| Description
| Min > Max (Incr. )
| Default
| Units
| Climbout Altitude difference
Comment: If the altitude error exceeds this parameter, the system will climb out with maximum throttle and minimum airspeed until it is closer than this distance to the desired altitude. Mostly used for takeoff waypoints / modes. Set to 0 to disable climbout mode (not recommended).
| 0. 0 > 150. 0 (0. 5)
| 10. 0
| m
| L1 damping
Comment: Damping factor for L1 control.
| 0. 6 > 0. 9 (0. 05)
| 0. 75
| L1 period
Comment: This is the L1 distance and defines the tracking point ahead of the aircraft its following. A value of 18-25 meters works for most aircraft. Shorten slowly during tuning until response is sharp without oscillation.
| 12. 0 > 50. 0 (0. 5)
| 20. 0
| m
| L1 controller roll slew rate limit
Comment: The maxium change in roll angle setpoint per second.
| 0 > ? (1)
| 90. 0
| deg/s
| Min. airspeed scaling factor for landing
Comment: Multiplying this factor with the minimum airspeed of the plane gives the target airspeed the landing approach. FW_AIRSPD_MIN * FW_LND_AIRSPD_SC
| 1. 0 > 1. 5 (0. 01)
| 1. 3
| norm
| Landing slope angle
| 1. 0 > 15. 0 (0. 5)
| 5. 0
| deg
| Early landing configuration deployment
Comment: When set to 0/disabled, the landing configuration (flaps, landing airspeed, etc. ) is only activated on the final approach to landing. When set to 1/enabled, it is already activated when entering the final loiter-down (loiter-to-alt) WP before the landing approach. This shifts the (often large) altitude and airspeed errors caused by the configuration change away from the ground such that these are not so critical. It also gives the controller enough time to adapt to the new configuration such that the landing approach starts with a cleaner initial state.
- 0: Disable early land configuration deployment
- 1: Enable early land configuration deployment
| Landing flare altitude (relative to landing altitude)
| 0. 0 > 25. 0 (0. 5)
| 3. 0
| m
| Flare, maximum pitch
Comment: Maximum pitch during flare, a positive sign means nose up Applied once FW_LND_FLALT is reached
| 0 > 45. 0 (0. 5)
| 15. 0
| deg
| Flare, minimum pitch
Comment: Minimum pitch during flare, a positive sign means nose up Applied once FW_LND_FLALT is reached
| 0 > 15. 0 (0. 5)
| 2. 5
| deg
| Landing heading hold horizontal distance. Set to 0 to disable heading hold
| 0 > 30. 0 (0. 5)
| 15. 0
| m
| 1. 0 > 15. 0 (0. 5)
| 10. 0
| m
| Throttle time constant factor for landing
Comment: Set this parameter to < 1. 0 to=" " make=" " the=" " tecs=" " throttle=" " loop react=" " faster=" " during=" " landing=" " than=" " normal=" " flight=" " (i. e. =" " giving=" " efficiency=" " and=" " low=" " motor=" " wear=" " at=" " high=" " altitudes=" " but=" " control=" " accuracy=" " landing). =" " landing, =" " time=" " constant=" " (fw_t_thro_const)=" " is=" " multiplied=" " by=" " this=" " value. < =" " p=" " >
| 0. 2 > 1. 0 (0. 1)
| 1. 0
| Landing throttle limit altitude (relative landing altitude)
Comment: Default of -1. 0 lets the system default to applying throttle limiting at 2/3 of the flare altitude.
| -1. 0 > 30. 0 (0. 5)
| -1. 0
| m
| Use terrain estimate during landing
Comment: This is turned off by default and a waypoint or return altitude is normally used (or sea level for an arbitrary land position).
| Positive pitch limit
Comment: The maximum positive pitch the controller will output.
| 0. 0 > 60. 0 (0. 5)
| 45. 0
| deg
| Negative pitch limit
Comment: The minimum negative pitch the controller will output.
| -60. 0 > 0. 0 (0. 5)
| -45. 0
| deg
| Controller roll limit
Comment: The maximum roll the controller will output.
| 35. 0 > 65. 0 (0. 5)
| 50. 0
| deg
| Scale throttle by pressure change
Comment: Automatically adjust throttle to account for decreased air density at higher altitudes. Start with a scale factor of 1. 0 and adjust for different propulsion systems. When flying without airspeed sensor this will help to keep a constant performance over large altitude ranges. The default value of 0 will disable scaling.
| 0. 0 > 10. 0 (0. 1)
| 0. 0
| Cruise throttle
Comment: This is the throttle setting required to achieve the desired cruise speed. Most airframes have a value of 0. 5-0. 7.
| 0. 0 > 1. 0 (0. 01)
| 0. 6
| norm
| Idle throttle
Comment: This is the minimum throttle while on the ground For aircraft with internal combustion engine this parameter should be set above desired idle rpm.
| 0. 0 > 0. 4 (0. 01)
| 0. 15
| norm
| Throttle limit during landing below throttle limit altitude
Comment: During the flare of the autonomous landing process, this value will be set as throttle limit when the aircraft altitude is below FW_LND_TLALT.
| 0. 0 > 1. 0 (0. 01)
| 1. 0
| norm
| Throttle limit max
Comment: This is the maximum throttle % that can be used by the controller. For overpowered aircraft, this should be reduced to a value that provides sufficient thrust to climb at the maximum pitch angle PTCH_MAX.
| 0. 0 > 1. 0 (0. 01)
| 1. 0
| norm
| Throttle limit min
Comment: This is the minimum throttle % that can be used by the controller. For electric aircraft this will normally be set to zero, but can be set to a small non-zero value if a folding prop is fitted to prevent the prop from folding and unfolding repeatedly in-flight or to provide some aerodynamic drag from a turning prop to improve the descent rate. For aircraft with internal combustion engine this parameter should be set for desired idle rpm.
| 0. 0 > 1. 0 (0. 01)
| 0. 0
| norm
| Throttle max slew rate
Comment: Maximum slew rate for the commanded throttle
| 0. 0 > 1. 0
| 0. 0