III. Answer the following questions.
1. What problem do American consumers face when buying food? 2. How often does a family visit a supermarket to purchase its food for a week? 3. What will enable Americans to make their buying decision right at home? 4. What is the secret of success of fast-food and take-out restaurants? 5. What is a more recent development in the American food industry? 6. Which food items are very popular now in America? IV. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. An experiment with coffee and tea Most of the foods which we eat today were at one time or another not known to men. One by one they were introduced and became a part of the everyday diet. Very often the person who was the first to try these foods, however, had to be a person of courage. Who, for example, ate the first oyster? Who had the courage to eat the first mushrooms? When tea and coffee were first introduced into Europe in the eighteenth century, there were many arguments for and against their use. Some people claimed that coffee and tea were poison, and they said that, if drunk over long periods of time, coffee and tea would kill a person. In Sweden, the king, Gustav III decided to find out whether these claims were true or false. It happened that there were two brothers who were in prison at the time; they were twins and were exactly alike in every way. They had also been condemned to die. The king decided to let them live if they agreed to do the following: one of the men was supposed to drink several cups of tea each day; the other man was supposed to drink several cups of coffee each day. Both brothers lived many years without any problems of any kind. At last, one of the brothers, the one who had to drink tea every day, died at the age of eighty-three. The other died a few years later. Everyone, however, seemed to be well satisfied with the way the experiment had turned out, for Sweden today is one of the countries of the world where much tea and coffee are drunk. Answer the following questions. A). 1. What do you like better, tea or coffee? 2. How do you like to have your tea, strong or weak? 3. How often do you like tea? 4. How much sugar do you have? 5. What blend of tea do you like best of all? 6. Can you make tea? B). Describe the procedure of making tea. These words and expressions will help you: tea kettle – чайник для кипячения воды tea pot – чайник для заварки to drink (to have) tea – пить чай to pour the boiling water – обдавать кипятком to blew tea – заваривать чай to draw – настаиваться (о чае) to stir the tea – размешивать чай China tea – китайский чай mint tea – чай с мятой tea bag – чайный пакетик to give a tea-party – устраивать чаепитие five o'clock tea – послеобеденный чай UNIT 13 Text 1
Shopping at the department store There is a wide network of department stores and specialized shops in every city. Customers can buy consumer goods either for cash or on credit. People need many things for their everyday life. Some of these things serve them for a long time (they are called durable), others are intended for a short period (they are called non-durable). The former are expensive, while the latter are much cheaper. Department stores are often worth a look. As a rule a department store is a big shop, many-storied with different departments. There you can find various departments: haberdashery, hosiery, leatherwear, footwear, knitwear, underwear, ready-made clothes, furs and hats, textile, perfumery, video and electronics. You can also buy toys, luxury goods, china and glass, sports goods (sportswear, sport equipment), musical instruments, tape-recorders, TV sets and cameras there. The goods to be for sale at these sections are in great demand with the customers that is why there are always crowds of people there. You can buy everything you like there. There are also escalators in big stores which take customers to different floors. It will take you much time to go through all the departments. A good assistant can help you a lot. She or he will show you the goods and advise a thing that suits you. The ready-made clothes department offers articles of home and foreign production. Clothes in different styles, colours and sizes are for sale here. At this department women can buy dresses, pinafore dresses, skirts, blouses. The shop-assistant is always ready to serve the customer politely and will help everybody to choose the thing which will fit the person well. For men the ready-made clothes department offers suits, shirts, ties, trousers, jeans, parkas; coats. If you like something that you intend to buy, you may try it on in the fitting-room. In the knitwear section the following articles of clothes are for sale: sweaters, short-sleeved and long-sleeved pullovers, woolen jackets, cardigans, two-piece suits. If you visit a haberdashery department, you will be surprised by a great choice of hairbrushes and combs, buttons, ribbons, lace, tape, thread, needles, pins, handkerchiefs, zippers. Sheets, pillowcases, blankets, covers, cloths, napkins you can buy at “Linen”. To buy socks, pantyhose, stockings, knee-high stockings, stretch socks and tube socks you go to the hosiery department. The perfumery department is very popular both with women and men. There they buy things either for their personal use or for presents. You can find on the counter various kinds of perfume. Each woman can buy there a suitable lipstick, face cream, face powder, make-up, nail polish, mascara, rouge, eye shadows. The price for some goods is quite reasonable, for others – rather high. At the department store there is a department where you can buy all kinds of kitchen utensils and electric appliances. You may buy pots, frying pans, whistling kettles, teapots, coffee-pots, cake pans, crockery, tea-sets, spoons, forks, knives, plates, cups, saucers, bowls, and glasses. Here you can buy refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, dish washers, irons, toasters, mincers, blenders, juicers, coffee-grinders, coffee-makers, deep-fryers and other devices that can be useful in household. In a hardware shop you may buy spades, nails, hammers, bench axes, screws, screwdrivers, gardening-tools, watering-cans, buckets, brooms, mops, bulbs.
Remember that the department store runs a special service: a customer can have the purchase wrapped up and nicely packed for a low price. Vocabulary wide network – широкая сеть consumer goods – потребительские товары to buy smth. for cash / on credit – покупать за наличные / в кредит durable goods – товары длительного пользования non-durable goods – товары недлительного (кратковременного) пользования department – отдел haberdashery – галантерея; галантерейный магазин или секция в магазине hosiery – чулочные изделия leatherware – кожаные изделия footwear – обувь knitwear – вязаные, трикотажные вещи, трикотаж underwear – нижнее белье furs – меха, меховые изделия hat – головной убор; шляпа; шапка textile – текстильные изделия, ткань luxury goods – предметы роскоши china – фарфор, фарфоровые изделия sportswear – спортивная одежда sport equipment – спортивное оборудование musical instrument – музыкальный инструмент tape-recorder – магнитофон TV set – телевизор to be for (on) sale – быть в продаже, продаваться to be in great demand – пользоваться большим спросом dress – платье pinafore dress – сарафан skirt – юбка blouse – блузка to fit well – быть впору, хорошо сидеть suit – костюм shirt – рубашка; сорочка tie – галстук trousers – брюки, штаны parka – парка (длинная куртка с капюшоном) coat – пиджак, куртка, пальто sleeve – рукав two-piece suit – женский костюм hairbrush – щетка для волос comb – расческа, гребень button – пуговица ribbon – лента lace – шнурок, кружево tape – тесьма thread – нитка needle – иголка pin – булавка handkerchief – носовой платок zipper – застежка-молния linen – постельное и столовое белье sheet – простыня pillowcase – наволочка blanket – шерстяное одеяло cover – покрывало; одеяло cloth – скатерть napkin – салфетка socks – носки pantyhose (tights) – колготки stockings – чулки knee-high stockings – гольфы stretch socks – безразмерные носки tube socks – гетры lipstick – губная помада face powder – пудра make-up – тональный крем nail polish – лак для ногтей mascara – тушь rouge – румяна eye shadows – тени для глаз kitchen utensils – кухонная утварь electric appliance – бытовой электроприбор pot – горшок, котелок, кастрюля frying pan – сковорода whistling kettle – чайник со свистком teapot – чайник (для заварки) coffee-pot – кофейник cake pan – форма для выпечки crockery – посуда (глиняная, фаянсовая) tea-set – чайный сервиз spoon – ложка knife – нож
fork – вилка plate – тарелка, блюдо cup – чашка; чаша, бокал, кубок saucer – блюдце glass – стакан, бокал, фужер, рюмка refrigerator – холодильник vacuum cleaner – пылесос washing-machine – стиральная машина dish-washer – посудомоечная машина iron – утюг mincer – мясорубка juicer – соковыжималка coffee-grinder – кофемолка coffee- maker – кофеварка deep-fryer – фритюрница hardware shop – магазин металлических изделий; скобяных товаров spade – лопата nail – гвоздь hammer – молоток, кувалда bench axe – плотничий топор screw – винт screwdriver – отвертка gardening-tools – садово-огородный инвентарь watering-can – лейка bucket – ведро broom – веник, метла mop – швабра bulb – лампочка to wrap up – заворачивать I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations: haberdashery; hosiery; leatherwear; footwear; knitwear; underwear; ready-made clothes; furs and hats; textile; perfumery; to be for (on) sale; to go through all the departments; to show the goods; to be ready to serve the customer; hairbrush; comb; ribbon; lace; tape; pot; frying pan; crockery; refrigerator; vacuum cleaner; washing-machine; dish washer; iron; hardware shop. II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations: широкая сеть универмагов; потребительские товары; покупать за наличные / в кредит; отдел; игрушки; предметы роскоши; фарфор и стекло; спортивная одежда; спортивное оборудование; пользоваться большим спросом у покупателей; платье; сарафан; юбка; блузка; костюм; рубашка; галстук; брюки; пуговицы; нитки; иголка; булавка; носовой платок; застежка-молния; носки; колготки; чулки; гольфы; безразмерные носки; гетры; кухонная утварь; бытовой электроприбор; чайник со свистком; чайник для заварки; кофейник; форма для выпечки; чайный сервиз; ложка; нож; вилка; тарелка; чашка; блюдце; мясорубка; соковыжималка; кофемолка; кофеварка; фритюрница.
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