with udder and teat problems. The udder is the milk-secreting glands of the animal. Teats are the appendages of an udder. A sterile cannula (blunt needle) is inserted into the opening of the teat, and the drug is forced into the teat canal. Dipping Dipping is a process for treating animals, mostly cattle and sheep, for external parasites. It involves filling a vat with medicated water and forcing the animal to walk or swim through it. This process is also used to treat dogs for ticks and fleas. Dipping is popular where large numbers of animals must be completely covered with the medication. 12. Agree with the texts partly. Taking Temperatures Taking an animal's temperature is basically the same as taking a human's temperature. It is usually taken in the rectum. The rectum is the last organ in the digestive tract. Animal thermometers are normally longer and heavier than ones used in human medicine. They also have an eye at one end and should have a string attached to it to prevent loss of the thermometer into the body cavity. To use an animal thermometer, first shake down the column of mercury. Coat the thermometer with sterile jelly to make insertion easier. Do not force the thermometer into the rectum. If there is resistance, injury may result. Correct the conditions that are causing the resistance and then reinsert the thermometer. After several minutes, remove the thermometer and read the temperature on the scale. Thermometers with digital readouts are also available, but are not in general use by livestock managers.
13. Say how to take temperatures the animals in two sentences. Determining Pulse and Respiration Rates The pulse rate for large animals can be taken by holding your ear against the animal's chest and listening to the heartbeat. The number of heartbeats in 1 minute is the pulse rate. The respiration rate of an animal can be determined by watching its rib cage move. Counting the number of breaths that the animal takes in 1 minute will indicate the rate of respiration. Restraining Animals There is a number of ways to restrain animals for observation and treatment of diseases and parasites. These include head gates, squeeze chutes, halters, twitches, nose leads, and casting harnesses, to mention a few. Head gates trap the head of large animals, whereas squeeze chutes hold the whole animal. When halters are used, they are usually tied to a post or something else substantial to hold the animal. Twitches hold the tender lip of a horse. Nose leads hold cattle by the nose. Sometimes large animals need to be examined lying down. An easy way to do this is with a casting harness.
14. Answer the questions: 1. What are the waysto restrain animals for observation and treatment? 2. When are halters used? 3. What are twitches? 4. How do nose leads hold cattle?
Vaccination The prevention of diseases is nearly always less expensive than treating animals once they have the disease. A good disease-prevention program should include vaccination of animals. Vaccination is the injection of an agent into an animal to prevent disease. The agent causes the animal's body to become immune to the disease. Immune means not affected by something. Vaccination programs are usually part of the services of a veterinarian (an animal doctor). Vaccination programs vary widely with the type of animal and area of the country.
15. Read the statements and say whether they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. 1. The prevention of diseases is nearly always more expensive than treating animals once they have the disease. 2. A good disease-prevention program should include vaccination of animals. 3. The agent causes the animal's body to become immune to the disease. 4. Immune means affected by something. 5. Vaccination programs vary widely with the type of animal and area of the country. 16. Translate the sentences into English: 1) Вливание – один из методов введения лекарств в организм животного. 2) Этот процесс используется для лечения собак от блох. 3) Термометры для животных длиннее и тяжелее, чем для человека. 4) Пульс у больших животных измеряется через шею. 5) Существуют несколько способов ограничить животного для осмотра. 6) Предотвратить болезнь дешевле, чем вылечить ее. 7) Вакцинация используется для предотвращения многих заболеваний. 8) Кормовые добавки – для контроля заболеваний, повышения аппетита. 9) Консультации с ветеринаром обязательны.
17. Find the correspondences:
18. Divide the sentences: Anytimethatananimalishavingreproductiveproblemsa veterinarianshouldbeconsultedthiswillhelpminimizespreadofthediseasecautionmustbetakentoalwaysfollowthemanufacturer'srecommendationsconcerningtheuseofthesematerialsa gooddiseasepreventionprogramshouldincludevaccinationofanimalswhenhaltersareused theyareusuallytiedtoapostorsomethingelsesubstantialtoholdtheanimaltherespirationrateof ananimalcanbedeterminedbywatchingitsribcagemovecorrecttheconditionsthatarecausing theresistanceandthenreinsertthethermometer.
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