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Part 3. Municipal hygiene. Theme № 9. Hygienic requirements to microclimate. Subject and tasks municipal hygiene. Concept “climate” and “microclimate”.

Task 7

  To the doctor appealed sick patient 63 years, pensionary, which suffers by surplus mass of body, there are the expressed signs of atherosclerosis of coronal vessels, blood pressure high. It is exposed at questioning, that a patient feeds 3 times per a day, avoids fat and sharp food. At the analysis of ration of feed it is set for a day: contents of proteins 70g, fats – 50g, carbohydrates – 400g. On vitamin and mineral composition a ration corresponds to the norms.

Give the estimation of adequacy of feed of patient in obedience to basic principles of rational feed. What are the reasons of oven weight? What group of alimentary diseases does this pathology behave to? What recommendations on the correction of feed of antysclerotic orientation are needed in this case?




Subject and tasks municipal hygiene.

Municipal hygiene – section of hygiene, studying influence factors of environment on the person and developing preventive actions for making favorable conditions of life and rest of the population.

Basic sections municipal hygiene:

- Hygiene of air, influence its physical and chemical parameters on the person,

- Hygiene of water and water supply,

- Hygiene of ground, clearing occupied places,

- Hygiene of the occupied places, hygiene premises,

- Influence climate on health, prevention meteothropic reactions,

- Recreational hygiene.

Concept “Climate” and “Microclimate”.

Climate – it is average long-term complex of physical parameters of ground layer of atmosphere in significant territory (region, country, etc. ): meteorological, synoptic, geliogeophysical.

Microclimate – it is physical parameters of air in small territory (quarter, street) or in rooms.

Major factors of microclimate:

- temperature,

- humidity,

- speed of air movement,

- atmospheric pressure (it in rooms varies a little, therefore it is usual is not taken into account at estimation microclimate).

Influence microclimate on organism of the person.

The microclimate basically influences on the termoregulation system of organism of the person.

Termoregulation System of organism of the person.

It is consist from 2 kinds: chemical (heat-production) and physical (heat-return), at the healthy person it are in dynamic balance.


CHEMICAL Q1 (thermogenesis), PHYSICAL Q2 (Thermoreturn)                     In healthy people in normal conditions Q1 = Q2



Depends from Т of air (Zone of apathy - 15-250 С)

Below 15 0С - rising heat-production

Above 25 0С - decreasing heat-production

Above 35 0С – may be failures of thermoregulation (Thermal fatigue, Thermal edema foots, Thermal attrition, Thermal cramps, Thermal shock, Thermal syncope)                                      

        PHYSICAL TERMOREGULATION Q2 (Thermoreturn):

1. HEAT - CODUCTION (30-40 %)

А) Convection - to air (depends from Т, Е, V)

B) Conduction - to subjects (depends from Т of a subject, it thermal conductivity and area contact to a subject)

2. HEAT - EVAPORATION (10-15 %) –evaporation of sweat. Depends from Т, Е, V of air

3. HEAT - IRRADIATION (40-45 %). Depends from radiative Т – Difference between temperature environmental objects and temperature of a body (36, 60C).


Legends: Т - temperature, Е - humidity, V - speed moving air


Factor microclimate Kind of premise Specifications
Temperature of air Devices: thermometers, thermograph Inhabited rooms Sports halls Operational 18-22 С 16-18 С 22-25 С
Air humidity Devices: Psychrometer, hygrometer Inhabited rooms Operational 40-60 % up to 55%
Speed of air Devices: anemometer, Catathermometer Inhabited rooms Child establishments 0, 2-0, 4 m/s 0, 07-0, 1 m/s

Description of devices and methods of investigation factors of microclimate – see in Manual for practical lessons on general hygiene.

Methods of complex estimation microclimate.

It is more objective - estimation all factors of microclimate in a complex by one parameter.

1. Catatermometry.

Was offered by American scientist Hill in 1916. Speed of cooling of the heated up body depending on 3 factors of microclimate. Catatermometr is model of person body, heated up to 36, 60C.

Cooling ability of air (H) under the formula is determined:

 H = F / t (millicalories / sm2 sec)

(F - the factor of catatermometr - specific heat-return, t - time of cooling catatermometr from 380C up to 350C in seconds).

Norm H is 5, 5 - 7 mcal / sm2 sec. Less - it is hot, it is stuffy, more - it is cold. This method now applied to measurement small speeds air movement - under formulas Hill.

For definition of speed of movement of air use the formula Hill:

, where Н — cooling ability of air, Q — a difference between temperature of body of the man (36, 5оС) and temperature of a premise(room), 0, 2 and 0, 4 — empirical factors, Х — speed of movement of air in m/s. (for small speeds up to 1m\s)      


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