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I. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the correct way to sit at table? 2. If you want to have something which isn’t near you, what phrases do you use to ask for it? 3. How should you get a slice of bread from the plate standing on the far end of the table? 4. What are the dishes for which a knife shouldn't be used? 5. Do you use a knife for fish, cutlets or omelettes? And for chicken? 6. How should you cut your meat? 7. What should you do if your food is too hot? 8. What shouldn't one do while eating? 9. What should you say to refuse a second helping? 10. What should you do with the spoon after stirring your tea? 11. Is it difficult to follow good manners at the table? 12. What manners are the most difficult for you to follow?

II. Read and translate the following dialogue.

Visit to a dietician

D r. J о n e s: Good morning, Mrs. Fat. Sit down, please.

Mrs. Fat: Good morning,D r. J о n e s. Do you mind if I sit on the sofa?

D r. J о n e s: No, not at all. You can take any seat you like. So you would like to lose weight, wouldn’t you?

Mrs. Fat: Exactly.I’ve been overweight all my life and now I think it’s time I started dieting.

D r. J о n e s: Oh, yes. I see. You know before I can recom­mend you a particular diet I must learn all about your eating habits. How many meals a day do you normally have?

Mrs. Fat: I usually have only three meals a day. I mean breakfast, lunch and dinner, but unfortunately I very often eat between meals.

D r. J о n e s: What do you have for breakfast?

Mrs. Fat: A traditional English breakfast. I have a glass of orange juice, a bowl of cereal and bacon and eggs. And then I drink tea.

D r. J о n e s: Do you take milk in your tea?

Mrs. Fat: I normally drink tea with cream, though I rea­lise that I should have it with skimmed milk.

Dr. Jones: And what about lunch?

Mrs. Fat: Well, that depends. On some days I just have a couple of sandwiches for lunch, but sometimes I also have a bowl of soup and cakes or pies to follow.

D r. J о n e s: What do you have for dinner and when do you have it?

Mrs. Fat: I normally have dinner at 8 p.m. I know it's a bit too late, it just happens so. What do I have? You know, I like to have a very substantial din­ner — a starter, like a salad or assorted meat, followed by a main course such as beefsteak or fish and chips and then dessert and tea or coffee.

D r. J о n e s: What do you have for dessert as a rule?

Mrs. Fat: Ice-cream or cakes, or both.

D r. J о n e s: And what do you eat between meals?

Mrs. Fat: Peanuts, chocolate, popcorn, crisps and stuff. Sometimes I just like to nibble candies.

D r. J о n e s: In fact, many people do the same and yet they have no problems with excess weight. Let me see... Do you fry one or two eggs with your ba­con in the morning?

Mrs. Fat: I actually take eight eggs, but I share my break­fast with my toy-poodle dog.

Dr. Jones: I see. Here is my prescription: Don't change your diet. Change your dog. Replace it with a labrador. Or keep both dogs and share all your meals with them. And here is the telephone number of a vet, who is a very good dog dietician, just in case your dog might need a correction of their diet.


to lose weight – худеть

to be overweight – иметь лишний вес

skimmed milk – обезжиренное молоко

peanut – арахис, земляной орех

crisps – хрустящий картофель в пакетиках

to nibble – грызть

candy – леденец; конфета

III. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я люблю всё мучное. Я знаю, что от пирожков, булочек, пирожных и печенья ужасно полнеют (to put on weight), но ничего не могу с собой поделать. 2. Сейчас очень многие увлекаются вегетарианской пищей. Они едят любые овощи — картошку, морковь, свёклу, цветную капусту (cauliflower), горох, салат, но совсем не едят мяса. 3. Постарайтесь сократить употребление говядины, свинины, баранины. Лучше ешьте курицу, только без кожи. Это пойдет вам на пользу. 4. Некоторые девушки так усердствуют с похуданием, что заболевают. Всё хорошо в меру. 5. Вы хотели бы похудеть? (to slim) 6. У тебя нет лишнего веса и тебе не надо садиться на диету (to put on a diet). 7. Я сейчас на диете (to be on a diet) и поэтому съем только немного вареного мяса и овощей. 8. Доктор советовал мне есть больше фруктов и придерживаться диеты (to follow a diet). 9. Я знаю людей, которые не едят ничего жареного или варёного. Они едят только сырую пищу. – Неужели? И они ещё живы? – Да, живы и здоровы. 10. Моя подруга – вегетарианка, и поэтому она обычно есть овощи, фрукты, молочные продукты и иногда рыбу.

IV. Read and translate the following text.

Last week I met Jane, a friend of mine, whom I hadn’t seen for ages. We were very glad to see each other and Jane invited me to her place that evening. I must tell you that she is a born cook. You won't believe me what tasty things she cooks! I always feel well after dinner, especially if it is well cooked and served. First Jane offered me a delicious salad with fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and onion. We enjoyed it very much. Then she treated me to a roast-beef with mashed potatoes. I’m fond of meat and though I’m on a diet I couldn’t say no. It was so tasty that I made many kind remarks about her cooking. For dessert some sweet cakes and tea were served. I was thirsty so Jane brought me a glass of lemonade. I can't call myself a hearty eater. I don't eat much. Just some cornflakes, an egg and a piece of toast for breakfast. But can you show me a man who would refuse such a delicious dinner? We spoke much and I decided that it was my turn to invite Jane. I thanked her for the pleasant evening and left for home.

V. Read and translate these recipes.

Vegetable soup

Peel and cut into very small pieces three onions, three turnips, one carrot and four potatoes, put them into a pan with 100 g of butter, 150 g of ham and a bunch of parsley; pass them ten minutes over a sharp fire, then add a spoonful of flour, mix well; add 2 litres of broth and 0.5 litre of boiling milk; boil up, keeping it stirred; skim it; add a little salt and sugar and run it through a sieve into another pan; boil again and serve with fried bread in it.

Stewed beef and pork

Put into a saucepan about 800 g of beef cut into 8 pieces; 200 g of pork cut into 2 pieces; six table spoonfuls of rice; 4 middlesized onions peeled and sliced; a table spoonful of sugar; a little pepper and salt; add 2 litres of water; simmer gently for three hours; remove the fat from top and serve.

Home made cake

250 g of flour; 250 g of castor sugar; 250 g of seedless raisins; 50 g of chopped almonds; 50 g of preserved cherries; 170 g of butter; 4 eggs; pinch of soda. Sieve the flour, sugar and soda together into a basin, add the prepared fruit-chopped cherries and almond. Add eggs and butter. Mix it thoroughly. Place in a tin lined with greaseproof paper and brush with some melted butter. Bake in a slow oven for 2 hours. Leave for 5 minutes in a tin, then turn it out and cool.


to peel – очищать (фрукты, овощи и т.п.)

onion – лук, луковица

turnip – репа

pan – кастрюля

bunch of parsley – пучок петрушки

spoonful – полная ложка

broth – бульон

to stir – мешать, помешивать, размешивать

to skim – снимать (накипь и т. п.)

sieve – решето, сито

saucepan – кастрюля

to simmer – кипеть на медленном огне

castor sugar – сахарная пудра

chopped almond – рубленый миндаль

pinch of soda – щепотка соды

to sieve the flour – просеивать муку

basin – миска, чашка

tin – форма для выпечки


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