Clinic of a mountain disease. Prophylaxis of a mountain disease. Ozone - special form of oxygen – О3. Nitrogen. Value of nitrogen in biosphere.
CLINIC of a mountain DISEASE Allocate sharp, half-sharp (at climbers) and chronic (at inhabitants of high-mountainous settlements) forms of mountain illness easy, average and heavy degree (high-mountainous lung hypostasis). In clinic there is dyspnea, palpitation, delicacy, fatigability, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, nasal bleedings, cyanosis of skin. PROPHYLAXIS of a mountain DISEASE 1. Step (gradual) rise in mountains with making camps for development compensatory reactions to hypoxia (development physiological erythrocitosis). 2. Usage of oxygen apparatures by pilots of planes 3. Hermetization cabin of the plane Ozone - special form of oxygen – О3. The layer of ozone is located in atmosphere at height 20-30 km. O3 absorbs space short-wave radiation, including UV radiation (" ozone gaps" - decrease layer ozone on 20 %). The reasons of it - the anthropogenic and natural factors - growth UVR - growth skin melanoma in people. It has high oxidizing properties - reduces chemical and microbe pollution of atmosphere. Nitrogen. Value of nitrogen in biosphere. Nitrogen is the part some fibers and nitrogenous connections - basis of all alive on our planet. However alive organisms can not receive nitrogen directly from atmosphere, except for some bacteria and blue-green seaweed. Then nitrogenous connections by food circuits pass in other organisms. Action nitrogen on organism. Nitrogen under normal conditions (normal atmosphere pressure) is inert gas (no any action on organism). At the increased pressure nitrogen has narcotic action on CNS (it is proved on laboratory animals). At divers on depth 100 m in 5 minutes - dizziness, euphoria, failures of memory, hallucination.
KESSON (DECOMPRESSION) ILLNESS It is often meets in drivers. PATHOGENESIS: 1. At pulling down the driver on depth grows the pressure of gases - grows solubility of gases in a blood. 2. At uprise on a surface or decompressions of a cabin of the plane at height athmospheric pressure and pressure of gases sharply falls and falls the solubility of gases in a blood. 3. NITROGEN slowly diffuses through a pulmonary - alveolar membrane and its excess in blood and tissues transfers in the gaseous form - the bubbles will be derivated. It diameter depends on depth - on difference of pressure on depth and on a surface. So there is a gas (nitrogen) vascular embolism. Other gases – oxygen, CO2, helium quickly diffuses through membrane and not formed bubbles. CLINIC: 1. Easy degree – diameter of bubbles is very small - embolism only of capillars - numbness and pains in dactyls, headaches. 2. Medium degree - sharp pains in extremities, headaches, pains and inflation intestines. 3. Serious degree - embolism of large vessels in a CNS (lesion of the vital centers), coronary vessels, pulmonary arteria - reflective cardiac stop.
PROPHYLAXIS: 1. Gradual (ladder-shaped) uprise on a surface 2. Changing nitrogen by other inert gas - helium 3. Usage of the barometric chamber after uprise on a surface
Carbonic gas СО2. The contents in atmosphere CO2 are 0, 03-0, 04 %. It is allocated in a nature at breath biote, processes of burning etc. Constancy CO2 in atmosphere - due to assimilation by plants, absorbtion by sea and fresh-water hydrobionts. Action on the person and animals - physiological irritation the respiratory center. At the increased concentration CO2 in organism there is аcidosis, violations of CNS. ACTION VARIOUS CONCENTRATIONS СО2 ON ORGANISM
Maximal permissible concentration СО2 in air of rooms. In air of any rooms maximal permissible concentration СО2 is 0, 1 % (It was established by Pettencofer in 19 century). Substantiation MPC: CO2 is the parameter of cleanliness of air and efficiency of ventilation - at growth СО2 more than 0, 1 % increase concentration of toxic and microbe air pollutants, which can have harmful effect to organism of the person.
AIR VENTILATION, PARAMETERS ITS EFFICIENCY. Ventilation is directed on change air in a room. Ventilation shares on the following kinds: а) Natural (through windows, doors, window leaves) - due to difference of temperatures or speed air movement. b) Artificial - with the help of fans (influx, exhaust, mixed). в) Mixed - natural and artificial ventilation together Parameters efficiency ventilation: 1) Contents СО2 in air - up to 0, 1 %, 2) Frequency rates - air exchange for 1 hour (for inhabited rooms must be 0, 5-1, in kitchens 2-3, in cinema halls 5-6), 3) Volume of air exchange on 1 person for 1 hour - 20-30 m3. SPECIFICATIONS VENTILATION FOR DIFFERENT PREMISES
ECOLOGIC AND HYGIENIC PROBLEMS OF ANTHROPOGEN ATMOSPHERE POLLUTION The modern mankind lives in conditions of constant and growing anthropogenic pollution of biosphere. Thus special danger is represented with pollution of atmosphere: 1) It is polluted more than other objects of environment, 2) Pollutants in air are more dangerous, than in water, products and ground: а) The big area lungs (120 m2 at the adult), penetrated with vessels - at once formed the big concentration pollutant in blood, b) Blood from lungs pass liver and is carried on whole organism - neutralizing function of liver is reduced. Under forecasts UNEP (the Program of the United Nations on the protection environment), Washington Science Academy, pollution biosphere (including atmosphere) by proof and toxic substances (heavy metals, pesticides, dioxines, etc. ), having the tendency to increase in the nearest years, represents real threat of global ecological accident for mankind.
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