1. Reasons for a great number of divorces in our country
Стр 1 из 6Следующая ⇒ 1. Reasons for a great number of divorces in our country I’d like to speak about the reasons of divorces in our country. Marriage plays a leading role in people’s lives. But all we know about the problem of divorces now. According to experts, every second marriage breaks up today in our country. 10 years ago every third marriage broke up. This increase is very huge, almost in 1. 5 times. According to the statistics, we can see that 40 per cent of divorces fall on the first 4 years of marriage. When people are at the age about 20 or 25, they can easily get used to cohabitation, to the habits of each member of the family. When people are at the age of 30, for example, they can’t do it so simply; it takes them more time. So, let’s dwell on the reasons of divorces. I think that there are 4 main reasons for it. The first one is psychological and practical unavailability to a family life. It becomes apparent in rude words, mutual insults and humiliations, inattentive relations to each other, greed of one of the spouses. They don’t want to make concessions to each other; they can’t eliminate the conflicts, because each of them tries to be a leader. The second reason is hard drinking. All we know that people can’t hold up, when they are drunk; and as a result they argue and even fight. The next reason is misconduct. Men do it more often than women. The fourth reason is the absence of mutual help in different kinds of works. For example, when a husband doesn’t help his wife in household matters. I think that there are a lot of the other reasons, not only these 4 ones. They are household disorder, different views on material welfare, jealousy and the absence of children. What I’d like to add, that every girl and woman wants to be loved and the only one. She wishes just real woman’s happiness. As for me, I’d like to have only one marriage, only one husband and 2 children. I think that a guarantee of a success family life is a mutual understanding. 2. Families with the only child vs. families with many children Mom, where are my toys? Give me back my teddy-bear! Keep out of my room! For some people it sounds like a nightmare, but for the others it’s a part of a usual everyday life. Before I’ll start my speech, I’d like to mark, that the difference between families having one and two children is unnoticeable. So, I’d like to compare families with two and with many children. I can say that being not the only child in a family – is an amazing feeling. Your brother or sister will always be near, and will never let someone to offend you. Personally I know nothing about big families, but I know someone, who does. The Gosselin family could tell you, how it is – to have 8 children. John and Kate were a usual American family. But unfortunately they had no children. So they tried surgery. Soon after that they had born cute twin girls – Cara and Mady. They loved their girls so much, and decided to have one more. Bud they had born 6! They made their own TW-show about the life of sextuplets and twins. The title of the show is Jon and Kate plus 8. Since that moment their house was full of crying and toys. Even more, all this was happening under the eyes of millions viewers.
As for me, I find this TW show very interesting. While watching it, I realized, how important it is – to have a family. And what about small families? To my mind, it’s not so good for children. They are bad-mannered and egoistic. The only child is often allowed everything he wants. And that usually makes children not so happy, as it used to think. In conclusion I’d like to say that for a big family will always be better. I’m’ shure that in my future I’ll have more than one child. From childhood I was dreaming to born twins. Children are happiness, and I’m going to be as happy as it is possible.
3. Home of my dream First of all I'd like to say that all of us have our own ideas and dreams about a perfect home, because " home" can't mean the same to everybody. But I'm sure that for all people home is not just a place to live in. Home is your little world where you live according to your own rules and interests. It's a place where you feel comfort, warmth and reliability, that's why we say " East or West, home is best" and the English say " My home is my castle". In my opinion home always awakens the best feelings and high emotions in people's souls. But what an ideal home is everybody decides for himself. It goes without saying that nowadays there are a lot of types of dwellings, that's why everyone can choose a house he or she likes. For instance some people prefer semi-detached houses. I think that such houses attract them because they are less expensive than mansions or bungalows, for example. You also have neighbours you can always turn to if you need something, but at the same time your neighbours can disturb you while repairing their part of the house or when they listen to music too loudly. Other people like cottages and farmhouses. I think that people, who prefer these types of dwelling, are fond of nature, fresh air and they want to have calm and measured rhythm of life. Usually they keep the poultry and the cattle. One of advantages living in such a house is that you have your own land where you can grow fruit and vegetables, make flowerbeds and plant various beautiful flowers. You can also build some outhouses like a green-house, a garage, a tool shed, an arbour. The most important disadvantage of living in a farmhouse or in a cottage, to my mind, is that it takes a lot of time to get to the nearest town, but if you have a car it isn't a problem for you. Now I live in a block of flats. It seems to me that it's the cheapest type of dwelling in a town. Flats can be of different sizes: one-roomed, two-roomed, three-roomed and you can choose a flat you like. Besides, among advantages of living in a block of flats some people name that it takes less time to tidy up a flat than a house. But as any type of dwelling a flat has its disadvantages: a noise that your neighbours make when they, for example, drill or hammer or when they organize a party. Sometimes you can depend on your neighbours - imagine such a situation: your neighbours' tap is dripping and they need it to be repaired, so they block water supply not only in their own flat but also in yours and you have to wait for hours till you can do the washing-up or take a shower. It isn't convenient, but in spite of it the largest part of population in our country live in blocks of flats. I personally live on a flat and I can say that all these disadvantages don't bother me a lot.
But frankly speaking my dream is to live in a detached house. Why? First of all your neighbours can never disturb you, for instance by hammering a nail into the wall. But at the same time if you want to ask your neighbours for something or just have a talk you can visit them. As you have some land around the house you can build outhouses; and if I had a detached house I would build a garage, a summer house, maybe a padding pool and certainly I would arrange some flowerbeds. I hope that one day I will have such a house. I imagine the house of my dream in such a way: it's a two-storied but not a large brick house with a red gable roof, fenced by a hedge. A narrow path leads to front steps by the both sides of which there are small nice flowerbeds. When you come in through the front door you find yourself in a spacious hall with a wide staircase, on one side of which there are potted plants. I'd like to have four or five rooms, but frankly speaking I can't imagine then clearly now. I only want to add that I want my bedroom to be the lightest room in my house owing to a French window and it should have a small open balcony. On the contrary, the sitting-room should be the darkest room in the house. Here I want to have a fireplace near which I can spend long winter evenings sitting in a rocker and listening to pleasant music or sipping coffee. And at the end of my story I'd like to say that all of us imagine our ideal houses in different ways; so everything depends on your taste and preferences.
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