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Requirements to school building.

Requirements to school building.

Systems of school construction:

1) Centralized (all premises in one building - old projects - high level of infections, noise, air pollution),

2) Pavilion type (many small buildings, it is accepted now for schools of sanatorium type),

3) Block type (blocks for younger, average, senior classes, for sports hall, kitchen).

Basic groups of premises in school:

Educational section, general purpose premise (lobby, wardrobe, dining room, sports hall, assembly hall, library etc. ), office accommodations (studies of the director, teachers, a first-aid post, eating establishment).

The basic functional unit in school is educational section - some classes or studies, zone of recreation (hall, corridor), bathroom. Unilateral building of a school corridor with windows and halls is optimal.

Hygienic requirements to a class room at school.

The area must be 1, 25 m2 on 1 pupil, as a whole not less 50 m2.

Microclimate - as for usial premises, frequency rate of ventilation - 4, volume 20-30 m3/hour on 1 pupil, concentration CO2 in air not more 0, 1 %.

Requirements to illumination are very important:

- Natural: LC 1/4-1/5, CNI - 1, 5 %, corner of falling 27o, corner of aperture – 5o;

- Artificial: common illumination 150 lux (luminescent lamps - 300 lux).

Requirements to school desks (educational tables): In class must be desks not less than 3 sizes, are placed in 3 lines, distance between lines 0, 7m, up to school board 2, 5m, up to walls 0, 5m.

Hygienic requirements to educational laboratories.

Laboratory chemistry, physics, biology. The area 70-100 m2, have laborant room 6 m2, it is better to place it on the top floors of school building (better airing), should be equipped with artificial ventilation, waterpipe for washing utensils and the equipment.

Advantages and lacks of laboratory system

          building school.

Advantages: it is easier to concentrate the equipment and didactic material in 1-2 studies and not transfer it to different classes.

Lacks: the big counter streams of schoolboys on changes (infection), reduction time of recreation, discrepancy of furniture to anthopometrical parameters of schoolboys different age.

Requirements to sports hall at school.

It is better to have it on 1 floor, at block system of construction - in the separate block (noise prevents lessons in other classes). The area – 4 m 2 on 1 pupil, height 4, 5-6 m, should be a locker room and material for storage of stock. Feature of microclimate - air temperature 160C (overheating children at intensive physical activity), frequency rate of ventilation 4-5.

Hygienic requirements to school furniture:

- Conformity to the anthopometrical sizes of children (prevention infringements of the skeleton and eyes)

- Trauma safety;

- Non toxity materials and dyes, stability to disinfection;

- Light or green colouring tables.

The sizes of school desks (tables).

In each class must be desks not less than 3 sizes, at schools are used desks 6-12 sizes having multi-coloured marks for the teacher. In the beginning education the teacher should distribute schoolboys on the sizes (ruler Flerov or under formula Listov: № school desks = 2 first figures of growth - 5).

Hygienic specifications of school furniture:

1. Differention - vertical distance from a table to chair – must be 1/7-1/8 part of growth or from the lowered elbow to sitting.

2. Distance of sitting - horizontal distance between edge of table and edge of sitting – must be (- 4 –5) sm.

3. Distance back of chair - horizontal distance from edge of table up to back of sitting = front-back section of a body + 3-5 sm.

4. Height of sitting - length of a shin + 2 sm.


Medical - professional consultation and

       orientation at school.

Medical - professional consultation will be carried out by doctors, teachers and experts of the centers of employment of youth with the purpose definition the future trades and the recommendation to schoolboys the trades, suitable for them on a state of health.

Professional orientation: reference service about presence of vacant trades, psychological consultations in view of type of the supreme nervous activity.

Medical professional consultations.

It is carry out 2 times - 1) in 5 class for children with defects of physical development, for the others - in 7 class, 2) at 10-11 classes. First time - for early revealing and treatment the diseases limiting work capacity, second time - for final definition of trades.

At realization medical professional consultations is used the medical documentation on the schoolboy, definition physical development, physical examination, if necessary - the profound medical inspection in hospital.

From the medical point of view all trades share on 4 groups:

- Where there are no heavy working conditions;

- Connected to action harmful factors;

- Are connected to constant influence complex harmful factors;

- Are connected to heavy and harmful working conditions.


Hygienic requirements to technical training college.

Accommodation is close to the base industrial enterprises or on surburb of settlement. The size of a site – 20 m2 on 1 pupil. Functional zonning: industrial practice zone (the theoretical case and educational workshops), sports (it is increased in comparison with school), economic, inhabited (hostel), green plantings. At block system of building - the appropriate blocks. Requirements to a hostel: the area – 6 m2 on 1 person, a first-aid post.


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