III. Answer the following questions.
1. Do English keep to their meal times? 2. How many meals a day do English usually have? 3. What do English people generally have for breakfast? 4. When is lunch served? 5. What do English usually have for lunch? 6. Where do those who work have their lunch? 7. What is five o'clock tea in England? 8. How many cups of tea do English usually have a day? 9. What is the main meal in the English home? 10. What time do English have dinner? 11. What do English usually have for dinner? 12. What is the traditional English food? 13. Do English often go to restaurants? Why? Why not? 14. Have you ever eaten anything from the English cuisine? What dish? Did you like it? IV. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. День англичанина начинается с завтрака. Его любимый завтрак обязательно включает в себя поджаренный бекон, тосты с джемом и чай. 2. Невозможно представить себе английский завтрак без тостов. Их намазывают маслом и джемом. 3. Чай англичане пьют с молоком и сахаром. 4. Что такое традиционный английский завтрак? – По-моему, это стакан сока, кукурузные хлопья с молоком, яичница с ветчиной и чай. 5. Чай пьют с печеньем или кексом. Но чаще всего просто горячий ароматный чай. 6. Англичане не пьют чай с лимоном. Такой чай они называют «русский чай». 7. Англичане предпочитают простую еду: жареную рыбу с картофелем, овощи и какие-нибудь мясные блюда. 8. На десерт обязательно что-то сладкое, часто знаменитый пудинг. 9. Вечером после обеда англичане любят посидеть и выпить пива. 10. В пабе не только пьют пиво, можно вкусно перекусить, поиграть в шахматы. 11. Рождественский ужин в США обычно состоит из индейки, ветчины, яблочного пирога, орехов и фруктов. 12. Давай сегодня пойдём в какой-нибудь ресторан, я слишком устала, чтобы готовить. UNIT 12 American meals Americans usually have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. All these three meals are served almost at the same time as in Britain. Breakfast usually comes before eight o'clock in the morning, since most people have to be getting off to work and children have to leave for school. Lunch is served between twelve and one o'clock, and dinner, the main meal, is generally between six and eight in the evening.
Breakfast in America may be orange juice, toast and coffee, or juice and cold dry cereal with milk. Lunch is usually a small meal – a sandwich, salad or soup. People who work must either bring-bag it or get it near their work place. School children take sandwiches, fruit and cookies along with them or eat in the schools cafeteria. Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch that many Americans enjoy on Sunday. Scrambled eggs or omelets are often served along with other regular luncheon dishes. It is usually served about eleven in the morning. Many fine restaurants have a traditional Sunday brunch where it is served from around 10 a.m. until mid-afternoon. Dinner is ordinary planned around a meat course, pork, or various fowl such as chicken or turkey. Ground beef is called hamburger and ground pork is sausage. In addition to meal, an American dinner often includes potatoes or rice, and green or yellow vegetables. Fresh salad is also frequently served. Coffee, tea and milk are generally served with a dessert after dinner, but not always. Sometimes a typical dinner may include an appetizer, such as soup or fruit salad. The word «supper» can be used in place of dinner. There are two main types of restaurants in the USA – fast-food and full-service restaurants. A fast food restaurant is much like a cafeteria. Items such as hamburgers, hot chicken sandwiches, pizza and salads are typical of a fast food restaurant. Eating in a fast food restaurant takes less time and less expensive than in a full-service restaurant. Americans have a wider assortment of foods to choose from than consumers in any other country. Meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals from various parts of the nation are available throughout the country during any season of the year. Frequently, the problem for the consumer is not the lack of variety of brands of food, but rather the bewildering assortment from which one must choose. In addition, the consumer can choose from foods that are fresh, frozen, canned and cooked or uncooked. Currently, virtually all food stores have available a wide array of frozen foods especially prepared to be heated of cooked in a microwave oven. The microwave oven has revolutionized the home preparation of meals. It, along with the supermarket, where virtually any kind of foods are available, make the preparation of food the most time-efficient in the world. A family can make only one trip a week to the supermarket to purchase its food needs for an entire week. Before the turn of the century Americans will have access to computer-based shopping enabling them to make their buying decisions at home and picking up their purchases at the store or having them delivered to their homes. Since the 1950s fast-food and take-out restaurants have had a phenomenal proliferation, first in the US, and more recently throughout the world. The first fast-food chains like McDonalds, Burger King, Arby's and Wendy’s which offer sandwiches, hamburgers, French-fried potatoes, hot dogs, hot pizzas, pancakes, chili and fried chicken, have been joined by other chains some of which offer Mexican, Chinese and other ethnic foods. The cost of the food in such restaurants is frequently cheaper than if one were to prepare similar food in one's kitchen. Consequently, an entire family may frequently go to eat at fast food places for convenience and economy.
A more recent development in the American food industry has been the demand for healthier foods. The food industry has made available a wide variety of low-fat dairy and meat products. Animals are now being scientifically bred to produce lean meat. Even low fat cheeses and ice cream are being produced. Vegetable, fruit and cereal consumption are increasing. A second demand is for foods grown and produced free of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. This has led to the development of an “organic industry”. Of course, the cost of organic foods is substantially higher than for nonorganic food. The market for organic food has nevertheless been expanding. Vocabulary cold dry cereal – сухой завтрак brunch – поздний завтрак fast food restaurant – ресторан быстрого обслуживания nut – орех brands of food – типы продуктов to bewilder – сбивать с толку, приводить в замешательство fresh food – свежие продукты frozen food – замороженные продукты canned food – консервы cooked food – готовые к употреблению продукты uncooked food – полуфабрикаты array – масса, множество; набор, комплект to heat – нагревать, разогревать, подогревать microwave oven – микроволновая печь French fried potatoes – картофель фри food industry – пищевая промышленность health food – здоровая пища lean meat – постное, нежирное мясо consumption – потребление fertilizer – удобрение pesticide – пестицид, средство для борьбы с вредителями herbicide – гербицид I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations: orange juice; cooked food; to have a wider assortment of foods; to heat in a microwave oven; to eat at fast food places; food industry; lean meat; consumption. II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations: сухой завтрак; поздний завтрак; ресторан быстрого обслуживания; орехи; свежие продукты; замороженные продукты; консервы; полуфабрикаты; картофель фри; здоровая пища.
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