7. How not to die at a job interview?
7. How not to die at a job interview? Job interview is a peculiar culmination of the whole process of job placement. Interview with the employer is stressful even for professional and skilled competitors, therefore it is important to think over in advance how to behave on interview, how to answer the questions which are set on interview by the recruiter. After you arranged a meeting with your employer, it is high time to think about the preparation. First of all prepare all the documents that you may need. It is advisable to learn some information about the company: its history, activities, achievements. Thereby during the conversation with the employer you can show earnestness of your intentions. There is no way you can be late on interview. Think about the route and estimate how long it will take you to get there. It is important to think over the questions, that employer may ask and possible answers. You need to be ready to give honest ones! Speaking about future work you should give to understand that you are interested in this company and can be usefull as a specialist. Prepare also the questions that you may ask your employer. Don’t forget to switch off the mobile phone in advance. Your clothes are significant part of your preparations. First impression should be as pleasant as possible. Entering the room greet your interlocutor and while talking look at him. Don’t be too relaxed, but don’t be too constrained either. It is important to listen carefully and during your speech not to be too loud or too quiet. It may seem that you are not self-confident. But anyway you should remember that open smile, benevolence and a little bit of good sense of humor will help you to hush up all small slips you may do.
8. Why do people travel? Have you ever thought why people travel? Why do they try to spend their holidays outby? Why do they want to go anywhere? Besides usual reasons, such as to have a rest from vanity, to change the atmosphere, to see different places of interest, - there are some deeper ones. Changing the atmosphere is very useful. You get new impressions and emotions. They say that if you should take a strong decision, you need to forget about it on some time. And you can turn your attention on something new. But from the other point of view, travelling is a lesson. It’s an opportunity to understand a lot. During any holiday, whether or no, you have to overcome yourself and your fears, to learn taking a decision quickly, to adapt to circumstances and new conditions. You should place yourself in unused conditions, to help in your self-development. For example, camping trip, a travelling-hitchhike, a rest tents or something like that. All of these help us to forget about today’s problems and just enjoy the rest. Some people travel because they need seaside air. All we know that it should be considered as a medicine. The air is full of healthy and necessary components for our organism. Also I know people, who travel just because of nice photos and souvenirs, just to buy clothes or bags. Some of them buy tickets to any country to have a rest, to get a tan, to swim, to try national cuisine, to look at places, where our stars were born. Every person has own reasons.
As for me, I like to travel. I try to get everything I can, from the rest. I enjoy the rest, where all-inclusive. I don’t want to cook at my rest or to find the place of living. Our everyday life is full of these things. We should choose the rest, which is the most comfortable. 9. The world population increase versus the reduction of natural resources This year the population at the planet Earth reached the number of 7 billion inhabitants. And it isn’t a secret for everybody that the scientists found out, that the natural sources of oil, gas, coal are limited. Does it mean that all the humanity will soon die of the lack of resources? Let’s dwell on this problem. We know that there is a policy in some Asian countries for reducing population, called «one family – one child» in China and «one family – 2 children» in India. The policy helps these countries to deliver all the resources as equal as possible. But it is impossible, for example, for the other European countries to limit the birth of children. In some European countries there is even an opposite problem – the lack of population. And it is also a great problem. So, what should we do with the reduction of natural resources? I think, there should be 2 ways out. The first way out is using another resources instead of gas and oil. For example, wind, sun and water. A lot of European countries use the energy of wind nowadays. Why not use it in the whole world? And the next way out is developing new technologies. I’m sure, that soon scientists in Japan or in the leading European countries will find salvational chemical element, or develop a machine, that will provide energies, when all the oil will gone. I’m sure, that the humanity will be still alive without modern natural resources.
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