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Exercise 37. Insert articles where necessary.

1. What ____ strange feeling it was to be going home when it was not home, and to find that every object I looked at reminded me of ____ happy old home which was like ____ dream I could, never dream again. (Dickens) 2. On her face I saw ____ placid and sweet expression of ____ lady whose picture had looked at me downstairs. It seemed to my imagination as if ____ portrait had grown womanly and ____ original remained ____ child. (Dickens) 3. Rebecca's mother had had ____ educa­tion somewhere and her daughter spoke ____ French with ____ purity and ____ Parisian accent. It was in those days rather ____ rare accom­plishment, and led to her engagement with ____ orthodox Miss Pinkerton. (Thackeray) 4. He had ____ wit, ____ keen sense of ____ humour, ____ sense of pathos. (Dreiser) 5. ____one thing that really interested him in connection with his parents was ____ existence somewhere in ____ east in ____ small city called Lycurgus... of ____ uncle, ____ brother of his father's. (Dreiser) 6. But ____ bed I made up for myself was suf­ficiently uncomfortable to give me ____ wakeful night, and I thought ____ good deal of what ____ unlucky Dutchman had told me. (Maugham) 7. We went down ____ corridors, down ____ stone stairs. We crossed over ____ Park by ____ lake; one of ____ pelicans was spreading its wings. ____ trees were creaking in ____ blustery wind; on ____ grass, ____ first leaves had fallen. It was ____ dark evening, with ____ clouds, low and grey, driving across from ____ west. (Snow) 8. I breathed deeply two or three times, but felt ____ little calmer, ____ enormity of ____ situation was too overpowering. (Clark) 9.. English of ____ 14th century dif­ fers from _____ Modern English. 10. He was young still, and in ____ few years he would look back on all his misery with ____ sadness in which there would be something not unpleasurable. (Maugham) 11. After ____ lights within, it was very dark, and ____ night was enormous and silent with ____ intensity which for ____ moment made her pause in ____ awe. She was in ____ unfamiliar street. It was ____ damp night, with rare stars. (Murdoch) 12. I had often new temptations afterwards to wonder whether it was really singular, or only singular to me, that he, who was ____ most grateful of mankind upon ____ least occasion, should so desire to escape ____ gratitude of others. (Dickens) 13. Large drops of ____ rain, which pattered every now and then against ____ win­dows of ____ chaise, seemed to warn ____ travellers of ____ rapid approach of ____ stormy night. (Dickens) 14. It's pleasant to get used to ____ expensive, ____ soft, ___ comfortable. (Stone) 15. ____ children of ____ poor know but ____ few pleasures. Even ____ cheap delights of ____ childhood must be bought and paid for. (Dickens) 16. And there began for Soames ____ most confused evening he had ever spent. For in his heart were ____ great gladness and ____ great pity, and he must not show ____ sign of either. (Galsworthy) 17. ____ walls, down which ran ___ number and variety of ____ pipes and cables, were painted in two contrasting shades of green ____ dark up to ____ height of five foot, lighter above that. (Clark) 18. In ____ evening ____ weather broke, ____ wind shifted from ____ South to ____ North-East and brought ____ rain first and then ____ sleet and ____ snow. (E. Bronte) 19. ____ Miller said all kinds of beautiful things about ____ friendship, which Hans took down in ____ note-book and used to read over at ____ night, for he was ____ very good scholar. (Wilde) 20. She drew ____ little away from him; then perceived that unwittingly she had done ____ right thing, for he at once tried to take her hand again. And this was her first lesson too in ____ nature of ____ man. (Galsworthy) 21. ____ London train was on ____ point of ____ departure. It was yet ____ early morning, ____ hour of ____ milkmen and ____ postmen. ____ station had ____ chill, unused, deserted look; ____ passengers were few. (Bennett) 22. In ____ hands of ____ strong, like himself when he was at his best, ____ law was ____ sword and ____ shield, ____ trap to place before ____ feet of ____ unwary; ____ pit to dig in ____ path of those who might pursue. (Dreiser) 23. It had been ____ severe winter, and ____ snow lay deep in, ____ gorges of ____ mountains. (Conan Doyle) 24. ____ point is that ____ art now is just ____ subject for conversation; and anything that anybody can understand fat ____ first sight is not worth talking about and therefore not ____ art. (Galsworthy) 25. I do not consider that ____ cigars and whisky he consumed at my expense, and ____ few dollars, borrowed with ____ civil air of, conferring ____, favour upon me, that passed from my pocket to his, were in any way equivalent to ____ entertainment he afforded me. I remained his debtor. (Maugham) 26. He was ____ psycho pathologist as well as ____ student of ____ art, and ____ subconscious had ____ few secrets from him. (Maugham) 27. And now he was in large bedroom over­ looking ____ Thames, ____ chamber with ____ writing table, ____ sofa, ____ telephone, ____ electric bells and ____ massive oak door with ____ lock and ____ key in ____ lock. (Bennett) 28. ____ sun comes up from ____ East and goes down to ____. West. (Shaw) 29. As that day closed in, ____ girl's excitement increased; and when ____ night came on... there was ____ unusual paleness in her cheek, and ___ fire in her eye, that even Sikes observed with ____ astonishment. (Dickens) 30. Mr. Skimpole could play ____ piano and ____ violoncello; and he was ____ composer, had composed half ____ opera once, and played what he composed with ____ taste. After ____ tea we had quite ____ little con­cert, in which Richard and Mr. Jarndyce and I were ____ audience. (Dickens) 31. In ____ civil life, Cassilis was ____ stage-designer on ____ threshold of ___ brilliant career. He was ____ quiet man, mildly handsome, mildly intellectual, mildly witty. He was fond of ____, women in ____ quiet sort of way, but behaved with them always as if he were in search of ____ good quiet wife. (Hansford Johnson) 32. Though ____ young man was ____ honest fellow, and ____ son of ____ honest fellow, ____ latter had died so early, and his widow had had such struggles to maintain herself, that ____ son was very im­perfectly educated. (Hardy) 33. Next day, Margaret and I had to leave ____ house after ____ tea. ____ weather had not changed. Just as when we arrived, it was ____ evening so tranquil that ____ chimney smoke seemed painted on ____ sky, and in ____ air there was ____ smell of burning leaves. (Snow) 34. They never, one felt, dressed carelessly, said ____ wrong word, were ____ prey to ____ untidy passion. (Greene) 35. Herzogs moved to ____ midwest. (Bellow) 36. She was ____ mountain-bred and ever ____ lover of ____ mountains. She could see ____ little beauty in ____ sea, and that only of ____ terrible and overwhelming kind. (Buck) 37. ____ very tall and very good-looking man who entered seemed about thirty-eight years old. His clean-shav­en face was full of ____ health, his eyes full of _____ light, his dark hair had ____ fleck or two of premature grey in it. (Galsworthy) 38. I've been taught ____ Latin, and ____ Greek, and ____ mathematics. (Eliot). 39. At ____ dusk, on ____ evening of St. Valentine's day, Boldwood sat down to ____ supper as usual. (Hardy) 40. Dinny wrote ____ letter to her brother in which she said nothing of ____ Hallorsen, ____ Saxenden, or ____ Tasburghs, but discoursed in lively fashion of ____ Aunt Em, Boswell and Johnson, ____ Uncle Adrian, ____ Lady Henrietta... (Galsworthy) 41. I guessed that ____ women would like her as much as ____ men, that if there was ____ little tenderness in her nature, there was also no spite. (Hansford Johnson) 42. He left ____ kitchen, went in ____ dining-room and excused himself to ____ Aunt Alexandra, put on his hat and went to ____ town. (Lee)



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