Consumer spending up, but morale at 4-month low
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 14 из 14 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Worries over high unemployment pushed U.S. consumer confidence to a four-month low in August, while spending rose modestly in July, indicating the economy’s recovery from recession would be lethargic. The Reuters /University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers said on Friday its final index of confidence for August fell to 65.7, the lowest since April, from 66.0 in July. However, sentiment improved from early this month. A separate report from the Commerce Department showed consumer spending edged up 0.2 percent in July, driven by the government’s “cash-for-clunkers” program that fueled demand for autos, after increasing 0.6 percent in June. Incomes, however, were flat after a steep 1.1 percent drop in June, underscoring the pressure on households from falling housing prices and rising unemployment. “The big driver of the economy is still on the sidelines. The household sector is worried about the job market and until that shows some significant improvement, households are going to be pretty restrained,” said Bill Hampel, chief economist at the Credit Union National Association in Washington. (Aug 28, 2009) 3. After they drank their coffee Mrs. Corleone took one of Kay’s hands in her two brown ones. She said quietly, “Mikey no gonna write you, you no gonna hear from Mikey. He hide two-three years. May be more, maybe much more. You go home to your family and find a nice young fellow and get married.” Kay took the letter out of her purse. “Will you send this to him?” The old lady took the letter and patted Kay on the cheek. “Sure, sure,” she said. … “You forget about Mikey, he no the man for you any more.” (M.P.) 4. In most countries, foreign languages have traditionally been taught for a small number of hours per week, but for several years. Modern thought on this matter suggests that telescoping language courses bring a number of unexpected advantages. Thus it seems that a course of 500 hours spread over five years is much less effective than the same course spread over one year, while if it were concentrated into six months it might produce outstanding results. One crucial factor here is the reduction in opportunities for forgetting; however, quite apart from the difficulty of making the time in school time-tables when some other subject would inevitably have to be reduced, there is a limit to the intensity of language teaching which individuals can tolerate over a protracted period. It is clear that such a limit exists; it is not known in detail how the limit varies for different individuals, not for different age-groups, and research into these factors is urgently needed. At any rate, a larger total number of hours per week and a tendency towards more frequent teaching periods are the two aspects of intensity which are at present being tried out in many places, with generally encouraging results. (P.St.) Preparing a business plan A business plan is essential to the start-up, growth and modification of any business whether it be a small private farm or a large state farm or an agricultural processing facility. The business plan specifically defines the business. It identifies and clarifies goals and provides the direction for their achievement.
A well developed plan will serve three primary functions. First, it will act as a feasibility study. Writing the plan forces the business owner or director to translate ideas into black and white allowing substantiation and evaluation of the assumptions upon which the plan is based. It helps to determine the need for, and proper allocation of resources and, by allowing the owner to look for weak spots and vulnerabilities, helps reduce the risk of unforeseen complications. Second, the plan will serve as a management tool. It provides a guide or implementation and standards against which to evaluate performance. Properly utilised, it can help alert the owner / manager to potential problems before they become detrimental, and potential opportunities before they are missed. Third, the plan is the tool for obtaining financing for the business. Whether seeking bank financing, private domestic or foreign investors, government financing or venture capital, a detailed, well-drafted plan is necessary. (Wt.) 6. …The noble and learned Earl, Lord Jowitt, made a speech of much persuasiveness on the second reading raising this point, and today as is natural and proper, he has again presented with his usual skill, and I am sure with the greatest sincerity, many of the same considerations. I certainly do not take the view that the argument in this matter is all on the side. One could not possibly say that when one considers that there is considerable academic opinion at the present time in favour of this change, and in view of the fact that there are other countries under the British Flag where, I understand, there was a change in the law, to a greater or less degree, in the direction which the noble and learned Earl so earnestly recommends to the House. But just as I am very willing to accept the view that the case for resisting the noble Earl’s Amendment is not overwhelming, so I do not think it reasonable that the view should be taken that the argument is practically and considerably the other way. The real truth is that, in framing statuary provisions about the law of defamation, we have to choose the sensible way between two principles, each of which is greatly to be admitted but both of which run into some conflict. 7. The Supplier guarantees that the goods are in all respects in accordance with the description, technical conditions and specifications of the order, that they are free from defects in material, design and workmanship and they conform to the Supplier’s highest standards. Should the goods prove defective during the period of 12 months from the date of putting the machine, equipment or instruments into operation but not more than 18 months from the date of shipment, the Supplier undertakes to remedy the defects or to replace the faulty goods delivering them c.i.f. Baltic or Black Sea port at the Buyer’s option, free of change, or to refund the value of the goods paid by the Buyer. 8. Optimization – a Basic Viewpoint One of the hallmarks of the economic theorist’s (and the operations researcher’s) approach to the analysis of business behavior and business problems is the concept of optimization. In business practice it is common to see management’s decisions made on the basis of some set of fixed numbers which are meant to represent the extent of the opportunities open to the firm. For example, businessmen freguently arrange for market surveys to estimate how much of their products they will be able to sell in the next year or some other period in the future. On the basis of such figures, which management seems to treat as fixed constants (under some such name as “market potential”), it decides how much raw material to put into inventory, how many salesmen to hire, etc.
This sort of reasoning is the antithesis of the approach of the economic theorist and the operations researcher. In their analyses, one starts from the position that there is no one fixed amount of any commodity which buyers are prepared to purchase. Rather, sales will depend on price, advertising expenditire, and a host of other variables whose values may be under the businessman’s control. For this reason, the number of salesmen to be hired should not be based on any fixed estimate of future sales, for the size of the sales force helps, in turn, to determine the sales volume. (William J. Baumol)
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РЕКОМЕНДУЕМАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА Основная литература 1. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика. Современный английский язык. М., 2006. 2. Гальперин И.Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка. М.,1958. 3. Скребнев Ю.М. Основы стилистики английского языка. – М., 2003. 4. Arnold I.V. The English Word. M., 1986. 5. Galperin I.R. Stylistics. – M., 1977. 6. Shakhovsky V.I. English Stylistics. M., 2008. 7. Znamenskaya T.A. Stylistics of the English Language. M., 2008. Дополнительная литература 1. Бельчиков Ю.А. О культурном коннотативном компоненте лексики. – Язык: система и функционирование. Сб. научных трудов. М., 1988, с.30-35. 2. Богин Г.И. Методологическое пособие по интерпретации художественного текста. Для занимающихся иностр. филологией. 2000. 3. Гуревич В.В. Стилистика английского языка. М., 2007. 4. Ивашкин М.П., Сдобников В.В., Селяев А.В. Практикум по стилистике английского языка. М., 2007.
5. Косоножкина Л.В. Практическая стилистика английского языка: анализ художественного текста. Изд. МарТ, 2004. 6. Кошевая И. Т. Стилистика современного английского языка. М., 1999. 7. Кузнец М.Д., Скребнев Ю.М. Стилистика английского языка. Л., 1960. 8. Кухаренко В.А. Практикум по стилистике английского языка. М., 2009. 9. Нелюбин Л.Л. Лингвостилистика современного английского языка. М., 2008.
10. Разинкина Н.М. Функциональная стилистика английского языка. М., 1989. 11. Сенкевич М.П. Стилистика научной речи и литературное редактирование. М., 1984. 12. Ярцева В.Н. Развитие национального литературного английского языка. М., 1969.
ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Введение..................................................................................................................... 3 Глава 1. ПОНЯТИЕ СТИЛЯ И СТИЛИСТИКИ...................................................4 Глава 2. ОБЩЕНАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК И ЕГО РАЗНОВИДНОСТИ......................................................................10 Глава 3. СТИЛИСТИЧЕСКАЯ ДИФФЕРЕНЦИАЦИЯ ВОКАБУЛЯРА............22 Глава 4. ТИПЫ ЛЕКСИЧЕСКИХ ЗНАЧЕНИЙ СЛОВА.....................................33 Глава 5. СТИЛИСТИЧЕСКИЕ ВЫРАЗИТЕЛЬНЫЕ СРЕДСТВА ЯЗЫКА.......39 ТРОПЫ..........................................................................................................40 СТИЛИСТИЧЕСКИЕ ФИГУРЫ................................................................63 ФОНЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ВЫРАЗИТЕЛЬНЫЕ СРЕДСТВА............................78 Глава 6. ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ СТИЛИ.................................................................82 Рекомендуемая литература.......................................................................................107
Составитель: Н.В. Банина.
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