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Exercise 31. Translate into English.

1. Мы позавтракали в восемь часов. 2. Завтрак состоял из хлеба с маслом, сыра и кофе. 3. Не опаздывайте к обеду. 4. Обед еще не готов. 5. Наши знакомые пригласили нас на обед.

Exercise 32. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with nouns modi­fied by certain adjectives, pronouns, and numerals.) (A) Most.

1. You have had ____ most distinguished career... (Snow) 2. This was ____ most painful thought of all. (Murdoch) 3. He had put himself in ____ most unsatisfactory position, politically and socially. (Dreiser) 4. She was ____ most beautiful young girl; ____ most beau­tiful girl he had ever seen. (Bennett) 5. ____ most of ____ women had flowers or little black feathers sticking up in their hair. (Glyn) 6. I started relating ____ most interesting anecdote, but was some­ what surprised to observe.. that nobody was paying ____ slightest attention to me whatever. (Jerome K. Jerome) 7.____ news he had conveyed to her would have terrified ____ most women. (Cronin). 8. He was____ man of ____ most subtle and refined intellect. ____ man of ____ culture, ____ charm and ____ distinction. One of ____ most in­ tellectual men I ever met. (Wilde) 9. Her life held so little of ____ real charm; and Aileen Butler was ____ most significant element of ____ romance in it. (Dreiser) 10. Youth in her South Carolinian home had been simple and self-reliant; and unlike ____ most Amer­ican girls, she had not had too good ____ time. (Galsworthy) 11. It was ____most beautiful room. It was most beautiful room in ____ house. (Du Marnier) 12. Gentleman, he was ____ most excellent man, ____ most gentle, tender and estimable man, with ____ simplic­ity of ____ child. (Dickens) 13. ____ Norman Conquest is one of ____ most important events in ____ English history, and it had ____ great­est influence on ____ history of ____ language.


Exercise 33. Insert articles where necessary. (B) Few, little.

1. ____ mother and I are planning to go to ____ country for ____ few days. (Dreiser) 2. It was ____ cold, windy evening and there were ____ few people in ____ Park. 3. ____ few words that I have to add to what I have written, are soon penned. (Dickens) 4. We needn't take ____ porter. We have ____ little luggage. 5, When you've wanted something very badly and it. comes at last, it is somehow ____ little frightening. (Maugham) 6. ____ little I have to say can be said in ____ few minutes. 7.I am commonly ____ man of ____ few words. (Dickens) 8. One morning, when Rose was alone in ____ breakfast-parlour, Harry Maylie entered; and, with some hesitation, begged ____ permission to speak with her for ____ few moments. (Dickens) 9.'What ____ little light there was came from one small window. (Priestley) 10. He paused, wishing he had not mentioned that fact. It was ____ slip of ____ tongue, one of ____ few he ever made, due to ____ peculiar pressure of ____ situation. (Dreiser) 11. Oh, I know there's no danger, but I'm ____ little frightened all ____ same. (Greene) 12. Well, for instance, why don't you tell me about your sister? She always sounds fascinating, from ____ little I hear, but I've no real idea what she's like. (Hansford Johnson) 13. ___ old man replied that there were ____ few grown persons as trust­ worthy or as careful as she [Nell]. (Dickens) 14. Harriet closed her coat quickly and walked ____ little faster. (/. Shaw) 15. We can't disguise from ourselves that there's ____ little hope. (Greene) 16. He accepted willingly my invitation to remain for ____ few days in. my apartment. (Maugham) 17. I seem to have forgotten ____ little I ever knew. (Conan Doyle) 18. He tried to orient himself by ____ stars; but it was ____ cloudy night and ____ few stars that were visible did not announce any constellation that he could rec­ognize. (Murdoch) 19. Carie expostulated, begged, was very angry, even wept ____ little, and then suddenly capitulated. (Buck) 20. Lufkin's tastes were austere. He spent ____ littleon himself. (Snow) 21. I see very ____ few women; but those are ____ women of rank. (James) 22. Mary offered to. lend ____ little she had. (E. Bronte) 23. I've travelled ____ little, but not enough. (Hansford Johnson) 24. Surely, during ____ few hours he might pass in ____ cottage it would be easy for her to keep out of his way. (Marryat) 25. She respected him mightily but gave him ____very little thought. (Buck) 26. When ____ winter came... he suffered ____ good deal from ____ cold and ____ hunger, and often had to go to ____ bed without any supper but ____ few dried pears or some hard nuts. (Wilde) 27. He was one of ____ few men of science who never terrified me, probably because he never behaved like ____ doctor. (Lee)


Exercise 34. Insert articles where necessary. (C) Second, third, etc.

1. Of all those to whom he appealed one was actually not in ____ position to do anything for him; another was afraid; ____ third was calculating eagerly to drive ____ hard bargain; ____fourth was too deliberate, anxious to have much time. (Dreiser) 2. Two people would have to hold ____ chair, and ____ third would help him up on it, and ____ fourth would hand him ____ nail, and ____ fifth would pass him up ____ hammer. (Jerome K. Jerome) 3. ____ professor Earle Fox ignored for ____ second time ____ buzzing signal from, the secre­tary, in ____ adjoining office. (Wilson) 4. One evening ____ little Hans was sitting by his fireside when ____ loud rap came at ____ door... At first he thought it was merely the storm. But ____ sec­ond rap came, then ____ third. (Wilde) 5. Mr. Pickwick was per­fectly aware that ____ tree is ____ very dangerous neighbour in ____ thunderstorm. He had ____ tree on his right ____ tree on his left, ____ third before him, and ____ fourth behind. (Dickens) 6. Take care, Caroline. I've proposed twice now. I Shall not propose ____ third time. (Maugham)


Exercise 35. Insert another or the other.

(D) 1. A person who has not done one half of his day's work by ten o'clock, runs the chance of leaving ____ half undone. (E. Bronte) 2. Her hands lay on her lap motionless, one in ____ loosely clasped. (Maugham) 3. There was ____ silence, not a long one. (Snow) 4. Then, she came and sat down on ____ side of the hearth. (Galsworthy) 5. There was ____ reason why he was disturbed. Though he was ambitious, he had high standards of behaviour. (Snow) 6. Fleur stole ____ look. (Galsworthy) 7. The boy sidled nearer, moving one foot slowly after ____ 8. There was ____ thing I liked in Mrs. Strickland. (Maugham)



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