Social age periodization. Physical development children. And teenagers. Methods research physical development. Methods estimation physical development.
Social age periodization (adopted for educational system): Day nursery age - till 3 years; Preschool age - 3-7 years; Younger school age - 7-10 years; Middle school age - 11-14 years; Elder school age - 15-18 years.
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS Physical development – complex of morphological and functional attributes, determining growth, formation organism of the child, stock of its vital forces, endurance and capacity. Physical development - one of the major parameters describing state of health of the population and influence on it various factors. For estimation health of children's contingents this parameter is used most frequently together with disease. The purposes of research physical development: - revealing laws of growth and development; - estimation individual and population level of health; - studying influence factors of environmental, social environment, genetic factors; - estimation efficiency of treatment-and-prophylactic measures.
Methods research physical development. Requirements to methods research: - application simple and accessible techniques, - realization researches in one time (it is better - in the morning after dream), - sufficient accuracy of measurements.
1. Somatometrical (anthopometrical) - growth, weights of body and circle of chest. 2. Somatoscopical - the description the form of skeleton, backbone, chest, legs, development muscles, state of skin, sexual development by criteria Tanner. 3. Physiometrical - vital capacity of lungs, excursion chest, muscular force, arterial pressure, pulse. Methods estimation physical development.
1. Method sigmal deviations. Sigma in statistics means average quadratic deviation. There are standard tables of physical development of children and teenagers on age and sex on the basis of statistical researches of the big contingents where it is underlined average indices of growth, weight of body and circle of chest with it sigma. After definition somatometric parameters of the concrete child from it subtract value of average sizes from the table and difference divide on given sigma. For example, the boy 10 years old, has masse of the body 45 kg, in table for boys this age average masse of body – 40 kg, sigma +- 2, 5. Estimation: 45 – 40 kg = 5 kg / 2, 5 = + 2. Estimation resuilts by method of sigmal deviations If quotient from division is from +1 up to -1 - development average (correspond to age norm); (+1 - + 2) - is above the average; (-1 – 2) - is lower than average; more than (+2) or low (-2) - high or low development. Lack of this method - each parameter is estimated separately, without interrelation, it is impossible to estimate harmonicity physical development.
For elimination this lack method sigmal deviations is offered construction diagram (profile) of physical development: The diagram (profile) of physical development: - 2 s - 1 s M + 1 s + 2 s (average data) 1. Mass of body -------------------x---------------------------------------- 2. Growth of body -------------------------------------------------x-------- 3. Circle of chest -----------------------------------x----------------------- At it graphically represent the data received on each parameter, if all quotient on 3 parameters within the limits 1 sigma - development proportional (harmonious), up to 2 sigma - disharmonious, more than 2 sigma - sharply disharmonious.
2. Method scales of regress (regression sigma ), showing on the basis of statistical researches what the mass of body and circle of chest should correspond to the given growth. From the received parameters of mass of body and circle of chest of the given child we deduct the average indices appropriate to the given growth (from estimated tables) and difference is divided on regression sigma, showing, in what limits changes of mass and circle of chest in relation to growth are possible at harmonious development. Variants of estimation: development harmonious in limits from +1 up to -1 sigma; disharmonious - from +2 up to -2 sigma, sharply disharmonious - more than +2 or less -2 sigma. 3. Method centyl lines (centyls). American method. Most used in pediatrics. For research it is necessary to take not less than 100 children the same age and sex, available on increase of each parameter (growth, weight, circle of chest), thus the first child named 1 centyl, last - 100 centyl. Development is considered average between 16 and 84 centyls (+ - 2 sigma for 100 supervision). More often in pediatrics it use Lacks of this method: the interrelation of parameters and harmonicity of development is not estimated, for researches plenty of children are necessary.
THEME № 22. HYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS TO CHILDREN'S PRESCHOOL ESTABLISHMENTS AND SCHOOLS. CHILDREN'S PRESCHOOL ESTABLISHMENTS (CPE). Kinds of CPE: kindergarten (for children 3-7 years), day nursery (till 3 years), children's combine (day nursery + kindergarten), children's home, the preschool children's home, specialized CPE for children with infringements of development, preschool improving establishments for summer holiday. Requirements to choice site of CPE - Availability to population - radius of service in city – 300 m; - Optimum hygienic conditions on the site (optimum microclimate, absence air pollution by chemical and physical factors, presence of green plantings). Requirements to site of CPE: 1. The area of site is 30-40 m2 on 1 child. 2. There are must be 2 entrances - main and economic, the form of site - rectangular. 3. There must be special functional zones on site - principle of group isolation: Zone building; Zone group play-grounds; Zone sports platforms; Economic zone; Zone green plantings.
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