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III. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you like to go shopping? Why. 2. Where do you usually buy consumer goods, in specialized shops or in department stores? 3. What sections of the department store do you have to visit often? 4. When were you at the department store last time and on what occasion? What did you buy there? 5. Do you always try articles of clothes on when doing shopping? May a customer try all things on? 6. What goods can be purchased on credit? Have you ever bought anything on credit? 7. What presents do you usually buy for your friend's birthday? Do you prefer expensive gifts? 8. How often do you change a coat or a raincoat to a new one? Do you like new things? 9. Do you feel upset if you can’t afford to buy an expensive article of clothes? 10. Whose production of shoes do you prefer, home or foreign?

IV. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я хочу приобрести цветной телевизор в кредит. 2. Мне нужно зайти в сувенирный отдел и купить подарок на день рождения брату. 3. По дороге домой не забудь купить мыло (soap), шампунь и зубнуюпасту (toothpaste). 4. Я советую взять вам этот костюм: он модный и хорошо на вас сидит. 5. Давай зайдем в галантерею и посмотрим, какие там в продаже сумки. 6. Очень удобно делать покупки в универмаге: там большой выбор товаров широкого потребления. 7. Товары бывают длительного пользования и недолгосрочные; первые стоят дорого, последние – значительно дешевле. 8. Изделия, которые продаются в том или ином магазине, обычно выставляются в витрине. 9. Если вы хотите купить дорогую вещь, вы можете приоб­рести ее в кредит. 10. Парфюмерия из Франции пользуются большим спросом у наших покупателей. 11. Можно ли купить этот холодильник в рассрочку (to buy on an installment plan)? – Можно. Вы можете расплатиться за него по частям в течение года.

Text 2

Shopping for consumer goods

Shopping is a very important part of our daily life, but shoppersare faced with a confusing and rapidly changing situation. The confusion arises from the claims made by advertising, awider choice of goodsthan ever before, and new places to shop. The prices of clothes, shoes, and make-up have gone sky-high,so it's vital that you don’t waste your money and that you shopcarefully for value. Be sure of what you want — never shop vaguely, because when you get home your purchase may not matchanything else you've got.

Shop around for the best priceand quality. A department store stocks a wide range of goods and souvenirs. There you can find many departments: haberdashery, hosiery, millinery,ladieswear, menswear, and footwear. If you are looking for a skirt and a top to go with it, you'llneed "Separates". You'll find shorts or T-shirts in "Leisurewear”, jumpers in "Knitwear”,and a nightdress in "Nightwear”.

Boots, shoes, earth shoes, gym shoes, running shoes wellington boots, sandals, slippers are sold at the shoe department. In "Accessories they sell belts, scarves, gloves, bags and purses. Try onall the trousers or dresses they have in theline although it may be quite boring to wait if the changing room is occupied. Check out the rackswith the sign "sale". Although it usually seems to be the small sizes that are offered in sales,you can sometimes find some super buys.

Feeling cheered up by your new purchase, don't forget to keep the receipt, in case an itemturns out to be faulty.You'll need the receipt if you want to exchange the item or have your money refunded.If you are a bargain-hunter, tryclothes markets. They often don't have the high overheads of town shops and can therefore keep prices lower, though they can stock substandard goods. Flea marketsare not the best place to buy anything. The prices are low, but the quality is, too.

Don't put off the purchase of festive gifts until there are only two days left before a holiday. Department stores are swarming with last-minute shoppers, so you may have to queue for half an hour at the checkout till. From everywhere you can hear people swapping rumours, "They have sold out all the scarves”. "They have run out of that cream”. You inevitably get involved in exchanging remarks with other people in the queue or with salesgirls. Sometimes the talk gets so interesting that the cashier's question whether you want to pay in cash or by credit card takes you by surprise. Anyway, you pay and feel happy that you have made a bargain, which puts you in a good mood.

Dear friends, make shopping entertaining. Shop together with your friends. Enjoy attractively designed displays and well-dressed shoppers browsing through trendy items. Then you will definitely like it.


to go sky-high – повышаться (о ценах)

to waste money – тратить деньги

shop around – присматриваться к ценам, качеству товаров

to stock a wide range of goods – иметь в продаже большой ассортимент товаров

millinery – дамские шляпы

to go with smth. – подходить, гармонировать

separates – блузки, юбки, брюки, жакеты

shorts – шорты

T-shirt – тенниска, футболка

leisurewear – одежда для отдыха и туризма

nightdress – ночная рубашка

nightwear – ночное белье

boots – ботинки; бутсы; сапоги

shoes – туфли; полуботинки

earth shoes – башмаки на толстой подошве или платформе

gym shoes – легкая спортивная обувь

running shoes – кроссовки

wellington boots – высокие сапоги

sandals – босоножки

slippers – тапочки

belt – пояс, ремень

scarf – шарф

purse – кошелек; бумажник

changing room – примерочная

rack – вешалка

to be on offer – быть в продаже

super buy – отличная покупка

to cheer up – оживиться, развеселиться; воспрянуть духом

to refund – возвращать деньги

barging-hunter – завсегдатай распродаж

overheads – накладные расходы

substandard goods – некондиционный товар

flea market – “блошиный рынок”

festive gifts – праздничные подарки

to swarm with – кишеть

to queue (up) – стоять в очереди

checkout till – касса, контрольно-кассовый аппарат

to swap – менять, обменивать, обмениваться

to sell out – продать, распродать

to run out of smth. – кончаться (о запасах)

to pay in cash / by credit card – платить наличными / кредитной карточкой

to browse – проглядеть; небрежно рассматривать (товары и т. п.)

trendy – модный, стильный

I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:

to go sky-high; to stock a wide range of goods; to look for a skirt; to go with smth.; leisurewear; nightwear; earth shoes; gym shoes; belt; scarf; gloves; changing room; to be on offer; to keep the receipt; flea market; to swarm with last-minute shoppers; checkout till; to sell out; to pay in cash / by credit card; to browse; trendy.

II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

тратить деньги; присматриваться к ценам и качеству; дамские шляпы; шорты; футболка; ночная рубашка; ботинки; туфли; кроссовки; сапоги; босоножки; тапочки; кошелек; вешалка; отличная покупка; завсегдатай распродаж; накладные расходы; некондиционный товар; праздничные подарки; стоять в очереди.


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