Examples of Licencion Tests
Test 1. The doctor visited by a patient with big weight of a body. There are a lot of bread products, cream products, pork, cheese, cottage cheese, carrots, cabbage, fruits in diet. The endocrine disorders in a patient are absent. Give recommendations to correction a diet. А. To restrict protein products (cheese, cottage cheese) in a diet *В. To restrict carbohydrates and fat products (bread, cream, pork) С. To restrict the use of vegetables D. To restrict the use of fruit Е. To include macaroni products in a ration Test 2. In 55-year-old patient the expressed atherosclerosis is revealed. From his words, he prefers fatty and sweet nutrition: fatty meat, sugar, candies. What role does meal play in this disease? А. Etiological *В. A risk factor С. Pathogenetic D. Factor of transmission Е. Secondary Test 3. The patient visited the doctor with the complaints of stomatorrhagia, nasal bleedings, swelling of lower extremities. Objectively: the resistance of capillaries is reduced, in a blood - hypochromic anemia. In a diet of the patient: bread, meat canned food, concentrates from a various cereals. Offer measure of prophylaxis of similar diseases. *А. Satisfaction of physiological need in vitamin C В. Inclusion of products, rich in vitamin В1 in a diet С. Enrichment of a ration by vitamin РР D. Usage of vitaminized fish fat Е. UV irradiation Test 4. The patient complains of increased fatigability and worsening of vision. In examination the signs of vitamin insufficiency are detected: adipose seborrhea near nostril, in nasolabial folds, in area of forehead and ears; angulitis and pericorneal dilation of vessels. These manifestations are most probably associated with: А. Polyhypovitaminosis В. В6 – hypovitaminosis С. РР – hypovitaminosis D. В1 – hypovitaminosis *Е. В2 - hypovitaminosis
Test 5. 25-year-old suckling woman’s diet contains 1000 mg of calcium, 1300 mg of phosphorus and 20 mg of iron lactate per a day. How is it necessary to modify content of mineral substances in her diet? *А. To increase a contents of phosphorus B. To reduce a contents of calcium С. To increase a contents of calcium D. To decrease a contents of phosphorus Е. To increase a contents of iron lactate Test 6. The high level of cardiovascular pathology is registered in children and women of fertile age in a region during many years. There are the following clinical signs: asthenovegetative syndrome, extrasystole, disorder of atrioventricular conductivity, diffuse-sclerotic, metabolic disorders and hypertrophy of myocardium, increasing activity of blood glutaktinperoxidase and gastric acidity. What microelement deficiency in food-stuff caused this disease? *А. Selenium В. Manganese С. Cooper D. Zinc Е. Cobalt Test 7. A 35-year-old patient has acute hepatitis in the phase of recovery with disorder of hepatic function and bile ducts without accompanying diseases of stomach and intestine. To normalize functions of liver and bile ducts, cholesterol and fat metabolism the ration should be enriched with:
А. Protein B. Extractives C. Fat *D. Lipotropic substances Е. Carbohydrates Test 8. A 8-months child has mental and physical development retardation. What amino acid is necessary to eliminate from child’s diet? А. Tyrosine B. Leucine C. Tryptophan *D. Phenylalanine Е. Histidine Test 9. A 32-year woman with the complaints of disorder of menstrual cycle, frequent diarrhea, edema around eyes visited the doctor. OD: skin is pale, hypochromic anemia, reticulocytosis. The woman told that she follows the vegetarian diet. These clinical manifestations are associated with deficiency of: *A. Copper B. Ferrum C. Manganese D. Magnesium E. Iodine Test 10. A 29-year doctor- surgeon’s daily ration contains 90 g of protein (39 g of them – animal origin), 101 g of fats, 412 g of carbohydrates. The daily caloricity is 3000 kcаl. Give recommendation to modify a diet? *A. To increase content of animal protein B. To increase a caloricity of a ration C. To increase a content of carbohydrates D. To increase a content of protein E. To decrease a content of fats. Test 11. In autumn 20 schoolchildren of village school were poisoned by food, the poisoning was characterized with subfebrile temperature, nausea, vomiting, colic pains (spasms) in abdomen. These manifestations have arisen in 1-3 hours after breakfast (pancakes with sour cream). A reason of disease became home-made sour cream been bought at rural inhabitant. What microorganism could become a reason of disease? *А. Staphylococcus В. Streptococcus С. Bacterium of a sort Proteus D. Pathogenic strains of E. Coli Е. Cl. perfringens Test 12. At investigation of alimentary poisoning the diagnosis - poisoning by amanita palloides (toad stool) was defined. What toxicant contained in mushroom, could become a reason of poisoning? А. Gelvelic acid. *В. Amanitotoxin. С. Girometrin. D. Solanine. Е. Fasin. Test 13. Among the pupils of a boarding-school the case of common alimentary poisoning was detected. According to epidemiological anamnesis, the reason was the use of cakes with cream. These cakes were stored at the cooking block with disturbance of temperature regime. Which of the enumerated methods is the most effective and real in prophylaxis of staphylococcal toxicosis? А. Liquidation of staphylococci carriage among the workers of cooking block В. Liquidation of staphylococci carriage among animals *С. Prevention of staphylococci reproduction of in foodstuff and production of toxin D. Exception of foodstuff contamination by staphylococci Е. Following the modes of thermal processing of meals Test 14. The disease in kindergarten has begun suddenly in 2-3 hours after the using curds, not subjected to heat processing. All had abundant multiple vomiting, abdominal pain, liquid stool, paleness of skin, in some of them – inconsiderable (to 370C) fever. The clinical manifestations were arrested within a day. What is the most probable diagnosis? А. Poisoning by salts of heavy metals В. Bacterial toxicosis С. Acute intestinal infection D. Mycotoxicosis *Е. Alimentary toxinfection Note: * - the correct answer
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