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System prevention MR - 3 basic directions

System prevention MR - 3 basic directions

1) Common hygienic methods – rational nutrition, rational mode of day

2) Organizational measures - medical weather forecasts, medical estimation of weather.

3) Treatment-and-prophylactic measures:

а) Increase nonspecific resistancy.

b) Sparing mode.

с) Medicaments prevention. Thus allocate seasonal prevention - regular reception small dozes of preparations in adverse months in the given area (see tabl. ). Urgent prevention will be carried out for metheosensitive cardiological and other patients in hospital in the periods and days biothropic weathers on the basis of urgent medical weather forecasts.

Seasons for seasonal prophylaxis cardiovascular diseases in Crimea (V. Bardov, 1990).

Most unfavorable months on reliable rising frequency of exacerbations:

hypertonic crisises - 2, 3, 4, 5 and 12  month

attacks of stenocardia -1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 11 month

myocardial infarction -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 month

violation of cerebral circulation (insults etc. )- 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 month



Climate it is a long-term mode of weather in the given district. The basic climate-formed factors:

- The geographical breadth, influencing size of a sunlight,

- Height above sea level, relief and type of a terrestrial surface (ice, snow etc. ),

- Features of circulation of air masses,

- Affinity to the seas and oceans.

Parameters of climate - average (monthly average, mid-annual) parameters of meteorological factors, wind rose, number of clear days etc.

The important parameter - index of instability of climate:

T = a / b, where a - number of days with changes weather, b - number of days of the period of supervision (season, year). If index T more 0, 5 – it is adverse climate (not good for ill person).

At long residing at the certain climate the person has the certain dynamic stereotype providing normal ability to live.


At sharp change of climate (moving to the different climate) is observed acclimatization - complex functional - morphological changes in organism, directed on the adaptation to new climatic conditions.

Conditionally in this process allocate 2 stages:

а) Partial acclimatization or adaptation - from the first hours - to 14 days (at ill people - about 30 and more days).

b) Full acclimatization - after 14 day - some months, to conditions of Far North - up to 1, 5 years.

During acclimatization it is reduced resistancy of organism to adverse factors of environment - growth diseases, asteno-vegetative syndrome etc.

Acclimatization should be taken into account in resort treatment - to not direct patients on resorts with sharply distinguished climate (24 days - the basic period of acclimatization). The big problem for army, the Navy, workers on Far North.




Value of atmospheric air.

Atmospheric air is a source of breath of the person, animals and vegetation; material for processes of burning and synthesis chemical substances; a material for cooling industrial and transport installations; environment where natural and anthropogen products are thrown out, emissions.

Chemical composition of atmospheric air.

Atmosphere is a part of biosphere - the gaseous environment of the Earth rotating together with it. This environment has some parts. Allocate the top and bottom part of an atmosphere. Special interest is represented with the bottom part, especially troposphere.

Air of troposphere (bottom part of an atmosphere up to 10-25 km) represents a mechanical mix of various gases:

Gas Volume content, %
OXYGEN 20, 95
СО2 0, 03 – 0, 04
Other gases: argon, neon, helium, etc. 1, 0

Besides at air practically constantly there arenatural substances due to chemical and biological processes: ammonia, methane, oxides of nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocarbons etc.

Natural dust pollution of an atmosphere: a space dust, a terrestrial dust (soil, vegetative, fires, volcanoes).


Action components of atmospheric air at the person.


Value of oxygen in biosphere.

In a nature constantly there are processes of consumption and allocation О2. Consumption of oxygen occurs at breath of the person and animals, at burning, different oxidizing processes, etc. However its contents in an atmosphere remains practically constant due to allocation by phytoplancton oceans and green plants.

For person О2 it is necessary for oxidizing biochemical processes in organism. At lack O2 in organism it is hypoxia various degree of weight. For the person is important not percentage, but absolute amount О2 in air, dependent on it partial pressure (part of the atmospheric pressure for given gas). Partial pressure О2 is reduced at cyclones and also at rise on height.

Pathogenesis, clinic, prevention mountain (high-altitude) illness.

It may be in mountaineers, inhabitants of mountains and pilots of planes.

       Pathogenesis – it is drop of fractional (partial) pressure of Oxygen in air at uprise on height and drop of fractional pressure of Oxygen in an alveolar air. Amount of Oxygen, going in organism, depend from gradient (difference) between of fractional pressure of Oxygen in an alveolar air (P air) and in blood (P blood):

              G = Р air / Р blood

At rise on height it is reduced Рa. If gradient pressure falls there is hypoxia a different degree of weight. Height 8 km is threshold of death.


1.     Inert - up to 2 kms - it is safe for health

2.     Complete compensation - up to 4 kms - increasing of lung ventilation, minute volume of a blood

3.     Incomplete compensation - up to 5, 5 kms - headache, euphoria, sleepiness, violation of memory

4.     Critical - up to 8 kms - loss of consciousness

5.     Threshold of mortality - is higher than 8 kms - death       


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