13. Role of work in the life of people (including the phenomenon of workaholism)
13. Role of work in the life of people (including the phenomenon of workaholism) First of all I’d like to say that the role of work in the life of people is inestimable. Our job takes the majority of our life time. We all go to work every day in order to earn our living. We find job according to our skills, knowledge, interests and of course qualification. Some people choose a full-time job, but some have a part-time job. And work is also our duty. But we shouldn’t forget about having a rest otherwise working long hours can cause physical and emotional misbalance in our organisms. But some people violate the balance between work and leisure and become workaholics. A workaholic is a person who is addicted to work. For many people, fact about workaholism is not clear. What is workaholism, exactly? When should a person seek help about his problem related to his job? Workaholism is the same kind of addiction, like alcoholism. The term generally implies that the person enjoys his work; it can also imply that he simply feels compelled to do it. Workaholism is not the same as working hard. Despite logging in an extraordinary amount of hours and sacrificing their health and loved ones for their jobs, workaholics are frequently ineffective people. The problem of workaholism is that the line between hard work and this disease is difficult to draw. A workaholic usually leaves work later, much later than the other workers. Most likely it seems to us we don't depend on workaholics but if his boss sees his work and thinks that other workers can stay after work too. So he voluntarily or involuntarily pulls the staff in an uncomfortable situation for them. It should be noted that workaholics are divided into several groups. In the first there are workaholics who work because they like it. In the second there are workaholics who work because they have to. I think that workaholism is curable, if a workaholic understands in time that he is a workaholic. That in his life, there are serious problems from which he frees to work, without deciding, but only adding to them. Likely workaholics need to learn to enjoy doing nothing. Spend a delicious lunch twice as longer than usual. Give yourself a break once a week. The work-life balance strategy also offers a variety of means to reduce stress levels and increase job satisfaction in the employee while enhancing business benefits for the employer. In our increasingly hectic world, the work-life strategy seeks to find a balance between work and play. A sentence that brings the idea of work life balance to the point is: " Work to live. Don't live to work. "
14. The increase of the Internet addiction among young people If I will describe you my typical day, it will become obvious that something is wrong with me. Early in the morning I turn my notebook on. While Windows is starting, I brush my teeth, and make my bed. After this my day consists of two elements: food and Internet. That makes you to worry? Don’t be afraid, I’ve overstated a bit. But for some people it is not a fiction, but a horrible reality.
Five years ago children played ball, hide and seek and dolls. Now they are playing Diablo, Sims Two and World of Warkraft. The scientist mark the sharp increase of Internet addiction between young people and children. Now it is hard to find a 14 years old girl, who has no id at vk. com, twitter, facebook or blogger. Young people prefer chatting with friends, adding new photos and posting their purchases to reading books or making homework. As for me, I’m happy, that I was growing in time of firs computers, absence of Internet and social networks. I think, that this made me a human with true values and healthy moral foundations. And when I’ll be mother, I’m shure I will control my child in the Internet, where he can face the cruel and spoiled reality.
15. Your attitude to people keen on taking risk Speaking about people keen on risking I think first of all we should define the reasons of such “hobby”. I’m not talking about people whose work is connected with risk, but those who do it for free. Of course the reasons may be different for different people. During the last decades our life became much more impetuous, soulless and intense. Man becomes more and more immobilized, looses him-self. For many people it’s just the way out. They need a strong distraction from everyday routine to neutralize stress and give vent to negative emotions. Some think that doing dangerous things is some kind of freedom. Others just want to fulfill their-selves among the majority. It’s obvious that there are a lot of disadvantages in such an entertainment. First of all it’s dangerous for life. You can’t be sure that you’ll be alright and alive till the next time. The saddest is that of course in their life such people have someone who cares about them. So when they take risk, it’s not only pleasure for them, but also nervousness and stress for their close people. It follows that most of them are lonely and don’t have their own families. But as for me I don’t think that taking risk and doing extreme are negative things. Just imagine the feelings that you experience bailing out or doing rock climbing. That’s incredible, I guess. I think that it is extreme that gives people the opportunity to shake up and rouse them-selves. It increases the character, helps to conquer fears and makes them self-confident and self-respectful, which are very important traits nowadays. In my opinion the influence of the extreme on the society will be positive, until people taking risk are professionals in what they do that means not irresponsible.
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