Theme № 23. Hygienic requirements to learning, physical training and hardening children and teenagers.
THEME № 23. HYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS TO LEARNING, PHYSICAL TRAINING AND HARDENING CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS. HYGIENE OF CHILDREN’S NUTRITION. Hygienic requirements to learning children and teenagers. The basic problem of learning is necessity mastering big amount of the information, which is doubled each 10 year. Therefore by development hygienic requirements to learning it is necessary to solve two problems: а) To give the child volume of knowledge necessary for professional work and skills; b) To keep health of children, to not allow overfatigue. The basic ways decision this problem (in any educational establishment, including in high school): 1) The increase terms of learning - is already impossible by physiological opportunities of organism; 2) Optimization learning - use new intensive forms of learning, rational drawing up and revision of schedule, optimization mode of learning and rest. In difficult process of learning children it is possible to allocate 2 main stages: 1) Development skills of long sitting, the letter, reading, concentration of attention - preschool stage (in preschool establishments, houses etc. ); 2) Stage of accumulation knowledge, development logic and abstract thinking – it is at school, technical training college, in high school. It is the most difficult stage. Ways of adaptation to learning at school Gradual change of dynamic stereotype - mode of day of the child: - In 3-5 years - 2 lessons till 15-20 mines as game; - In preschool group - 4 days per one week with 4 lessons by the common duration 1 hour 50 mines per day; - In 1 class - up to 20 lessons per one week on 35 mines (no more than 4 lessons per day). Age of the beginning learning at school. It is determined not by calendar age, but psycho-physiological features of the child, his physical development, state of health. It is the important problem for the pediatrist. There are some psycho-physiological tests for definition readiness for learning at school (for example, test Kern-Ierasik). Exhaustion and overfatigue of schoolboys and its prevention. At the wrong organization of educational process among schoolboys frequently observed attributes of exhaustion and the overfatigue, resulting subsequently to violations of health. Attributes of exhaustion of schoolboys: - Decrease efficiency of work (growth number of mistakes and decrease volume of the processed information at realization corrector test); - Easing internal braking (growth number distractions of attention, excitation); - Deterioration regulation physiological functions (violation intimate rhythm and coordination of movements); - Occurrence feeling of weariness. Usually these attributes quickly pass during breaks and after school, their long preservation testifies development of overfatigue: - Sharp and long decrease of serviceability;
- Psychological frustration (infringements of dream, feeling of fear, hysterics); - Proof infringement regulation of vegetative functions (arythmya, vegetative vascular distonya, infringements function of internal bodies); - Decrease resistibility to infections etc. adverse factors. PREVENTION exhaustion at schoolboys: 1) Creation optimum hygienic conditions of learning: normal light exposure, ventilation, microclimate, observance MPL of noise etc. harmful factors. 2) Optimization mode of learning - correct drawing up the schedule of lessons, correct construction of a lesson, effective utilization breaks, optimum mode of day; 3) Optimization and revision schedules of lessons. Hygienic requirements to the school schedule: а) Restriction amount of lessons per one week: in 1 class - up to 20 on 35 mines, 2 class - up to 22 on 45 mines, 3-4 class - 24, 5-8 class - 30, in 9-11 class - 31 lesson per one week; b) Distribution lessons on complexity within day and week: Scale complexity of lessons - the exact sciences - 11 points, singing - 1 point. Requirements: it is impossible to put 2 difficult lessons together, in the beginning and at the end of day and week. A maximum of complexity of lessons must be on Tuesday – Wednesday (middle of the week). It is correspond to dynamics of serviceability. Hygienic requirements to structure lesson. Researches serviceability of schoolboys has shown: phase in-work is in the first 5 mines, phase of working excitation - 5-25 mines, then - beginning exhaustion. From here recommendations for construction of a lesson: the prologue must be 10 mines, the basic part (explanation new material) - up to 25 mines, then - repetition. Using physical training, game elements etc. Rational use school breaks. Break after each lesson must be 10 mines, after second lesson - main break for 30 mines or two for 20 mines - after 2 and 3 lessons. Their use for other actions is forbidden. During breaks it is necessary the maximal stay children on open air. Hygienic requirements to mode of day
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