Functional zones at site of CPE.
Functional zones at site of CPE. ZONE BUILDING. Systems of building CPE 1) Centralized (is not good from hygienic position - all groups and economic premises (rooms) - in one building), 2) Decentralized (many buildings, need a lot of the place, expensive construction), 3) Block (modern projects - the block of day nursery, kindergarten, gymnasium, the economic block). The building must be not closer 25 m from border of site, is surrounded with green plantings (trees - not closer 10 m, bushes – 5 m from a building – for the normal natural light exposure). ZONE GROUP PLAY-GROUNDS Group platforms must have square 7, 2 m2 on the 1 child, a shadow canopy 40 m2, game and sports equipment according to age. Calculation necessary amount of platforms - 1 platform for 2 day nursery groups or for 4 kindergarten groups. Platforms are separated by zone of green plantings. ZONE SPORTS PLATFORMS There must be 2 sports platforms 150-250 m2 - separately for younger and senior age groups, there are racetracks, other sports equipment. ECONOMIC ZONE It is located in a distant part of a site, is closer to economic entrance, must be separated by green plantings. ZONE GREEN PLANTINGS Should occupy not less than 50 % of the area of a site. Among plants there should not be with the prickles, rendering irritating and allergenic action, poisonous wild-growing plants. REQUIREMENTS TO the LAY-OUT of BUILDING CPE Major principle of the lay out is the group isolation: 1) prevention infectious diseases, 2) opportunity of quarantine actions; 3) various mode of day in different age groups; 4) prevention traumatism at association children different age. The building must be not higher than 2 floor, the basic groups of premises: group cells, general purpose premises, medical premises, administrative. HYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS TO the GROUP CELL Group cell is the basic functional part CPE - the set of premises intended for 1 group of children. Structure of group cell: reception - locker room, group room (or separately game room, bedroom, dining room), buffet, bathroom, verandah (for day nursery groups). Reception - locker room - the area 18 m2, cases for outer clothing, benches, racks for the toys used on walks. In day nursery groups – also must be tables for feeding children by mothers. Group room - the common room or is divided into game room and bedroom. The general area is 4 m2 on 1 child. Hygienic requirements: Microclimate - temperature of air 21-22oC (for 3-year children) or 18-22oC, humidity 40-60 %, speed movement of air 0, 1-0, 3 m/s. Ventilation: frequency rate 3, volume ventilation on 1 child 20 m3/hour, CO2 - up to 0, 1 %. Illumination: natural - LC 1/4-1/5, CNI - 1, 5 %, corner of falling on tables 27o, corner of aperture – 5o. Artificial general illumination - 150 lux. Premises general purpose: gymnastic and music hall (75m2), methodical study, additional: swimming pool, visual hall, study for manual skills and drawing.
Medical premises: medical room, procedural study, isolator. Administrative premises: study of the manager with a hall for realization meetings with parents, wardrobe for the personnel, washing and ironing, kitchen. HYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS TO EQUIPMENT IN PCE Hygienic requirements to children's furniture: 1) conformity to the anthopometrical sizes of children, 2) trauma safety, 3) must be made of not toxic materials (better from tree), 4) must be covered by non toxical paints, smell of paint – not more 1 point. Hygienic requirements to toys in PCE: 1. Weight: till 3 years - up to 100 g, 3-7 years – 400 g, more than 7-10 years – 800 g. 2. The sizes of fine details till 3 years - not less than 3 sm (may be aspiration small details). 3. Material is food grades of rubbers and plastic. Paints must be not toxical, steady to disinfection, smell of paints till 3 years - 1 point, 7 years - 2 points. 4. Application the toys which are badly can be disinfected (soft toys) is not recommended. 5. Electric voltage in electric toys - up to 12 Volt. HYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS TO SCHOOLS. Requirements to accommodation schools: 1) availability to schoolboys (radius of service 1, 5 km in city and 3 km - in village); 2) optimal hygienic conditions in a place of a site. Requirements to a school site Area - 20-50 m2 on 1 pupil, the rectangular form. Functional zones of school site: Zone building (school building); Zone rest; Educational - skilled zone; Sports zone; Economic zone; Zone green plantings. Zone building - building must be not closer 25 m from borders of a site, is surrounded with a strip of protective green plantings (not closer 5-10 m from a building – natural illumination at 1 floor). Zone rest - 2 platforms for outdoor games for younger and senior classes, platform for silent rest, bench. Educational - skilled zone - garden, kitchen garden, hothouses, educational workshops etc. Sports zone - stadium with racetracks and holes for jumps, platform for volleyball, sports shells etc. Economic zone - at the end of a school site is closer to economic entrance, is separated by green plantings. Zone green plantings - not less than 40-50 % of the area of a site.
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