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Test for unit 14. 1…. remains the main source of providing the population with food. 2. Specialization and concentration….increasing in animal husbandry.

Test for unit 14

1….. remains the main source of providing the population with food.

a) agriculture

b) selection

c) intensification of animal

d) Biological industry

2. Specialization and concentration…... increasing in animal husbandry.

a) are

b) is

c) am

d) has

3. Intensification of animal husbandry …. better feeding and selection, introduction of the achievements of science and advanced method, great mechanization.

a) is

b) was

c) were

d) are

4. Agriculture plays an important role…. the development of our country.

a) in

b) of

c) an

d) for

5. Biological industry …. produced various drugs and preparations promoting resistance of animal body to harmful environmental conditions.

a) has

b) was

c) were

d) have

6. What is the basis of animal welfare?

a) the veterinary sanitation and hygiene

b) noncontagious diseases

c) Vaccination of animals

d) Animal diseases

7. It supplies the necessary raw materials for the... and …. industries which produce large quantities of consumer goods.

a) food, light

b) pork, beef

c) eggs, milk

d) food, beef

8. The tasks set for the veterinary science today... to increase animal productivity.

a) are

b) is

c) am

d) has

9. …. the foundation of human health, wellbeing of animals, good quality of animal production and high culture of cattle breeding.

a) They is

b) they are

c) this is

d) this are

10. Потребительские товары

a) consumer goods

b) the raw materials

c) eggs and milk

d) to increase

11. well-being of animals

a) благополучие животных

b) лечить больных животных

c) cувеличивать

d) потребительские товары

12. It supplies the necessary raw materials for the food and light industries which produce large quantities of consumer goods.

a) Пищевая и молочная индустрия

b) пищевая индустрия

c) пищевая и легкая промышленность

d) молочная и тяжелая промышленность

13. Large industrialized farms for the production of pork, beef, ... and... have been established.

a) Struggle and preventive

b) eggs and milk

c) pig and poultry

d) cattle and pig

14. Intensification of animal husbandry is better …. and selection, introduction of the achievements of science and advanced method, great mechanization.

a) feed

b) feeding

c) feeder

d) feeds

15. Specialization and concentration …. increasing in animal husbandry.

a) are

b) is

c) in

d) was

16. They are the foundation of human health, well... of animals, good quality of animal production and high culture of cattle ….. .

a) being, breed

b) be, breeding

c) be, breed

d) is, breed

17. to control the quality of meat

a) контролировать качество мяса

b) лечить больных животных

c) снизить смертность у животных

d) вредные условия окружающей среды

18. Agriculture... an important role in the development of our country.

a) plays

b) playing

c) play

d) played

18. …. of animals against infectious diseases is a specialized type of work in which veterinarians may be engaged.

a) vaccination

b) large industrialized farms

c) veterinary doctor

d) Biological industry

19….. has produced various drugs and preparations promoting resistance of animal body to harmful environmental conditions.

a) Vaccination

b) Large industrialized farms

c) veterinary doctor

d) Biological industry

20. Составьте предложение 1

1a. The foremost attention

2b. is paid

3c. to the veterinary sanitation

4d. and

5e. hygiene

22. Составьте предложение 2.

1a) Agriculture remains the main source

 2b) of providing the population

 3c) with food

23. Составьте предложение 3

1a. Vaccination of animals against infectious diseases

2b. is a specialized type of

3c. work in which veterinarians

4d. may be engaged

24. Составьте предложение 4

1a. Biological industry has

2b. produced various drugs and

3c. preparations promoting

4d. resistance

25. Составьте предложение 5

1a. Intensification of animal

2b. husbandry is

3c. better feeding

4d. and selection

26. The foremost attention is paid

a) Главное внимание уделяется

b)  Интенсификация животноводства лучше кормления и отбора

c) Ветеринарная служба должна уделять особое внимание

d) Сельское хозяйство остается

27. 1) пища 2) сырье 3) говядина 4) задача

1a. food

2b. the raw materials

3c. beef

4d. task

28. 1) branches of science 2) to provide the population3) consumer goods4) to feed better

1a. отрасль науки

2b. обеспечивать население

3c. потребительские товары

4d. лучше кормить

29. 1) noncontagious diseases2) to treat sick animals3) preventive treatment 4) resistance of animal body

1a. незаразные заболевания

2b. для лечения больных животных

3c. профилактическое лечение

4d. резистентность организма животных

30. Large industrialized farms …. the production of pork, beef, eggs and milk

a) for

b) of

c) an

d) in

UNIT 15. Veterinary medicine in the United States in the United Kingdom


licensed professionals — ветеринары, имеющие лицензию на ветеринарную практику

paraveterinary workers — ветеринарный фельдшер

to gain a license — получить лицензию

a bachelor's degree — степень бакалавра

a doctorate — докторская степень

a passing grade — минимальный проходной балл

360 multiple — choice questions — 360 вопросов с выборочным ответом

meet the accreditation standards — соответствовать требованиям аккредитации

American Veterinary Medical Association(AVMA) — Американская ассоциация ветеринарной медицины

undergraduates — студенты.

autonomously – автономно

minor surgery – малая хирургия

veterinary nurses – ветеринарные медсестры

a four year accelerated course – четырехлетний ускоренный курс

welfare ethics - этика благосостояния


1. Translate the following word combinations: the performance of veterinary service,

to obtain a degree in veterinary medicine, veterinary degrees, doctoral degree, prospective veterinarian,  360 multiple-choice questions, high level of competition, veterinary schools.


2. Read the text and complete the tasks below:


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