10. The problem of drug addiction in our country and in the world
10. The problem of drug addiction in our country and in the world I’d like to speak about the problem of drug addiction in our country and in the world. I think, that situation in our country is critical. Every year more than 100 000 people die from the use of drugs. Most of them die at the age of 25. But they are our generation, which could give million lives for Russia. So what are the reasons, which make people take drugs? I think that there are a lot of reasons. The first one is friends. When you are in a company, where all people take drugs, first or last, you’ll take them too. But then it’s difficult and it’s practically impossible to stop. You want more and more, because you have your own world under this state. When you don’t take drugs, you have withdrawal pains; you are not interested in a real life. The second one is loss of meaning in life. When the parents don’t understand you, or your marriage is on the level of divorce, or you lost close people, or you are at death’s door. Taking drugs helps you to forget about the problems you have. The next reason is your priorities. You don’t have any job, any relations with girls or boys. The only thing, which is important to you, is your wishes. Your aim is to try everything, it is your wish, and nobody can forbid you taking drugs. But we don’t think about the consequences of use of drugs. We can easily find a lot of videos in Internet, which are very cruel. We can see the consequences on the face, for example. It becomes darker, your bones become fragile. Of course most cells die, activity of your brain becomes worse, your speech becomes slower. Your sight, hearing becomes worse too. As for me, I’m an antagonist of taking drugs. I’ll never take them, because my life is priceless, and I want to spend it on making a family, appearing my child. I want to find well-paid and interesting job. I’m really sorry for people, which kill their lives. But it’s very difficult to help them. They must want to give up taking drugs themselves. And it’s rather seldom.
11. Your attitude to the students combining work and study What I’d like to start with is to say that combining work and study seems to me possible and even useful if you are able to allocate your time properly. For some of us – students – it’s no strange to work while University. To feel independence from the parents, to have own money, students find part-time jobs. Speaking about me, the first experience was when I studied in my third year. But it was a full-time job, so I had to miss classes. I can’t say I strongly needed money, I think I just needed to spend the time. And to tell the truth it was rather hard. But I managed, passed the exams and earned money. So I suppose it’s possible to combine work and study rather successfully. Another opportunity - is to work in summer. That was right my second experience. I had to pass summer exams ahead of time and went to the USA in the middle of May. I think, there’s no need to say how useful and impressive that experience was. However as for me any kind of work is worth doing if you want it. Anyway it will stand you in good stead. Combining work and study develops responsibility, diligence and other personal skills. Besides, it brings money.
But actually if you chose an extremely awesome university, faculty and future profession, of course it’s worth devoting time only to studying. Eventually university – is only the preparation time for further everyday work. Maybe it’s better to save it and enjoy as the last free time? And talking about the attitude to students combining work and study, I do respect and admire them. If they manage, they show a good example. 12. Advantages and disadvantages of mobile connection Nowadays mobile phones became smth you can’t do without in your everyday life. It is a great variety of them so people can easily choose exactly what they want according to their own taste. Different size, colors, functions.. Moreover the shops, where you can buy it are practically at every turn. They are quite cheap, so you can find an acceptable price for yourself. That is why young and old alike own frequently more than one cell-phone. Of course on the one hand cell-phones are outstanding achievement of humanity. It has a lot of advantages. Just imagine how much more convenient is to call person, f. e. when you just need to ask smth, than to run as far as one’s place. And how useful are cell-phones for parents. F. e. when you want to know where your child is due to mobile phone you can just dial the number, call him or her and stop worrying. The same thing is for those, who is away from each other. It would probably be a real torture, not to be able to talk to the person you miss. Or at a pinch if someone you care about leaves, it is important simply to call him, to be sure, he or she reached one’s destination and are all right. For me nowadays it is inconceivable that couple decades ago people did not have mobile connection at all. It is obvious that cell-phones on the other hand have some disadvantages too, to be sure. There were a plenty of surveys that proved harmful impact on our health. All the scientists reiterate over and over again about the radiation and its detrimental influence on our bodies. As for me I think it’s basically the main disadvantage, if not the only. Of course it’s the serious one but anyway in my opinion in spite of it mobile phones bring us more positive things than negative. They did become the integral part of our life.
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