Exercise 8. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with abstract nouns.)
1. We both appreciate____simplicity. (Du Maurier) 2. In less than ____ week Cowperwood knew ___ financial condition of Messrs. Waterman as well as they did, better, to ____dollar. (Dreiser) 3. It is such ____ weary, weary work. (Dickens) 4. He [White] had ____ com fortable feeling of working alone in ____ large empty building, ____ feeling of ____ peace and ____ complete privacy. (Wilson) 5. I've reason to believe she [Fleur] has never properly got over ____ feeling she used to have. (Galsworthy) 6. I had seldom heard my friend speak with such ____ intensity of ____ feeling. (Conan Doyle) 7. His footsteps were now heard striking upon ____ stony road at ____ distance of about twenty yards. (Hardy) 8. We had ____ wonderful weather. (Du Maurier) 9. You must learn to face ____ life seriously, Stephen. (Shaw) 10. However, ____ life of such striking monotony does not seem to depress him. (Durrell) 11. May you be happy in ____ life you have chosen! (Dickens) 12. I love to think of ____ time that must come some day when ____ man will have conquered ____ nature, and ____ toilworn human race enter upon ____ era of ____ peace. (Leacock) 13. She was panting now, and in her face was ____ terror which was inexplicable. (Maugham) 14. His round blue eyes be hind ____ spectacles were ghastly with ____, terror. (Maugham) 15. I think in some curious way____horror which she felt for him was ____ transference of ____ horror which she felt for herself because he so strangely troubled her. (Maugham) 16. She was brilliantly familiar with ____ literature, ____ tongues, ____ art, ____ history, ____ physics, ____ metaphysics, ____ philosophy, and ____ politics (in which I include ____ modern politics). (Bennett) 17. It was ____ cold, bleak, biting weather. (Dickens) 18. ____ weather was sunny and dry. (Hardy) 19. ____ modern science is ____wonderful thing. (Shaw) 20; He was ____ steady, uninspired researcher in ____ properties of ____ liquid state of ____ matter. (Wilson) 21. Their blue eyes became filled with ____ gaiety and ____ ferocity and____joy, and their mouths with ____ laughter. (Murdoch) 22. Jon laughed, and ____ sound of ____ laugh was hard. (Galsworthy) 23. Then she gave ____ crisp, ironic, almost cheer ful laugh... (Snow) 24. On that fine day ____ poverty of ____ dis trict she was entering seemed to her country-nurtured eyes intensely cheerless. (Galsworthy) 25. ____ reason is ____ greatest discovery ever made by ____ man. Yet it is ____ most disregarded and least used. (Jones) 26....what I offer is ____ security and ____ respect. That doesn't sound very exciting, but perhaps it's better than ____ passion. (Greene) 27. And ____ passion that held Strickland was ____passion to create ____ beauty. (Maugham) 28. She looked ____ incarnation of ____ supreme loveliness, ____ loveliness which was always revealing itself anew. (Bennett) 29. She [Aileen] knew nothing of ____ literature except ____ certain authors who to ____ truly cultured might seem banal. (Dreiser) 30. ____ expression on her face ____ hungry and hard and feverish — had the most peculiar effect upon Soames. (Galsworthy) 31. She listened with ____ expression impatient, strained and intent. (Snow) 32. At that age I had ____ very faulty view of ____ geography. (Miller) 33. ____poor fellow's face looked haggard with ____ want: he had ____ spect of ____ man who had not known what it was to live in ____ comfort... for ____ weeks, perhaps ____ months past. (Ch. Bronte) 34. He longed for ____ comfort of his sister's society. (Marryat) 35. He pines for kindness. (E. Bronte) 36. She sighed for ____ air, ____ liberty, ____ quiet of ____ country. (Austen) 37. Miss Cherrell, I am going to do all I can to remove ____ unpleasant impression you have of me. I am your very humble servant, and I hope some day to have ____ chance to be something else to you. (Galsworthy) 38. Then all four sat down and began to inspect Hunter and Calvin with ____ air of suspicion and curiosity. (Murdoch) 39. He spoke with ____ air of someone who has got over with an unpleasant duty and can now get on to ____ brighter mat ters. (Murdoch) 40. How quietly you live, John. I love ____ silence of this room and garden. (Murdoch) 41. At other times he would come and sit for long periods in her room in ____ silence. (Murdoch) 42. What ____ noble thing ____ courage is. (Reade) 43. Nothing gave him [little Hans] greater pleasure than to listen to all ____ won
that ____ wind, sighing away in ____ distant hills, was as audible as ____ music. (Dickens) 56. Mr. Bob Sawyer adjusted his skates with ____ dexterity which to Mr. Winkle was perfectly marvellous. (Dickens) 57. He had not been stationary half ____ minute, when he heard his own name pronounced by ____ voice which he at once recognized as Mr. Tupman's, and looking upwards, he beheld ____ sight which filled him with ____ surprise and ____ pleasure. (Dickens)
58. She sat by ____ window reading. From her position she could see up ____ lane for ____ distance of at least ____ hundred yards. (Hardy) 59. I can see ____ beauty and ____ peace of this home; I think I have never been more at ____ rest in my life than at this moment. (Shaw) 60. Beside his bed, for ____ first time during ____ period of nearly twenty years, he fell down on his knees in ____ passionate outburst of ____ feeling. (Hardy) 61. It was ____ new fear, different from that which she had once confided in her own flat, yet grown from ____ same root. (Snow) 62. ____ empty windows of ____ ruins were filled with ____ life of their own. (Heym) 63. Cowperwood awakened to ____ sense of ____ joy in ____ life such as he fancied he had never expe rienced before. (Dreiser) 64. Mr. Pickwick stood in ____ principal street of this illustrious town, and gazed with ____ air of ____ curiosity not unmixed with ____ interest, on ____ objects around him. (Dickens)
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