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Geliophysical factors. Definition degree variability of weather. - Index S - the total area of spots,. The reasons, mechanisms of MR.

Geliophysical factors.

Till now at estimation of weather are little taken into account, though the ingenious founder heliobiology A. L. Chizhevsky in 1920th years has established influence of solar activity on alive organisms, including people. There are data on concurrence the periods of increase of solar activity with revolutions, wars, epidemics, even frequency of automobile failures. Complexity studying this question - cyclic changes of solar activity has different periodicity - 11-years, 22-years, 60-years and more, which can be imposed against each other and poorly studied. There are most investigated 11-12-years cycles, the beginning of last 24-th cycle, known to mankind -1997 year, thus the maximal activity - in middle of cycle (2001-2002 years).

Parameters of solar activity:

- Index Wolf (W) - amount of spots on the Sun,

- Index S - the total area of spots,

- Intensity of radio emission of the Sun on a wave 10, 7 sm,

- Solar wind – it is corpuscular streams (protons, electrons, etc. ) from the Sun - carry away with themselves magnetic fields and form spiral - sector structure of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) + and - marks.  

Each 6-7 day the Earth at movement on orbit gets in IMF other mark that results in changes of     

Geophysical parameters - electromagnetic field of Earth (EMF), its deviation from a usual level named " magnetic storms" - planetary, local, on intensity - weak, moderate and big.

Definition degree variability of weather.

Will be carried out under the formula:


К = -------- х 100 %,



K - coefficient variability of weather, %

N - number days with contrast change of weather

n - total number days in the apparent season

       Degree variability of weather

Weather Coefficient variability, %
Very stable
Stable 25 – 30
Changeable 30 – 50
Very changeable more than   50


The reasons, mechanisms of MR.

People as a whole adapted to rhythmical changes of climate and the weather, connected with changes of day and night, season of year. At aperiodic sharp changes of weather factors at people arise MR, expressed the more abruptly, than sharper changes of weather are observed.

MR is not illness and the diagnosis, but the original pathological condition having various displays on expressiveness at different people.

All people on metheosensibility share on 2 categories:

а) meteostable - tolerant - young healthy people

b) meteosensitive - on the different data it is 30-70 % of the population, in old age, among patients with bronchial asthma, hypertension - up to 90 %.

The reasons of occurrence MR - sharp fluctuations above-stated weather factors.

V. F. Ovcharova (1986) allocates the following biological effects of influence of weather: Tonic, Spastic, Hypoxic, Hypotensive.

Displays MR.

1) Easy degree - asteno-vegetative syndrome - mass character and synchronism with changes of weather allow us to think about presence MR.

2) Average degree - the head and intimate pains, the expressed changes of pulse, blood pressure.

3) Heavy degree - aggravation and weighting chronic diseases - insults, heart attacks, aggravation bronchial asthma - growth mortality patients.

Diseases during which are marked MR.

It is revealed 2 groups diseases during which are marked MR:

1) Diseases for which presence МR is authentically proved:

- Cardiovascular diseases - statistically authentic growth number of insults, hypertonic crisises, heart attacks and mortality at biothropic weather - including according to first aid,

- Bronchial asthma - increase and weighting attacks of asthma, mortality,

- Rheumatism - activation process, strengthening polyarthritis, artralgya - in 90 % of patients,

- CNPD (chronic nonspecific pulmonary diseases) - in 60-72 % of patients (according to the Yalta scientific research institute).

2) Diseases for which there are some data on presence МR:

Diseases gastroenterities way (stomach ulcer, gastritises, colites, etc. ) - 40-60 % of patients, Illnesses of kidneys and urine ways - 40-50 %, diabetes - weighting of current - 20 %, Psychiatric frustration - 50 % of patients, Ophthalmologic, surgical pathology etc. Among ill children 25-45 % - meteosensitive.

Medical estimation of weather.

In a basis of all medical classifications - the concept offered N. E. Vvedenski about force of external irritation: low, average and high. Thus on G. P. Fedorov's classification - 3 types of weather: optimum, irritating and sharp, on other classifications from 4 up to 7 types.

The main thing in medical estimation weather - the sharpness of fluctuations of the weathers factors - it intraday differences.

Scientists of the Yalta scientific climatic research institute named by Sechenov have offered the common clinical index pathogenicity weather - the sum of individual indexes changes for day on the most important weather factors. If index 0-19 - optimum weather, 20-49 - irritating (demands strengthened medical control), more than 50 - sharp (demands strict medical control). There is also indexes variability of weather (for estimation of a climate).

The chair of hygiene Kiev medical university offers the scheme medical estimation weather on 15 parameters.


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