2. Method of effective temperatures.
2. Method of effective temperatures. It was developed for Navy USA (submarines etc. ). The microclimate was estimated on thermal state of the person at mass inspection seamen in the special chamber with were such parameters of microclimate: Е (humidity) = 100 %, V (Speed air movement) = 0 m / sec, varied only temperature of air. Comfort zone on thermal state of people makes 17, 2-21, 70 EТ. The line of comfort 18, 1-18, 90 EТ. Effective temperatures are determined on nomogrammes or by tables with the help of indications of dry and damp thermometers of Psychrometr and speed air movement. Method equivalent - effective temperatures (EEТ). The further updating of method effective temperature. Were created other chambers where were varied Е (humidity) or V (Speed of movement of air) so that the thermal state of the person corresponded to EТ in a zone of comfort. In result were developed tables for automatic air conditioning through the computer. Application methods of complex estimation microclimate: 1) At air conditioning in the closed premises (rooms) of long stay - spacecrafts, planes, submarines. 2) In health resorts science - for dozation air procedures. 3) For improvement hygienic working conditions at hot departments in industry. Methods estimation of the thermal state of people. Except for these methods, the microclimate can be estimated on thermal state people, which are taking place in the given premise (room): а) A way of questioning- interrogation people in a premise about their thermal feeling - 7 mark scale heat-feeling (but many people are necessary for inspection), b) A method of skin (dermal) temperatures by the electrothermometer:
c) A technique of measurement evaporation - on electroresistibility of skin, by means of special dyes.
In spite of the fact that influence weather on the person is known for a long time, this problem is investigated insufficiently and even now a little used by doctors in practical activities. It is connect with the next circumstances - Concept “weather”- very compex thing, it has very many forming factors, which is not good investigated in metheorology - Till now the mechanisms of the development of metheotropic reactions in the organism are not well investigated. Concept “weather” and “climate”. Weather – dynamic complex of physical properties of ground layer of air (troposphere) for a short time interval (hours, day, weeks).
Climate - the long-term mode of weather naturally repeating in the given district, its parameters - monthly average temperature of air, average amount of days with deposits and etc. Thus, weather - the changeable phenomenon, climate - statistically constant concept. The basic weather forming factors: 1) Geliophysical - intensity of a sunlight and solar activity 2) Geophysical - intensity of a geomagnetic field of the Earth, geomagnetic storms 3) Electric condition of atmosphere - intensity and gradient of electric field, air ionization etc. 4) Meteorological - temperature, humidity, speed and direction of movement of air, atmospheric pressure 5) Synoptic - overcast, deposits 6) Chemical compound of atmosphere - the content of oxygen, СО 2, pollutants in atmospheric air.
All these factors are interconnected and operate on the person in a complex - difficulty of it all-round account. Meteorological factors – sharp fluctuations of temperature and atmospheric pressure - than more it is differences – than more biothropic weather. It factors are most investigated as reasons of development metheotropic reactions (MR). The certain role play changes of chemical compound of atmosphere – in some weather conditions may be falling absolute contents of oxygen in air - on 60 and more g/m3. The annual tendency contents О 2 - rise in the winter and falling in the summer, the maximal fluctuations - in autumn, spring (factor of interdaily variability - more than 50 %). Electric condition of atmosphere: а) The contents + or - aeroions in air b) The gradient of electric field of the Earth Synoptic factors. Are caused by atmospheric circulation of warm and cold air weights. There are 3 types of air masses - warm, cold, neutral (local). At it movement are formed atmospheric fronts - warm, cold, occlusion (mix of warm and cold masses). Frequency of change of air masses on the average is 1 time in 5-6 days, but happens more or less often - is connected to type of atmospheric circulation: 1) Cyclone - atmospheric whirlwind with low pressure in the center and movement of air masses counter-clockwise. It is more often in the winter, on the average above Europe for one year - 40 cyclones. It is characterized by unstable weather - it is cloudy, deposits, hurricanes, typhoons. The big differences of pressure, temperatures, content О2. Biothopic weather. 2) Anticyclone - the atmospheric phenomenon with a high pressure in the center and movement of air clockwise. Clear weather - strong heat in the summer or frost in the winter. Sharp differences of weather factors are not present - more favorable weather.
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