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Criteria danger of environmental contamination

Criteria danger of environmental contamination

       and kinds of its monitoring.     

Estimation danger of environmental contamination it is possible by the following criteria:

- By degree excess maximal permissible concentration of pollutants in the environment - analytical monitoring,

- By integrated parameter - state of health of the population – medical-hygienic monitoring,

- By changes in ecosystems - ecological monitoring (in regional scales), biospheric monitoring (on global scale).


1. Administrative - legislative measures forpreservation environment on international, national or regional level. These measures are priority, as create a legal base for all nature protection activity. Now there is a special direction in jurisprudence - the nature protection right.


2. Hygienical actions - realization preventive and current sanitary inspection.

Preventive sanitary inspection - examination projects of the enterprises, capable to pollute environment, standartization pollutants in objects of environment.

Current sanitary inspection - the control levels pollution of environment, revealing sources of pollution and acceptance measures to decrease pollution.

3. Architectural measures - correct accommodation pollution sources for decrease influence on especially important objects (for example, zones of sanitary protection of water sources, functional zones in cities, sanitary - protective zones about the enterprises etc. ).

4. Medical measures - studying parameters of health of the population, revealing, treatment and improvement the persons having infringements of health owing to pollution of environment. These measures allow reveal the most dangerous sources and factors pollution of environment and the most sensitive to pollution parameters of health of the population.

5. Ecological monitoring - studying condition of ecosystem and separate kinds of alive organisms under action of environmental contamination with the purpose prevention irreversible infringements ecosystem.

6. Technological measures: translation the enterprises into the closed cycle (without emissions in an environment), change technology for decrease emissions in environment (for example, translation motor transport into electricity), development sanitary engineering (clearing constructions for clearing emissions in atmosphere, dumps in reservoirs, construction ranges and stores of waste products etc. )


Standartization the harmful factors in the objects of environment is the important element of preventive sanitary control as establishes criteria of the allowable level of the pollutants in objects of environment.

In hygiene there are 2 approaches to standartization (normalization) factors of environment acting on the man:

1. For NATURAL FACTORS (parameters of microclimate, lighting, ventilation of air, demands to nutrition) – it is substantiation OPTIMAL LEVELS of factors for preservation and hardening health of the man or support comfortable conditions of his life and work.

2) For HARMFUL FACTORS in environment there are 2 concepts:

А) Concept of exception - absolute prevention entering the harmful factors in  environment, but it can be make very rare because it mean to stop industry, transport, power stations, etc.

B) Concept of restriction – when it is impossible to eliminate presence of harmful factor in environment, it is necessary to confine its content up to safe for the man levels - hygienic specifications (normatives).


Concept about the hygienic specification (normative) of the harmful factor in object of environment.

It is such concentration, dose or level of the harmful factor in object of environment, which not produce pathological changes in organism of the man and succeeding generations (which can be found on a modern level of development of a science) during all time of contact with this factor (during life or working experience), and also not worsening the sanitary conditions life of the population.

Kinds of hygienic specifications of the harmfull factors in environment.

In each country there are own specifications of harmful factors in environment authorized by the state, there are also the international standards, coordinated by the WHO and UNEP (the program of the United Nations for Environmental Protection).

In Ukraine such specifications named maximal permissible (concentration, dozes, levels):

Maximal permissible concentration (MPC) - for harmful substances in water, air, ground, food stuffs

Maximal permissible doze (MPD) - for radiation

Maximal permissible level (MPL) - for noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields

Much possible - allowable levels - for pesticides in food stuffs

Allowable residual quantities - for pesticides in ground and food stuffs.

Except for these specifications authorized by Ministry of Health, for new substances in the beginning develop time specifications: Tentative safe level of influence - for air, Tentative allowable concentration - in water.


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